Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 152: Without such a temporary addition

Finding that the person here is really a woman, Su Yi's last worry was also let go.

If it is a woman, my baby girl will not be taken advantage of. Without the tools to commit crimes, I will be relieved.

At the moment, holding bad eyes, constantly persuading Boyi to take a drink... and sent a few dancers out to accompany the dancers, and there was music to accompany them, and the atmosphere was truly harmonious.

Three rounds of wine.

Guanyin was already a little drunk.

But Su Yi's expression remained the same.

Thinking silently in my heart, it seems that we can start the next stage...

Just about to speak, something unexpected happened.

"Your Majesty, don't drink so much alcohol, it hurts you to get drunk."

Zhao Linger approached Su Yi with a gentle face, Yingying knelt down and forcibly took down the wine glass in his hand, and smiled: "How about a concubine picking food for your majesty?"

With that, he was cuddling sideways in front of Guanyin, and sitting directly in Su Yi's arms.

Su Yi: "…………………………"

He was confused for a while, and said in confusion, "Uh...Ling'er, what are you... doing?"

This is not in line with the plot. What I want is for the two of you to be my background, then let the Guanyin determine the target of the strategy, and then directly give her a crit... You... how do you forcibly add drama to yourself ?

"My concubine, this is for your majesty to pick up food."

Zhao Linger smiled more and more charmingly, reached out and took a quick barbecue from the table, carefully tore it into meat strips, then twisted a small piece, carefully blew it, and tasted the temperature in the mouth. Yi handed it over with his lips, turned his back to Guanyin's face, and blinked at Su Yi, revealing a mischievous smile. More, it was watery as if to overflow with tenderness.

Su Yi glanced at Guanyin with an awkward look on his face next to him. He was also a little embarrassed subconsciously. This girl is bullying that there is an outsider present, so I dare not pull her over and spank her directly?

At the moment, I had to smile bitterly: "This concubine Gu is good at everything, but she is a little obsessed."

"This... I saw it."

Boyi took a test, or Guanyin lowered his head with a wry smile.

What should I do if I feel a little embarrassed because of that familiar face?

At this time, Zhao Linger's barbecue was already handed to Su Yi's lips. She didn't open her mouth to see him. She smiled and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you eat it? Do you want to let your concubine use your mouth to feed you like before? ...Oh no, there are still people here...Forget it, your majesty, you are really wayward, and your concubines have to..."

"I eat!"

Su Yi directly bit the roasted meat in Zhao Linger's hand into his mouth, chewed a few times, and then smiled: "The roasted meat fed by Concubine Ai is really good. It reminds me of the taste of fried pork with bamboo shoots. In the next day, surely. Please have a good taste."

"Yes... the concubine likes eating barbecue with your majesty the most."

Zhao Linger didn't care at all, but twisted another piece of barbecue, and smiled: "It's just that your Majesty seems to be a little unwilling to let go today. Before, he obviously even ate the oil on people's fingers, but today..."

Su Yi: "…………………………"

Suddenly, I felt that asking this girl for help was my worst decision. She couldn't be as clever as Long Er...

"His Majesty."

Suddenly, a sweet and greasy voice came from the other direction.


Su Yi just turned his head and was startled suddenly.

A fragrant wind hit, his lips were directly blocked, and the pretty face that was close at hand, with an air of self-defeating self-defeating, more, but unspeakable shyness.

There is a soft touch on the lips, which is as soft as the most tender jelly.

I was forced to kiss.


I was strongly kissed by Ryuuji.

Su Yi looked at Xiao Long Nu’s shy face, feeling that through the other's soft lips, a flexible tongue opened his teeth, and then a mellow liquid flowed down to him. Mouth.

Is it wine?

She mouth to mouth to feed me?

Still sticking out your tongue?

At this time, the wine has been fed...

As if afraid that the wine would spill out, the little dragon girl finally licked left and right, and then let go of her mouth, and smiled: "Your Majesty is really true. In the past, it was clear that your concubines would feed you this way. Why are you using wine glasses today...?"

