Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 131: Shocked Grand Master

   Nuwa took away Fen Jixi and the sword...

But Su Yi did not allow Solanum to go with her. After all, although she trusted her very much, she did not say it clearly, but it meant that I could not repair this sword, but I knew a friend. , He may have a way.

   How could Su Yi allow Solanum to follow her to meet someone she doesn't understand at all?

You know, although Solanum has a physical body now, but because of her unique experience, no matter which weapon she is now integrated into, she can be said to be the best weapon spirit. With such a special physique, in case that person is moved, Didn't I lose my wife and broke down?

   is precisely because of this...

Facing the curious sight of Dragon Kwai, Su Yi simply explained: "What is missing on the sword body is not the sword spirit, but the hostile spirit that relies on it to be driven out. Just find other hostile spirits or Fill it in with similar substances, and Fen Jixi and the sword will be able to return to their previous realms, so it doesn’t make any difference whether you are there or not. Besides, you haven’t come out for so long to bubbling, don’t you plan to accompany your master brother properly? "

At the end, Su Yi pretended to put on a look of aggrieved look, and sighed: "So in Xiaokui's eyes, I have such a lack of status, and I don't want to stay with me for a while... Sure enough, my brother is not a dear. So it’s incomparable to that kid Sedum."

   "This... of course not..."

Hearing Su Yi's obviously ridiculous remark at the end, Solanum was ashamed, but also afraid that Su Yi would misunderstand him, and hurriedly defended: "I...I certainly want to be with my master's brother, and, I also think it’s really nice that the master’s brother is not a real brother, so I don’t have that kind of idea."

   "That's good, let's go, my brother will take you to stroll around this Chaoge, and by the way, take you to see how your brother is doing now."

Su Yi pulled up and heard that he was going to a place with a lot of people, and suddenly became a little timid nightshade. He laughed and walked outside...After all, since Miss Yunxiao has already said it, it is estimated that she is not 70% sure. For Su Yi, this was naturally an unexpected joy. The Fen Jixi He sword, which was supposed to be completely destroyed, could be repaired...

   Now this sword for Suning, although it is not powerful enough, it has followed him for too long and too long, and it has already followed him before he entered the path of immortality.

From the Fire Lin Sword to the Blood Devouring Bead, then the Xi He Sword, and the Fen Ji Sword, to the current Fen Ji Xi He Sword, I don’t know how many times it has been upgraded, and how many crises it has helped me solve. It’s almost impossible to face this Said it is a weapon like a relative, he is naturally extremely emotional.

   Therefore, Su Yi at this time should not be in a good mood.

   Even if at this time Nuwa was crying in front of her and apologized and admitted her mistake, from the face of Queen Xi, I could not forgive her.

   Seeing the nightshade who had always been by his side obediently, and even sometimes didn't have any sense of existence, he felt compassion for him, so he directly pulled the timid nightshade and went out to play.

   "Master brother...I...I am afraid..."

   and just walked out of the gate of Miyagi, not many steps forward, past the area where the rich and powerful people lived, there was a hustle and bustle on the face.

Dragon Kwai immediately hid behind Su Yi, looking timidly at the countless civilians in coarse clothes outside. The little sword spirit girl who had never been afraid of hundreds of thousands of magic soldiers at the beginning, now it is normal for a group of people. Feel scared in his daily life.

   This strong contrast makes Su Yiguai amused.

   But from the bottom of my heart, I feel more pity for this little girl who has been hidden in the sword and rarely comes out.

I remember that because I was sorry for her life experience, when I first got her, I asked her to come out to accompany my family. At that time, she looked like a timidity. At that time, she was almost only able to play with the baby Ryuuji. ...

What a poor girl, now Long Er has grown up and has complicated thoughts that even his father can't understand, but you still look timid, let Long Er see it, I'm afraid I'm going to laugh at you again.

   Thinking, Su Yi took the hand of the nightshade, smiled softly at her, and then led her into the noisy crowd.

