Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 153: It seems that you haven't been dazzled by the sperm

"Well, the two of them are just children, and they should know that they are wrong... Don't be too harsh on them."

With an unconcealable smile on Chan You's face, her lips were slightly pursed, as if she couldn't help but she said to Su Yi: "They are only two children after all."


Su Yi’s voice couldn’t hide his anger, “How many children got into trouble, that’s what their parents said. She is still a child, and she is still a child. As a result, the child becomes a bear child, one by one. I'm so sick, I call the dog dislike...Do you know that dogs dislike Aunt Chan? If you protect them like this, they will have to do this sooner or later!


Chan You smiled more knowingly, and said, "The two of them... is not a trouble, right? At least the task is completed, isn't it?"

"It's done, but it's purely because the opposite is a woman, so embarrassed to look at it."

Speaking of this, Su Yi was furious, but even more shame.

Not to mention, what happened just now, at least the white-haired woman in front of him has seen it?

You can see that even though she was comforting, the smile that couldn't stop at the corner of her mouth would tell, she was just holding back the smile.

Just now... these two girls suddenly ignited such a strong desire to fight, Ling'er desperately stuffed herself with something to eat, and Long'er directly kissed herself...

Really... You are my daughter. Why are you suddenly competing in this area? If this continues, I will be misunderstood as a ghost father.

It's really thanks to Guanyin who is sitting opposite, who is also a woman. She is probably embarrassed to watch the affection between men and women. Otherwise, it is estimated that the so-called kiss of the girl, Long Er, is basically the first kiss. Whose couple can kiss when they kiss Nervous blush with a thick neck?

And Zhao Ling'er is the same, blushing almost bleeds.

If you are so shy, don't do it.

Thinking about it, Su Yi glared fiercely at Xiaolongnv and Zhao Linger who were kneeling in front of him, and shouted sharply: "Is it wrong?"

Zhao Linger's mouth flattened, snorted, and turned his head away. He seemed to be very unconvinced... "What's wrong, I'm still the one who suffers, Sister Longer sneaked away, it's too disgusting."

Xiaolongnv retorted: "It's not that you came out suddenly, don't think I didn't see it, you just gave me a look after feeding, you are provoking me, huh, I am not afraid of challenges. If you dare to challenge me, I will show you a good look."

"That's not because I knew that I would be punished for doing something like that when I took the opportunity to do something like that, so I wanted to pull a padded back together? You can just feed it, why suddenly... suddenly..."

Zhao Linger groaned and finally spit out a few words, "Why did you kiss me suddenly? If it weren't for you to be so excessive, I wouldn't be punished to kneel..."

She was wronged in the bottom of her heart. It was obvious that I didn't kiss, but I was punished the same as the guy I kissed. If I knew that, I would kiss it too, and it wouldn't be like this. It's really a loss.

"That's because I have understood your sinister intentions."

Although she didn't say it clearly, Xiaolongnv understood Zhao Ling'er's grievances, her face unconsciously showed a complacent expression, although I was also punished, but I took advantage of that... You want to hurt me, but Instead, I got tired...

Humph, think you're smart, isn't it still calculated by my grandma?

The two little girls ignored Su Yi, you lashed out at each other with a word.

With the black line on Su Yi's face next to him, he finally had to throw a sentence down and kneel down for me. No one was allowed to get up without my order.

Then he took Chan You and walked outside...

Seeing that Su Yi, the master, had left, Xiaolongnu smiled triumphantly, licked her lips, and made a face at Zhao Ling'er.

Zhao Linger: "…………………………"

She turned away angrily.

He and Chanyou all the way to a place where they often drink tea and discuss business affairs.

Chan You still had a slightly distressed look on her face, and said, "Su Yi, I have seen everything this time. The two children are no matter how serious they are. It's really too much, but it didn't make any difference, and I also saw it. Come out, the two of them just want to show their affection with you to confuse Na Bo Yi, but they don’t know how to behave, so they use physical intimacy to let her know all this, although they do It’s too much, but the starting point is good. You would punish them directly. It’s too much, right? At the very least, although you call me auntie, according to generation, I am your mother-in-law, even if you give me some Face, spare them."

She really likes these children.

Although... naughty a bit too much.

"Well, Auntie Chan, you don't have to worry about their affairs, these girls are tied with cotton cloth on their legs, otherwise, they would kneel there so honestly?"

Su Yi said: "I'm looking for you, not for their two disobedient little ghosts, but for other important things... Did you hear that?"

"Are you talking about the piano sound of Naboyi?"

Chan You's expression quickly became serious when Su Yi was talking about business.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I think I probably understand why she is a woman, but she will be sent to seduce you."

"What do you mean?"

Chan You said solemnly: "This Bo Yi test..."

Su Yi said: "Her real name is Guanyin, or, here, her name should be Cihangdaoren. When I was in physical contact with her before, I felt that she is indeed a woman, and she should undoubtedly be her."

Before, I had a hand-to-hand fight with that woman because of a carp. It was inevitable that there would be physical contact in the middle. It felt like the cup I was in contact with this guy today, cough cough... it feels the same.

"is it?"

Chanyou glanced at Su Yi with a faint smile, her eyes filled with endless meaning, which made him be inexplicable for a while, she said, "Is that the Ci Hang Dao Ren? The words of the Ci Hang Dao, although her piano sound is very sweet , But compared with Mengli, there is actually a distance, but her illusion skills are far better than Mengli. In the sound of the piano, there is always an invisible force that can make you not Consciously indulge in the sound of her piano.

"Really? It's reasonable to say that. She used to do pyramid schemes, specializing in deceiving people's hearts. Without some illusion, I am afraid that she would not be able to achieve that level."

Su Yi very contemptuously defined Buddhism's behavior as MLM, and then said: "But I also feel it. The mana in this woman's body is not weak now, I am afraid it will be higher than the current Erxiao and Zhao Gongming , And even Yuwen Tuo might be a bit inferior. As far as I know, neither Guanyin nor Cihangdao have such capabilities. Is it because Guanyin and Cihang are now fused together?"

"is it?"

Chan You glanced at Su Yi again, his eyes were so weird, Su Yi finally couldn't help but ask: "Aunt Chan, what are you looking at? Why do you feel that your look is not right..."

"It's but since it's your friend, do you still plan to use your previous plan to deal with her?"

Chan You asked: "Don't you plan to show mercy?"

"Be merciful? Why be merciful?"

Su Yi said in amazement: "When I was on the last plane, I didn't show any mercy. Today, she took the initiative to provoke me and violated my bottom line. If possible, I will try to save her a life, but if No, that can only be blamed on her fate."

Speaking of the end, Su Yi's voice was already a bit cruel.

I believe that if it weren't for the fear of Yuanshi Tianzun, I'm afraid Su Yi had directly brought his newly acquired Xihe sword to try his sword's edge. It won't kill you, but it won't make you feel better.

Chan You nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that you haven't been dazzled by the worm... I thought you would estimate her friendship with you."

Su Yi: "………………………………what is going to be stunned by a worm? Auntie Chan...what do you think of me?"

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