Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 154: Guanyin molested

? "Anyway... After that, the two children will be taken care of by Aunt Chan. Tian Lai Xiao ""Say www.⒉"


   gave a stern look at his mother-in-law, who is becoming less and less serious, and even said the words like worms on the brain. I don’t know if this kind of words is not in line with the identity of your elders?


   Su Yi didn't seem to intend to talk too much on this topic. At the moment, he solemnly explained.


Chan You smiled and said: "It's okay, that woman has high magic power, I am far from it, but I am a dream tapir, a natural expert who can use illusion arts, and Mengli Tao is still shallow, and may not be her opponent, but my words , She definitely won't see the slightest clue, don't worry, I will never let her illusion tricks the two children's minds."


   "Well, then I can rest assured."


Su Yi sighed, "I'll go and pull the two children up. Although they have something tied to their legs, they will feel uncomfortable after they kneel for a long time? Really... this time it's up to the face of Aunt Chan. If you make this kind of mistake, you will definitely beat them up."


  Chanyou smiled lightly: "So, you need to reflect on those parents who are used to bear children."


   Su Yi: "………………………………”


   in the next few days.


   The two daughters, Xiaolongnv and Zhao Linger, began to learn the piano with Guanyin as the concubine of Su Yi.


  Of course, because there are differences between men and women, Su Yi asked Guanyin to keep this matter secret. The reason was that he was afraid that Shang Rong and others would care too much about the red tape and would impeach him...


   For Guanyin, this is naturally too desirable, and I readily agree with it now.


   At first, Su Yi followed to watch the excitement, but after a few days, he stopped coming.


When    came, it was because he should leave appropriately to give the Guanyin a chance to wave.


  Secondly, it was the two little girls who were really too dirty. Guanyin didn't understand anything, but Su Yi knew everything, and couldn't see it at all.




   This is the respectful name of the two little girls for Guanyin. Although Guanyin repeatedly refused on the grounds of distinction between respect and inferiority, the two little girls still insisted on calling it master.


   Zhao Ling'er asked innocently: "Master, do you know how to play the flute? What I want to learn most is actually not the piano, but the flute. How about you teach me..."


"This one……"


   Guanyin hesitated for a while, and said, "I don't know how to play."


   "Really? What a shame..."


   She suggested: "Why don't you go to learn, Master, you are so good-looking, if you learn blowpipe, at least...Uncle...Well, your Majesty will like it very much."


   "Oh? Really? Your Majesty likes listening to people blowjob?"


   Guanyin smiled and said: "In the future, I will try to learn one or two, and then I will teach it to the empress."


   "That's good... then remember to let me watch you blow your majesty."


   After a while, the little dragon girl asked sweetly: "By the way, master, do you know?"


   Guanyin blinked in confusion, and said, "*What does this mean? What is Guanyin?"


   This era obviously does not have the name Guanshiyin, and my lotus platform did not bring it. How did she know this?


   The confusion in Guanyin's heart is real.


"It's nothing, it's just that I've seen this word in the book before. I just remember it if I don't know how. Dad... asked your Majesty, but he didn't know. I think Master is very knowledgeable and should know. "


   "This...I really don't know, but it made my mother laugh."


   "It's nothing, just ask casually. Since the master doesn't know, I don't know if I want to come to the old tree to pack the roots, and the old man pushes the cart... Well, the master is really a good boy."


   Guanyin suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. How did she become a good boy? Living in the second life, practicing Buddhism in the previous life, practicing Taoism in this life, both Buddhism and Taoism are acquainted with each other, and the magic power is now considered the first of the second generation of disciples, but in the end they are called good children...


   Su Yi really couldn't listen to these two little girls changing the way to molest the Guanyin in front of them, they could only walk away quickly with their ears covered, no, it was too dirty for me, I really couldn't accept it.


  , anyway, there is Chan You next to take care of... anyway, she doesn't understand this...


   Thinking, he raised his head, and then was looking at a pair of crimson eyes, quietly looking at his own crimson eyes.