Along the way, she kept pointing to the different scenery and the goods sold by the vendors from the places where they went before... And the friendly smiles of the surrounding people, and the stunning eyes of the nightshade's exquisite appearance, were not mixed in. Mixed with any ugly desires, it makes the nightshade, who is naturally extremely sensitive, relax a lot.

   Gradually, the delicate body that was clinging to Su Yi's body gradually moved away a little bit, mixing in the crowd. Slowly, she seemed to have begun to let go of her guard against strangers.


   Not to mention Su Yi's fun with Solanum, Nuwa's mood is really terrible.

no way……

   came to ask, can you feel good?

According to Nuwa’s arrogant temperament in the past, she was always begged for, and she was always reluctant to bow her head, but now I don’t know how to do it, thinking that Su Yi would accidentally ruin his sword. Detesting herself in the bottom of her heart made her feel uncomfortable for a while. Compared with that, she might as well ask for help to make her feel more comfortable...

   At the very least, I can't let that nasty guy scold me one by one, but I can't answer it, it's really damnable.

   Nuwa thought with dissatisfaction in her heart.

   Purposeful flying in the clouds, it didn't take a long time...Dala Tianxuan Dudong Bajing Palace was already in front of you.

   Like the Tao disorder today, no matter how strong the power is, it can no longer calculate the future and the past. It has no effect on ordinary people, but for those extremely powerful powers, it is very inconvenient.

At least……

   Taishang Laojun could not figure out the sudden visit of Nuwa Empress, because of this.

   After feeling the breath that Nuwa deliberately released.

The only disciple of the Taishang Laojun, Master Xuandu rushed out of the Bajing Palace, kneeled respectfully to Nuwa, and said: "The disciple doesn't know how to drive the Niang Niang, and he hasn't been able to welcome him in time. He still hopes Niang Niang Haihan. "

   Nuwa said: "It's okay, I'm here to find your master."

   "The teacher is already waiting in the palace, mother, please."

   Nuwa nodded. At this time, she had completely restored the majestic style of the Nuwa Empress, her face was peaceful and quiet, and her manners were varied, and she slowly walked into the palace.

And until her figure completely disappeared in the palace, the Great Master Xuandu dared to get up. As the only direct disciple of Laozi, his status was even higher than that of the Antarctic Immortal Weng, but he could face this legendary When Nuwa Empress, his nervous palm was sweaty.

   Hakjing Palace.

Although it is a palace, it is completely different from Nüwa's Nüwa Palace. If Nüwa Palace is magnificent and magnificent, then these Eight Jinggong Palaces do not see a brick and a tile, but as if they were opened in the void, surrounded by everything. They are all endless void Haoqiong, and there is almost no end in sight.

   And Taishang Laojun is sitting in the middle of this void, the futon under the seat is suspended in the air, like the center of the eight palaces.

He noticed that Nu Wa came in, her long eyebrows trembled slightly, and a kind smile appeared on her face. Tai Shang Lao Jun, the chief inspector, smiled and said: "Nu Wa is here, the old way is too far to welcome ~ also Hope for forgiveness."

   "It's okay, anyway, I'm looking for you, I have something to do."

   "That's natural. The Nuwa Empress has always been doing everything in the Three Treasures Palace. Since she comes to find the old way, there will be things naturally, but it doesn't hurt to say that as long as the old way can do it, she will definitely not refuse."

   "Okay, then I won't be polite to you."

Nuwa directly took out a crystal clear blood-red long sword from his sleeve, handed it over, and asked in a serious face: "I want to ask you, this sword contains endless hostility, but I accidentally The time has been cleaned and eliminated, causing it to become an empty shell and its power is greatly reduced. Taishang, you are the most knowledgeable. I don't know if there is any way to restore its original power?"

  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

   was originally an ordinary question. Although Nuwa had tried to soften her voice as much as she could because she wanted to ask others, she did not expect the reaction of the other person to be far beyond her expectation.

Seeing the Taishang Laojun's pupils shrunk, he almost jumped up from the futon in shock. He looked at the sword in Nuwa's hand and said in surprise: "This...this sword, this is...Fen Ji Xihe sword? Where did you get this sword?"

   Nuwa: "……………………………………”

   Why is this sword strange?


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