Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 132: There are so many aliases 1 must be because of too many romantic debts

Seeing that the qualitativeness of Taishang Laojun for many years of Qingxiu was completely gone, and he was in a mess because of a sword, Nu Wa's heart was also shocked, and she inexplicably remembered a conversation that happened about a few months ago.

It seems that Li Jing's wife had given birth to a child at that time, so Su Yi actually took out the pill, and said that it was made by Taishang Laojun... And Li Jing actually believed that it was Taishang Laojun.

And now, looking at the serious appearance of the Taishang Laojun, could it be that Su Yi has nothing to do with Taishang Laojun?

Nuwa suddenly felt that she seemed to be too reckless. If this Taishang Laojun had enmity or resentment with Su Yi, wouldn't she harm him?

At the moment, my heart has already secretly decided that if the two really have hatred, then I can't say this Liangzi, I have to carry that guy down, after all, I exposed him to the front of Taishang Laojun.

Not to mention the small activities in Nuwa's heart.

At this time, Taishang Laojun, looking at that familiar sword, he was completely shocked and inexplicable.

Although I have already realized that I may not be alone in this weird situation, but when I really encounter something I have been familiar with...the shock in my heart is still not something that can be suppressed by years of Qingxiu.

Not to mention, this blood-red long sword, I have naturally seen it.

In another memory of his own, isn't that guy holding this blood-red long sword and another thunderous silver long sword, fighting the monkey?

At that time, I even beaten back the diamond bracelet I had thrown away after refusing my help, which made myself feel distressed for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this sword would appear in Nuwa's hands?


He asked the question that should be the most concerned at the moment, "Is the empress, you eliminated the grievances on this sword?"

Could it be that the guy still had a fight with the Nuwa Empress?

Taishang Laojun thought secretly in his heart.

And Nu Wa hesitated for a while, Xin Dao didn't seem to have a grudge, and now that he can repair this sword, as far as I know, only Taishang Laojun.

Nothing, it's a big deal, I just ask three questions.

I immediately replied: "This...I accidentally eliminated the grievances on this sword, and then I didn't expect its power to be greatly reduced. I want to restore its power. I wonder if you have any suggestions, Laojun."

"Repair is naturally possible. I just don't know, how does the mother plan to repair it?"

The old gentleman returned to his former indifferent expression, smiled and gently stroked the long sword in his hand, what a vigorous weapon, but now, it is almost broken, without the strong hostility inside, this sword, It's just an empty shell.

It's just that the sword is already like this, so what happened to someone?

Are he and this Nu Wa empress friend or foe?

The Supreme Master asked: "Is it just to restore the power of this sword? It's very simple. Let the Lao Dao personally go to Styx for a while. It is the most filthy and filthy place in the world, and there are so many hostility and grievances. The veteran can ingest it into the sword secretly, and fill the missing in the sword...when it can be restored to the previous level."

Nu Wa raised her brows high, "Then what if it's not just?"

"Not just... to strengthen this sword?"

The old gentleman said with a smile: "There is also a way. Although the resentment and hostility in this sword are missing, the texture of the sword is very strong, and it is full of hostility and resentment. The strong yang and resentment are combined. It was a pity that it also restricted the subsequent development. According to the old view, although this sword refining technique is not bad, it is obviously fueled by the fouling. It is better to abandon the so-called hostility and use other To fill the emptiness in the sword."

Nuwa pondered for a while and asked, "What is it?"

Taishang Laojun glanced at Nuwa and said, "Naturally, it is the most powerful force of the sun. I believe that if this is the case, this sword will definitely be able to make this sword more handy in the hands of its owner, and in the future, it will not happen like a mother accidentally Touching this sword, and then purifying its power again, after all... the mana of the empress is too vast, like a sea, I am afraid that the old way will drain the entire Styx, and it will not survive. Live your scourge."

"The power of the most powerful sun replaces hostility?"

Nuwa pondered to herself.

I don’t understand the method of forging weapons, but the words of Taishang Laojun seem to be reasonable, and Su Yi is good at rainbow transformation. When he started to use himself, there seemed to be golden flames splashing in his palms. The golden flame seems to be the only true fire in the legendary sun.

Is this guy not only related to himself, but also to the legendary Golden Crow?

Then if the power of this sword is to be increased to the strongest level, I am afraid only...

She asked, "What if I replace the endless hostility with the real fire of the Golden Crow?"

"The sun is really hot?"

Taishang Laojun couldn't help but show a wise smile on his mouth, and said: "If it is possible, naturally it would be appropriate... But for now, since Houyi shot the sun that year, the Golden Crow seems to have been cut off from the world. It's time."

"I have my own way..."

Nuwa snorted, with a bit of resentment on her face, her heart said that if you broke your weapon this time, I must return you ten times stronger. Even if you encounter it again, I will never If you were to be ruined like before, if you dare to call me a **** or something, I will have to be stubborn with you. Even if Queen Mother helps you intercede, don't think I forgive you.

"Then return this sword to me first, next time I will bring a golden crow over..."

Nu Wa took Fen Jixi and the sword back, and asked, "By the way, those who want to die must live?"

Taishang Laojun smiled and said, "Live the best."

There was no surprise in the expression on his face.

The son of the Emperor of Heaven in ancient legends, one of the only ten golden crows left today, speaking to Nuwa and Laojun, is as casual as a lamb to be slaughtered.

They naturally have this capital to say so, and the years of indifferent careers have made them to the point where they can ignore her life and death.

"Okay... Then just wait for me, I will be back soon."

Nuwa took back Fen Jixi and the sword, turned around and left.

And the old monarch Taishang was behind, and through the dialogue just now, he had discovered a lot of information. He said: "Yes, Niang Niang, wait for this sword to be repaired, remember to say hello to the **** of justice for the old way Great old gentleman greetings."

Nu Wa turned her head and said in confusion: "Judicial God? Who is it?"

"Nothing...I just wanted to ask if the empress knew a man named Yang Jian."

Nu Wa said flatly: "I don't know."

However, I have already confirmed it in my heart. I am afraid that Yang Jian, just like Di Xin, is the pseudonym of Su Yi, right?

This guy, there are so many fake names, because he incurs too many romantic debts, so do you want to change the fake names to avoid debts?

Thinking about it, Nuwa's face showed a bit of resentment unconsciously.

Taishang Laojun laughed but didn't say anything, but everything was silent. Just kidding, I don't know if you are an old man. Is the **** of justice the best at transforming the rainbow and the sun?

When you take the initiative to mention the real fire of the sun, you silently admit that you have a great relationship with him.

Unexpectedly, this guy is so powerful. He confuses Queen Mother Xi before and makes her treat him well almost like her own son. Now in this strange plane, has she confuse Empress Nuwa again?

"It seems that in the future I need to mention the younger brother, don't provoke the man named Yang Jian, if you provoke, I am afraid that you will offend this careful woman."

I have to mention that at this point, Laojun Taishang and Queen Mother Xi had reached a resonance by accident, and both thought that the Nuwa Empress was a bit cautious.

And now...

Nuwa has already flown towards the Heavenly Palace of the High No way, how powerful is the Rainbow Transformation technique, and who else knows better than someone who has seen Su Yi's speed? ?

And I remember that the guy seemed to live in seclusion in West Kunlun, and West Kunlun, but the site of the West Queen Mother, the woman lived in West Kunlun for so many years, who said that she had no means of hiding, who would believe?

It seems that it is more cost-effective to find a helper.

And that guy is his most suitable helper!

Anyway, I am helping you man in repairing the sword... You won't be able to do it without helping.

Nu Wa thought a little unpleasantly in her heart. (To be continued...)


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