   Does she understand?


   I'm going... Is it possible that the mother-in-law was also a well-tested person back then?


   Su Yi couldn't care about so much, and secretly made up his mind that the two children must be disciplined in the future, what it is like now.


   Then he walked away quickly.


   And over there...


Guanyin also seemed to feel that something was faintly wrong, but he didn’t know what was wrong, so he had to hurriedly said: “Two empresses, let the subordinates play a piece for the two empresses, let the two empresses learn how to play the piano. Right."


   said, sitting hurriedly, hands on the guqin, and then, the melodious sound of the zither slowly stretched out from under her fingertips like running water.


   The melodious sound of the piano, which has a calming effect, makes people listen to the ears, and the unconscious mind is refreshed, as if the whole soul has been washed.


It’s just that I don’t know why, I always feel a sense of despair in it, it seems to be whispering in my ear all the time, and it is like a soft feather, scratching your itchy place gently, making you itchy but not knowing Where it itches, it can only be uncomfortable and uncontrollable.


  At this moment, the Guanyin sitting there quietly playing the sound of the piano, the handsome one seems not to be a mortal, but like a celestial qin fairy falling into the dust...


   "It's really an advanced illusion."


  Chanyou snorted softly, pinched out his fingertips with both hands, and muttered: "Mengying foggy flowers are full of emptiness. Because of the messy thoughts, Fang chasing the dust-it is not as good as everything is scattered!!!"


   Facing this illusionist master who can be compared with herself, she did not dare to underestimate it, and now she is doing her best...


   The two little girls, Xiaolongnv and Zhao Linger, who hadn't been immersed in the illusion, their slightly hazy eyes, instantly recovered their clarity.


It's just that although they have recovered their clarity, they still have a little obsession in their eyes, staring at Guanyin blankly, and making Chan Gloom in the dark sigh in a secret, good acting skills...Don't say that Guanyin is now, even if they are ahead of time. Knowing the truth, they didn't see the flaws of these two girls. Sure enough, when Su Yi was away, these two little girls were really good.


Where did Guanyin know that her illusion had just been displayed, and she was deciphered by someone, and even the technique of deciphering that person was extremely clever, making her completely unaware that her illusion had been deciphered. She looked at the two girls. With obsessive eyes, she sighed helplessly. My task was to hook up a lady, but who expected this majesty Di Xin who looked exactly like the Judicial God to be so lewd and lewd, he brought two directly.


   confuses two...... It is too shocking, it seems that when the time comes, only choose one.


   Thinking, she continued to perform illusion...


   Thanks to when I was in Lingshan, I followed the Buddha to learn a lot of tricks to deceive people to the Buddha. Although it is slightly different from this trick to deceive a woman, it can still be used if we change the method.


   Although I have done some work, but the master’s order is hard to violate...


   That's it.


   thinking, her piano sound is more melodious...


   While in the distance, listening to the melodious piano sound, Liu Mengli sighed softly: "This piano sound is too vulgar, has too many ties, the intention is too deep, it sounds good, but it is really not popular."


   "If it is not for the sake of I will directly ask you to teach those two children to play the piano..."


  Su Yi gently hugged Liu Mengli in his arms and smiled: "After all, this guy who doesn't even know what the flute means is actually embarrassed to teach her a musical instrument. I really don't know how to write it."


Liu Mengli gave Su Yi a white look, got up, and hummed: "You bad guy, you don't have a good word in your mouth. You always feel that this instrument, the flute, has been ruined by you... I can't look at this in my life. Something."


   Su Yi smirked and said, "Is there anything I can't look at directly? Don't you always like blowjob?"


   "Ignore you, I'll go to Lingsha... The two of us have made an appointment to see the carp."


Liu Mengli fell back after only a few words, blushing in the direction of Han Lingsha... I didn't dare to look back at Su Yi again, for fear that he would forcibly break it back when I saw it, and give it to him in broad daylight. Do that shameful thing.


   While looking at her embarrassed figure, Su Yi laughed triumphantly.

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