Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 156: Avalokitesvara


   Hearing the imaginary curse, Guanyin was not angry but rather happy. It seemed to his heart that this matter was meant to be blocked and could not be blocked.


   At this moment, everyone's mood changed instantly.


   Shang Rong's face was distressed.


   Huang Feihu was filled with righteous indignation, and his eyes were filled with angry fire.


Standing at the highest point of the crowd, Yuwen Tuo directly drew out his golden sword, and a holy sword light slashed in the direction of Guanyin, and his mouth was accompanied by an angry shout, "Probably Bo Yi took a test, dare to dare to thin the princess. , Don't let me go!!!"


  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Guanyin pretended to be panicked, and drew back embarrassedly. Although his appearance was not very good, he happened to avoid Yuwentuo’s mortal sword, but before he had spoken, he heard Yuwentuo’s anger. Subconsciously startled, his face showed a look of astonishment.


   He... what did he just now?


   "Your Royal Highness! Hurry up, protect Your Royal Highness."


   "Catch Bo Yi for the test, don't let him escape."


   "Offending the emperor's relatives and relatives, Bo Yi takes the exam, today you can't think of a way out again!"


A group of ministers, who have no scholarship and martial arts, and regardless of whether they are capable of martial arts or not, they flocked up one by one. I have to mention that in this era, the position of heaven and earth is so high that the emperor is even above his relatives. When the princess was taken lightly...


   These people all rushed up crazy as if their old mother had been frivolous.


   "Protect... Your Royal Highness?"


   Guanyin's heart suddenly shook, and he had an extremely unclear premonition.


   And now...


The Dragon Girl had already rushed over, pulled Zhao Ling'er away from Guanyin's arms, hugged her tightly in her arms, and cried loudly: "Poor sister Ling'er, why are you so upset? Did this Bo Yi test be frivolous? Poor my sister, I just want to learn some piano art in the future. Godfather Wang is happy. I didn’t expect this Bo Yi test to be so frivolous. I borrowed the name of giving piano to do something frivolous, and pity you my sister. , Actually fell into this evil thief."


   While crying, I also explained what happened to the ministers who didn't know the cause and effect. It was simply not enough.


   "Ryuer... Niangniang?!!!"


   Guanyin gave a stunned scream and was directly restrained by Huang Feihu. He even forgot to resist. Instead, his gaze instinctively fell on Su Yi, who was among everyone.


   just wanted to ask, isn’t this your concubine?


   Su Yi already said loudly: "Long'er, Ling'er, are you two all right?"


   "Father 2!!!"


   Long'er and Ling'er two daughters cried out mournfully, and threw themselves into Su Yi's arms one after another, and said in a crying voice: "Thanks to your father, you arrived in time. Otherwise, your daughter's innocence will not be guaranteed."


   Wept loudly in her mouth, but two hands with completely different touches quietly wrapped Su Yi's waist, and they moved quietly from time to time. Obviously, both girls were very proud of their eagerness.


   "My child, don't worry, Father will never let this nasty **** who dare to make you think!"


Su Yi looked at the sluggish Guanyin, and said angrily: "Bo Yi takes a test, I kindly invite you to teach the piano art of the two princesses. How can you dare to do that nasty thing in the name of teaching the piano? Can you take it seriously? I thought that your status as the eldest son of Xi Bohou would really make you lonely and afraid to break your body into pieces?"


   "But... how come they suddenly become princesses? They obviously should be your concubines..."


Under Huang Feihu’s rule, Guanyin couldn’t think of escape. She just looked at Su Yi in shock and asked, “Obviously... you told me before and they were your concubine, and I also saw the three of you in... …"


   I saw it with my own eyes.


   The princess Linger feeds you very intimately and has an intimacy attitude. The princess Linger even fetches wine for you by mouth. The kiss is so sweet that even me, an outsider, can’t pass it, father and daughter? How could father and daughter do such a thing?


