Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 157: Try the sword

?The golden sword aura filled the world for a moment, like another scorching sun slowly rising from the ground, and its final falling direction is the direction of Guanyin...


   The previously random sword was easily avoided, Yuwen Tuo had already appeared in front of him. The boy who was in front of him seemed to be no ordinary person. Therefore, although this sword was not full, it was not as random as before. ?


   At the same time.


   Su Yi winked at the distance.


   A purple mist slowly filled the entire imperial garden.


   For a while, all the ministers, even including Huang Feihu, the warrior, all appeared confused and collapsed on the ground.


   "Amitabha Buddha."


Bo Yi Kao...or Guanyin, seeing the sharp and vast aura of the opponent's sword, his face showed a solemn expression. The disciple of Xin Dao Jie taught really well-deserved reputation. This legendary Master Wen Tai is strictly speaking only three generations of disciples. , But its magic power is so high that it is even higher than his own imagination.


   didn't dare to be slow at the moment, but slowly folded her palms together, and a huge golden Buddha character rose from behind her, turning into a solid appearance, resisting the incomparably sharp sword energy.


   Anyway, the ministers are unconscious for some reason, although they don't know why, but they helped themselves, don't worry about seeing Bo Yikao casting spells.


   The compassionate and peaceful Buddha's light immediately greeted the opponent's sword aura...The Buddha's light was powerful and endless, and easily eliminated the opponent's sword aura.


   Yuwentuo let out a horror, only to feel that the opponent's mana is so high that he actually seems to be above him, and the most important thing is...


   He shouted: "Are you Buddhism means?"


Guanyin's heart shook, and her eyes subconsciously showed a look of shock. After she came to this weird world, because of the past incense relationship, she had also checked the whereabouts of the previous Buddhism, and then she found that there was no Buddhism at this time. A Western religion, who is in the extreme west at this time, has never intervened in the soil.


  In other words, the word Buddha has never appeared before.


   What is powerful right now is not Buddhism, but Nascent Teachings and Explaining Teachings... Even one's own abilities are limited to the position of twelve golden immortals, I am afraid that the strength is not at the top.


   But even if Buddhism has almost no power in the mortal world, where did the Master Wen in front of him learn about Buddhism?


I just wanted to ask, but I suddenly remembered that now I am in the enemy's position, if I get entangled with this Taishi Wen, with his strength, I am afraid that it will be really impossible to tell the victory or defeat in a moment, but if you are entangled by him If you want to escape, it will be difficult.


   Well, if you have the opportunity in the future, please visit this Master Wen with your real body.


  Thinking, Guanyin flew lightly towards the sky with the strength of the opponent's sword, the auspicious clouds under his feet grew was about to disappear without a trace.


   But after Na Yuwen digs out a sword, he never chased after him. Instead, he put away the powerful golden sword in his hand, and the double pupils' eyes showed a gleeful smile.


   What's going on... Why doesn't he chase...


   Guanyin had just flashed this thought in his mind, and said that I was still ready to go back. If he catches up, I will definitely catch him off guard.


   But the thought hadn't fallen yet, suddenly, the color of the sky changed.


   The sky, which was clear and clear, turned into golden in an instant...


   It was as if the sun that had been in the middle of the sky suddenly ended.


   The golden sunset made my whole body bright red.


   A scorching breath instantly eroded the whole body, and the auspicious clouds under his feet were directly steamed by the steaming flames. Guanyin was shocked for a while before he could react, and the whole person fell directly downwards.


  At the same time, endless flames spread all over the world, golden flames burning in the sky, right in the center of the burning flames...


   A crimson sword condenses countless golden flames, a clear cry like a divine bird, and the sword body transforms like a golden crow on the sun.


   The sun is really hot! ! !


   How familiar is the person holding the sword?


   is clearly that...


   "Judicial God?!!!"


   Guanyin cried out in shock.


He has exactly the same face as His Majesty Di Xin, who he has seen dozens of times before, but has a completely different bearing. At a glance, you can see that they are two completely different people. At this time, he has a playful smile on his face. The familiar red long sword in his hand with the endless real fire of the sun fell towards Guanyin, still smiling: "Guanyin, we haven't seen it for a long time."


   He already knows who I am?


   In this way, the person who met me with at least dozens of times before, is it really him?


   But why is his acting so good? When I said the four words of Judicial God, I used to pay close attention to his eyes and heartbeat with secret methods. There is no weirdness, which means that he has never heard of the name of Judicial God... …


   This is...


   There is no chance to give Guanyin more thought.


   Just because Su Yi's sword has carried the endless real fire of the sun, it is burning downward.


   The sword aura is full of heat, and there is endless sharpness in the heat...


   The magic weapon that had just been repaired by Yun Xiao, and now he met someone who was qualified enough for Su Yi to use it. For Su Yi, who has reached this level now, it really made him extremely happy.


   It was precisely because of this that Su Yi let Chan You faint the ministers, and he had to do it himself.


  Oops, dangerous! ! !


   This judicial god's mana enters the realm, is it almost like this?


  In the past, I have never seen such a large number of real sun fires...


   Guanyin had a solemn expression in her eyes. Since her true identity had been seen through, she naturally didn't have to hide it anymore. Faced with Su Yi's all-out effort, she didn't dare to hide her secrets, and directly took out her housekeeper.


   A plain white bottle is already in my hand, and the other hand twisted the willow branches in the bottle, sprinkling a little nectar...


This little nectar has just left the clean bottle, and it turns into an endless ocean out of thin air. This bottle contains water from three rivers, four seas and five lakes, which can submerge the earth, from bottom to top, facing the oncoming flaming, which can cover the sky. The real fire of the sun flooded away.


   This purifying bottle is the treasure of her soul. It can be said that it came to this world with her from the previous world. Its power is extremely powerful. If it is the other's red long sword, it is absolutely unmatched.


   And now I am even more integrated with the techniques of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Cihangdao. I practice both Buddhism and Taoism, so my magic advancement more than doubled?


   will not lose!


   Guanyin showed a confident look in his eyes. Even though the opponent was the judicial **** who once defeated my Buddha Tathagata in the legend, I am not what I used to be, and I will never lose.


   The endless flames and the boundless ocean rushed together instantly.


   Chi Chi Chi chi sound is endless, and the golden smoke instantly evaporates...


   is almost the world's peak power confrontation.


   The entire Chaoge, and even everything within a thousand miles, is filled with a thin golden mist.


   "Huh? Golden fog?"


   Bi Xiao, who was playing with Qiong Xiao on the street, showed a confused look on her face, reached out her hand to touch the air, held the golden mist in her palm, and showed a solemn expression on her face.


   This is... Reiki! Are there any masters fighting against Chaoge City?


   "It must be brother-in-law...Second, let’s go and see in the palace."


Bi Xiao's heart is so capable, I am afraid that only the elder brother-in-law has such a powerful power, but now it is a good time to please the brother-in-law, as long as he has helped him a lot, I am afraid that he will not be embarrassed to cut the golden Jiao. Give it to the eldest sister?


   When the time comes, don’t you escape a disaster?


   "Hey, Sanmei, don't go..."


   Qiong Xiao cried out in shock, thinking that you can't see it, is the strength of the two fighting against you far above you and me?




   How come there are so many experts in Chaoge City suddenly? My sister is confident that she is one of the best, but here, she frequently encounters monsters she can't match.


It’s just that although she shouted not to go, but watching Bi Xiao’s footsteps drive the clouds quickly, she had to follow behind, and flew towards the palace as well. I thought I had persuaded the third sister, this is not what I thought. I went to see it to protect the third sister, so I had to go to see it.

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