Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 136: The 2 most powerful women in the world

To fill the emptiness in Fen Jixihe and the sword with real fire from the sun is naturally not Nu Wa's temporary intention, but she has seen that guy perform the Rainbow Transformation technique with her own eyes, the number one in the Three Realms that only the Golden Crow can perform. Escape.

She is almost certain that this Su Yi is definitely not the Golden Crow, but he and the Golden Crow definitely have some relationship...

So, if I integrate the Golden Crow's unique solar fire into his sword, it should match his power better?

Hmph, my Nuwa will do it, so naturally I will do the best. It is not to return Su Yi's strongest weapon. It is just my identity. I am not allowed to return a weapon that is the same as before. .


Sure enough, we still need help.

Nu Wa flew up to the palace of Lingxiao.

Her status was noble, and no one dared to stop her. Even after seeing Empress Nuwa personally visiting the palace, the heavenly soldiers knelt down on the ground respectfully, and even dared not go to the newspaper...

Nu Wa walked in so leisurely.

All the way to Yaochi...

My old friend has always been very lazy, if he is not in her West Kunlun, then he must be nestling in this Yaochi.

Sure enough, from far away, he saw the delicate and beautiful woman tasting wine leisurely.

When she saw herself coming, her first reaction was to hide her wine glass directly for...?

Nuwa suddenly became angry, what kind of broken wine glass, I will steal you? You woman, can you not think that all women in the world are as boring as you?

Seeing Empress Nuwa personally approaching, Queen Mother Xi had no response, but a smiling smile appeared on her mouth, and she nodded slightly as a greeting.

The other maids didn't have the guts, and hurriedly bowed down respectfully.

After that, Xiao Qi offered tea with a smile, and Long Ji respectfully stood aside. After all, Nuwa has always been in the Three Treasures Palace...

It’s just that even if they knew something in advance, there must be something, but when the three of them heard of Nuwa’s purpose, they couldn’t help being surprised. Even Queen Mother Xi was shocked and confused: "You want to catch Lu Ya? Why? Did he offend you?"

"Not offending him is another way of saying, I want to arrest him, do I still need a reason? I wanted to arrest him."

Nuwa said: "I don't have to look at his power, but the rainbow transformation technique is not to be underestimated. If I am alone, I am afraid I can't catch him, even if there is a picture of the mountain and river, before I open it. , He can also run without a trace in an instant."

Thinking of the speed of Su Yi I've seen before... Nu Wa really has a headache.

"So you thought of me..."

"Yes, West Kunlun is your territory. According to your woman's habit of keeping everything, West Kunlun must have hidden means. Now, when it's time to take it out, Lu Ya lives in your West Kunlun all year round. , Don't you feel bored?"

Queen Mother Xi said in amazement: "Mother Nu Wa personally asked Queen Mother Xi to help catch a man. It's really... Nu Wa, can you tell me frankly, did he abandon you all the time?"

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Nuwa suddenly became furious, "If you don't help, you won't help. The big deal is that I will cover all of the West Kunlun Mountains directly in the picture of the mountain and river shrine... But in this way, your home, I am afraid that you will also have to count the Sun Zhen Turned into ruins in the fire, I just came to you for help thinking of your friendship, you dare to say such shameless things to me, you think I..."

She wanted to say you thought that if I didn’t do it for your man, I was so hard, but I don’t know how to do it. This sentence slipped around, but I couldn’t say it, as if I said it, I lost Up general.

She angrily said: "Anyway, to help or not to help, in one sentence, dare to say something witty to me... Don't think I will let you go."

Western Queen:"………………………………"

Looking at Nu Wa who seemed to be so angry that she couldn't even stand, Queen Mother Xi was a little confused. Why couldn't this woman take gunpowder? If it were in the past, it is estimated that she would say at least a mere sentence of Golden Crow, and she deserves delusion to end this topic, but today... the response is wrong...

But after all, it was because of the joke that I had gone too far, so I hurriedly apologized, and then patted my chest to promise to rest assured that I would never let the little golden crow fly out of the palms of you and me.

Nuwa is better...

At the moment, Long Ji and Xiao Qi were ordered to stay in Yaochi, and Nuwa and Xi Wangmu flew in the direction of West Kunlun.

Where to go...

Looking at the violent wind and snow in Kunlun, Queen Mother West was in the wind and snow, but she did not touch any traces of snow, but she showed a sorrowful expression on her face. She sighed, "It's hard to imagine. I live in this place where birds don’t shit. How did I persevere in so many years?"

"Yeah... I have a man... Of course, there is no need to be alone in the vacant room, but recently, why didn't you see your little lover?"

I don't know why, Nu Wa always seems to like to refer to Su Yi's body...especially when facing this Queen Mother of the West.

Queen Mother Xi was also keenly aware of this problem, but she didn't think too much, just lamented: "What can I do? You won't let me tell Erlang any news about you. I don't know what you plan to do, but I believe You will insist on what you promised me and won’t hurt Jiro, so I won’t say anything to Jiro, but you also know my mouth. What if I’m afraid I’ll miss it?"

"Will you be so kind?"

Nu Wa looked at her good girlfriend contemptuously. You have been an old friend who has been thinking about it for many years. Do you still want to lie to me? Maybe it was because of other reasons, but she didn't say much, just waved her hand and said: "Go ahead, cover up the entire West Kunlun. I want the Rainbow Transformation technique to not escape the realm of West Kunlun. "


Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief quietly when she heard Nu Wa no longer questioning. She also knew that this reason could not be concealed from Nu Wa, but she couldn't help it. It was because... She really didn't know how to face that child. .

It happened that the child seemed to be very determined now. He didn't hesitate to act on himself when he saw him. Don't you guy know that I and your mother were good sisters back then? Don't you know I am your aunt?

Doesn’t identity feel any obstacle?

That's it... I'll just calm down and talk.

First help Nuwa catch this Lu Ya...Although I have no grievances with this guy, and even had a lot of fate back then, who let you provoke my good friends, Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi The two most powerful women in the world join forces, who can handle it?


Queen Mother West stretched out her hand, and the entire Kunlun Mountains shook suddenly, and the tragic wind and snow suddenly stopped. The snow floated in the air, and the wind stagnated. The branches that were crumbling by the snow seemed to suddenly change. The fine iron is average, and there is no more wavering.

As if...time in Kunlun Mountain stopped.

Queen Mother West turned her head and smiled: "After living in West Kunlun for so many years, I haven't always been at home and eating and waiting to die. At least, the most basic formation is still made. The effect is not great, but the whole West Kunlun The mountains are all included in the formation, the inside can't get out, the outside can't get in... it's that simple."

"That's enough."

Nuwa stretched out her hand, UU reading, an exquisite picture scroll has fallen into her hand, she smiled and said: "My picture of mountains, rivers and shrines is a world in itself. It may be a problem to accept the whole world. , But a small West Kunlun Mountain is still nothing to say."

As the words fell, the pictures of the mountains and rivers swelled up in the wind, quickly covering the world. The mountains, rivers, scenes and objects in the scroll quickly turned into real objects... and it can even be clearly seen that on one of the fairy mountains, one The delicate woman in white is practicing with her eyes closed.

Queen Xi said in surprise: "Huh? There is someone in the painting? Who is she?"

"It's just a big deal."

Nuwa answered casually, waved, and Shanhe Sheji Tu immediately enveloped West Kunlun...

And now...

In a cave in West Kunlun.

A bright-looking middle-aged man suddenly opened his closed eyes, and said in bewilderment: "Huh? Why suddenly the spirit of West Kunlun is so rich?"

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