  How could they be princesses?


   Looking at Su Yi's anger, the glittering pupils seemed to contain a faint ridicule. She suddenly remembered something and was shocked: "You...could it be that you are calculating me?!"


   Intimidating with the concubine and the princess are two completely different concepts. The concubine is frivolous, and the respect of the king has been violated. Almost even if the perpetrator is severely punished, the humiliation on his face cannot be erased.


   can have fornication with the princess, but this is an infringement of the majesty of the heavenly family, and it is the perpetrator to lure the ignorant girl... I am afraid that more humiliation is on his own head.


  Especially these two princesses, they also changed the fornication to frivolous...This time, it was all his fault.


   Moreover, the many ministers whom he had called by chance happened to appear and became their witnesses.


   Now, I can't clean it even after jumping into the mud.


   picked up a rock and hit him in the foot.


   Even my own plan failed completely.


   Because I never saw the face of the so-called concubine.


Guanyin's breathing suddenly rushed. In this way, my hard work for more than a month was completely useless, and even helped the enemy. At the very least, Ji wanted complete initiative. No more, and this initiative fell into the opponent's hands because of his own negligence.


   just because he had already understood his conspiracy.


   For a time, even Guanyin couldn’t help but feel bitter in my heart. Since I came to Chaoge, has it been under the control of the other party?


   She glanced at Su Yi and sighed: "Sure enough, those with this face are not good-natured characters, nothing more, I gave up."


Shang Rong's face loomed in anger, and said angrily: "Bo Yi test, you still don't know the wrong, Your Majesty, this Bo Yi test is frantic and dare to offend the Princess. After the bad behavior is revealed, there is no regret at all. Please your Majesty. This person was punished with a broken car, in the prestige of His Majesty."


   Yu Wentuo took a look at Su Yi. Obviously, he was surprised that the boy who had just escaped his casual sword easily. He also handed his hand: "The minister also agrees."


   "The minister seconded."


   "The minister seconded."


Although Guanyin's long-sleeved dance was good, during the more than a month of Chaoge, he had a very good relationship with these ministers, but now he has committed such a big mistake, but no one loves him, just because of his fault... …too big.


   was so big that even Xibo Hou Jichang couldn't stop it.


Su Yi said angrily: "Kill now? That would be too cheap. This guy, King Wu Cheng, arrested her for me, put her in jail, and immediately passed the decree to let Xi Bohou come back to sing, and be alone. Ask him how he taught his son. The eldest son carefully taught that the crime was so heinous. I am afraid that the other sons don’t know how bad it is. It seems that the so-called roads of Xiqi are nothing more than rhetoric."


  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


not good!


   Avalokitesvara suddenly sinks in his heart, and has an unknown premonition.


   If he kills me immediately, I can only turn away, but he refuses to kill me immediately. There must be other conspiracies.


   Now, Guanyin doesn't dare to look at the guy in front of him who looks exactly the same as his old friend.


   All his deeds were seen in his eyes, and it was not obvious that he was overshadowed...


   Now that he doesn't kill himself immediately, is there a bigger conspiracy?


No, you can’t be detained here, otherwise, I’m afraid it will become his tool. Although he didn’t put that Ji in his, after all, Master now says that he should be his master. How could he be burdened by his own fault?


   must leave immediately.


   thinking about...


   Guanyin slowly closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful."


   The voice fell, and Huang Feihu was startled, only to feel a sense of unwarranted compassion rising from the bottom of his heart, as if the sinner held by him was actually a great grievance.


   At the moment, unconsciously, the hands that used to be hard have slowly loosened.


   "Your Majesty, the poor monk will not be accompanied."


   The voice fell, Guanyin folded his palms together, and a cloud of auspicious clouds rose under his feet, flying towards the sky.


   Yu Wentuo's eyes lit up and shouted: "Where to go?"


  The sword of gold, with a golden sword aura, slashed in her direction.

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