As he said, his face turned even redder.

With provocation in his eyes, he looked at Zhao Linger.

It seems that she was upset that Zhao Linger temporarily added drama to herself, so she started to **** the drama.

Zhao Linger's face was weird, as if shocked, with a little envy, and more, but high-spirited fighting spirit.

The two women looked at each other, and in a moment, they seemed to have spoken a thousand words.

Then Zhao Linger picked up the barbecue again, did he have any new tricks?

Xiaolongnv also picked up the jug, do you still want to feed it?

Su Yi coughed dryly, and smiled at Guanyin, who was looking down at the side to study how many ants were on the ground: "Aiqing laughed. The two lonely concubines like fighting each other most, regardless of the occasion and location. , It made Aiqing read the joke."

"No... the two empresses are deeply affectionate for your Majesty, and the subordinates admire them."

What can Guanyin say? I can only meet with a wry smile...

But the bottom of my heart is more assured, these two empresses are really the most suitable candidates.

After all, from the tone of that Majesty Emperor Xin, he could hear the pampering of these two empresses... If they... I'm afraid he would be furious, right?

And this time.

Su Yi each held the hands of the two little girls who were inexplicably competitive and asked them not to mess around, and smiled and said, "By the way, Aiqing, I invite you to drink today. In fact, there are important things. I wonder if Aiqing can tell."

Guanyin arched his hands and said: "Your Majesty has something to say, and the ministers know everything and say nothing."

Su Yi put on a distressed look, "That's it. A few days ago, Aiqing sent three treasures of Xiqi, can you remember?"

"Of course you remember."

"The problem lies with the white ape."

Su Yi said: "These three treasures were given to these two concubines for fun. The other two are fine, but the white ape always makes a melodious piano sound from time to time. Vague, very beautiful, these two concubines listened every day these days, but because of this, they had the thought of practicing piano, so I wanted to ask, Aiqing, the sound of your white ape is obviously headless and tailless. It is certainly not self-study, but a skill taught by others, but it may be incomplete because of the nature of the beast. I dare to ask Aiqing, where is the master who taught the sound of the white ape piano?"

It really came.

Guanyin suddenly had a thought of wanting to cry.

She still thinks that her plan is no longer valid... No one has come to find her for so long. Could it be that the tempting buddha sound that she hid in the sound of the piano is invalid?

You know, the reason why I let a woman come here to confuse a concubine of a king is because only his own heart can confuse her with the sound of Buddha, and he can confuse her mind silently. Although the ape has not learned enough, But it is enough to confuse an ordinary person.

Didn't you expect the minds of these two concubines to be so firm?

Guanyin brought some admiration in his heart.

Although this Di Xin looks similar to her old deceased, she hesitated for a long time, but after all, now the arrow is on the string, and she has to send it. She laughed now: "If it is the sound of the piano, the minister is not talented, but quite proficient."


Zhao Ling'er smiled and was about to speak, but Su Yi directly pinched her hand and motioned her not to say unnecessary words.

Zhao Linger rolled her eyes vaguely, and she cooperated as expected, and said with a smile: "I have heard that Boyi has been tested for the goodness of the drum and the piano. He is unparalleled in the world. Is it true that the rumors are still not successful?"

Xiaolongnv also smiled and said: "So, the white ape's skills are still not taught by Boyi tester? So, isn't Boyi tester's piano sound ten times better than that of the ape?"


Guanyin smiled modestly, "The minister is not talented, and often plays in front of the white ape. I think it has learned a little bit. If the skills of the minister are better than the apes, it should not be difficult, but it should not be the best in the world. Ode."

"So, can I ask Aiqing to play for the solitary?"

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction. From Guanyin's point of view, he was delighted that he finally found a piano player.

But I don't know that Su Yi's real comfort is that these two little girls are no longer dismantling their own stations.

But even so, when I go back, two meals of fried meat with Buddha palms are indispensable.

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