Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 135: You have been sold by your sister

Hearing this Bi Xiao suddenly popped out such an untouched sentence...

Yuwentuo and Dugu Ningke looked at each other. They didn't understand what was going on. Why did they suddenly recognize each other by slapped?

Zhao Gongming smiled bitterly, didn't he say not to say it? Why did your mouth just call out this name as if you didn't close the door, if you misunderstand then, Bi Xiao, wait for your sister to kill you.

However, Lu Xueqi didn't mean to be jealous, but a smiling smile appeared on her face... Brother-in-law, so the Yunxiao girl who came as a guest the day before was these three or two girls. 'S sister? And she is still with brother...

Sure enough, Ryuuji was right. How could he have ordinary female friends? Really, the brother is still secretly hiding and tucking it, which is too stingy for us to look at.

And Su Yi blinked in confusion, and said in confusion, "What? What do you call me?"


Bi Xiao naturally said: "What? Do you still want to not admit it?"

"No... don't admit it or something..."

Su Yi subconsciously put aside his face. If it was before, or even yesterday, he could naturally say that this was just a misunderstanding. We two were innocent and had nothing...but we just experienced the conversation in the morning. There is close contact between two people...

Thinking of the beautiful and gentle woman in white smiling softly at herself, Yuxiao Yanran blamed herself for calling her Miss Yunxiao... and heard that her weapon was damaged, she immediately helped herself to repair it without any hesitation. Ask the reason, and don't ask the cause and effect at all. As long as it is your business, I will do it for you sincerely.

And most importantly, I was obsessed with ghosts before, and she was not angry with her like that. You must know that in ancient times, physical contact between a woman and a man could be considered cheating, but she...

This performance is clearly...

Thinking about it, Su Yi suddenly became more guilty.

And seeing Su Yi’s guilty conscience, Bi Xiao was more sure about her previous guess with her second sister, took two steps forward, patted Su Yi’s shoulder, and smiled: “Don’t worry, I thought you might not be worthy before. My eldest sister, especially your family has a beautiful family... My eldest sister may not be willing to serve her husband together, even if you do, your concubine may not be..."

Lu Xueqi said indifferently: "Look at what I do? He does whatever he likes. I will only support him, but I will not dismantle his hind legs."

Yuwentuo clasped his fist and said, "My wife is generous, Yuwentuo admires her."

Dugu Ningke dissatisfied next to him: "What do you admire? The brother Su who admires you has such a good wife? Do you want me to..."

", I just said it casually, and didn't mean anything else."

Yuwen Tuo, who had always been indifferent in front of Dugu Ningke in the past, seemed to become frightened after being taken down by Dugu Ningke, and apologized with wry smiles.

And Bi Xiao continued: "Before I thought you were humble, because you confuse your eldest sister's mind with your three-inch tongue, which made her fall in love with you. I never thought you were so powerful. Don't worry, brother-in-law, I support you and My sister is together."


Su Yi smiled bitterly, did you support it before he even wrote his heart? Do you not ask her opinion?

"What? Not confident in yourself?"

Bi Xiao smiled and said: "Do you know? Didn't you see my eldest sister some time ago? But in fact, at that time, she found a reason with us and said it was a retreat, and then secretly ran to find you, even elder brother. It's... not a dear after all..."

With a helpless expression on his face, Zhao Gongming sighed loudly. What is the big brother? Am I so unbearable in your eyes?

Qiong Xiao continued: "But we Sanxiao are sisters. We have been together since we had our own wisdom. We have never been apart for even a moment. But she even both of us are sisters for you. Lie, you should know your position in her mind, right?"


Su Yi was slightly shocked, but her heart suddenly came to her head. No wonder that during the meeting some time ago, she obviously felt someone tracking herself behind her back, and then found out that it was her. She said it was a coincidence, so she believed... But now it seems that the self at the time was not an illusion at all, she was really following herself.

And the reason turned out to be...

Could it be that she was so affectionate for me? How does this make me feel it?

He sighed: "Since Bi Xiao, you have said so, then I am not hypocritical... Don't worry, if I really get married with your elder sister in the future, I will never let her down.

"This is my good brother-in-law."

Bi Xiao laughed happily, with a sly smile, "Brother-in-law, are you embarrassed to tell your sister-in-law about your younger sister-in-law? This golden Jiao scissors..."

"Huh, you girl, you are waiting for me here."

Su Yi smiled, "Sorry, you called me brother-in-law, and I have more obligation to discipline you. Then I can't give you this thing."

"Ah... why is this..."

Zhao Gongming laughed heartily, "That's it, brother-in-law, I didn't think I would become relatives with Friends Yuwen Dao's best friend, good brother-in-law... In the future, you can't be too spoiled with this girl, you have to be disciplined It’s not for her, Yunxiao’s temperament is gentle, although she disciplines them not to let them do evil, but she doesn’t know how to teach them how to behave in the world. Now that you are here, I can rest assured."

Bi Xiao said angrily: "Big Brother... why are you helping him deal with your sister?"

Zhao Gongming smiled and said: "Who made me not kiss? That is different from me, he is your brother-in-law..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Not bad."

After Bi Xiao's uproar, it was obvious that there was nothing between the two, but Su Yi actually felt that between the two, it seemed that they had really become a husband and wife, especially with such a naughty and self-willed sister-in-law. It's so real.

He smiled and said: "But since you call me that way, as your own family, you don't have to be polite with me. If you have any needs in the future, or if you do something wrong, even if you come to me, I can help you stop. Now."

Su Yi's indifferent description always carried a confident look on his face. He naturally had the foundation of confidence. Even Bi Xiao had no ability to resist in front of him. What about other people?

Except for the top people among the second-generation disciples...

After all, Yunxiao is so powerful. Others such as Lu Ya, Kong Xuan and others who are not inferior to Yunxiao...

But I still have a **** stone yet to come out.


Su Yi sighed dejectedly. It seemed that he had to find a new weapon.

Although the protection of the sacred stone is almost invincible in the world, but its lethality is insufficient, even if Fen Jixi and the sword are now repaired, I am afraid that they will gradually fail to keep up with their own footsteps... Of course, this cannot be said to Xiaokui, otherwise, she I am afraid I will cry, right?

This cowardly little girl always wants to be by her side...

What weapon are you looking for?

This is a problem...

Su Yi was in distress for a long time to think about it, nothing else, it's a big deal, I still use my three-pointed two-bladed gun, anyway, with the memory of Yang Jian fully recovered, it belongs to Yang Jian Du Some marksmanship are also in my memory.

Bi Xiao was overjoyed when he heard Su Yi's words. He thought that the strength of this brother-in-law was much stronger than that of the elder sister. With him, I am afraid that no matter who I offend in the future, I can find him to protect me, right? At that time, what misfortune is there to do?

Qiong Xiao also nodded in satisfaction. Although this brother-in-law has more women, he is still quite responsible. It seems that the eldest sister really has no entrustment to be inhuman.

Poor Yunxiao, who is cultivating in the Mountain and River Shejitu, hoping to break through the bottleneck, knows that her two younger sisters have sold her directly...Shengsheng found her a husband...

At this moment, she was just confused and strange. Why did she suddenly feel that this picture of the mountains and rivers seems to be hot?

In a short while, sweat was already dripping.

Could it be... Is this the test Nuwa Empress gave herself?

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