Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 160: They must be suffering


Although the cell in which Guanyin was detained was a cell, after all, he had some incense relationship with Su Yi, so Su Yi still gave her a great face. Therefore, the cell is actually an independent palace... It's just that the import and export are only one, and the freedom is restricted.


And the only exit is being watched by Altria at this time. Under the guard of this upright and excessive girl, don't say Guanyin is now sealed, even if it is not sealed, I am afraid there is no way to escape her. The sight escaped.


   I can only say... Serious people are the most terrible, and women are even more terrible.


   And now...


   Seeing Su Yi's figure walking over from a distance, when he came closer, Altria smiled and said, "Yan Ye, are you in such a hurry to see this prisoner?"


"if not?"


   Su Yi smiled and said, "I have something I want to ask her well."


   "She is inside."


   Altria said, and then nodded to Chan You who was standing behind Su Yi, raising her eyebrows in surprise, "How do I feel that there is something wrong with the wind today? It seems a little noisier than usual."


   "Really? It may be because of the cold weather..."


   Su Yi was also surprised. She felt that she was able to show... so keen intuition. No wonder that in fate, her intuition was a, and she even reached a fighting intuition that was almost predictable.


   patted her on the shoulder, and Su Yi walked into the palace.


   In the palace, a handsome man in white is sitting at the table, sipping tea slowly, although his face is pale, his eyes are calm, as if he is thinking about something.


   noticed Su Yi’s footsteps...


She turned her head and saw Su Yi with no surprised look, and smiled: "The **** of justice, I once guessed that you should be here, but I didn't expect you to appear here as such, so I should be called Are you the **** of justice, or your Majesty Dixin?"


"And me?"


Su Yi sat directly opposite Guanyin, took a cup and poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and the two sat opposite each other like old friends who had not reunited for a long time. He smiled and said: "Strictly speaking, I should be better than you. I was even more surprised. I didn’t expect to see you here. So... should I call you Guanyin Bodhisattva, or should I call you a Taoist of Mercy?"


   "Sure enough, you have already learned all about my identity, ridiculous... I didn't even know that you were you until the end."


   Guanyin smiled bitterly and exclaimed: "You hide so well."


   Su Yi smiled and said, "Then, do you still use this attitude to face me? Boyi took the test or something... Sure enough, your original face is better, right?"


   "That's true... After all, in the face of the old deceased, it is impossible to hide the identity again."


   A faint golden light appeared on Guanyin's body, and after a moment...


   The handsome man in white clothes disappeared, replaced by a beautiful woman with a gentle appearance and endless compassion in her eyes.


   Familiar outfit.


   Su Yi instantly gave birth to the illusion of whether he had returned to the plane of Journey to the West.


   He smiled and said: "Sure enough, this face looks more pleasing to the eye... Thanks to you being a woman, otherwise, even if it is my old deceased, I am afraid I can't tolerate you."


   "Really? Those two empresses...really your daughters?"


   "Yes, just to confuse you."


   Su Yi said: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover it."


   "Then they are really aggrieved."


   Thinking of the sights I saw, more than once the two girls acted close to Su Yi, and even kissed and hugged...If it was a daughter...


   They must be suffering, right?


   Guanyin smiled bitterly: "Troubled God to say sorry for me to those two Highnesses, it is my fault."


   "It's okay... At the very least, Ryuuji is still very grateful to you for teaching her piano skills."


   "That's it... then my heart will feel more comfortable."


   Guanyin looked at the familiar face in front of him. Compared with the original judicial god, there seemed to be something on the face of the man in front of him. Although he didn't know what it was, there was no doubt that he had undergone a lot of transformation.


   She asked: "The Judicial God, I have a question. I wonder if the God can help me out?"


   "I'm here to solve your doubts, of course, mutual."


   Su Yi smiled and said, "Ask questions for one, okay?"




   Guanyin had no consciousness of being a prisoner of the order, and Su Yi seemed to be just facing a friend who came to visit.


   Between the two people, they are going in a very harmonious atmosphere...and they have their own tacit understanding.


   "Tenjin, I want to ask you, how did you know my identity? Please tell me, losing at least convinces me to lose..."


Su Yi replied: "Because you asked about the title of Judicial God, there is indeed this title in the Heavenly Court, but I guess you have never been to the Heavenly Court when you were on this plane, so I don't know that the Heavenly Court is deserted and completely absent today. The method is on par with the previous plane, not to mention the judicial gods, and even many immortal officials no longer exist, so no one will mention this name for no reason."


   "But at that time, I spied on your performance, and you really didn't know this name at the time."


   "This is the second question. I will answer you later. Now I ask you... You are not the Boyi test. What about the real Boyi test?"


   "The real Boyi test?"


Guanyin replied: "Die, Xiqiji used her father's imprisonment as an excuse to confuse Boyi into entering Chaoge to send treasure to plead, and then halfway through, she was directly killed by someone arranged before, and then I Master gave me a task to bewitch Di Xinshou’s concubine, that is, your confidante, so as to create the illusion that Boyi died in your Chaoge. If it can affect the Xibo Hou Jichang also lost his life, yes It's best."


   "So this is Ji's idea?"


   Guanyin showed a smile in his eyes, and said, "This is the second question."


   Su Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Auntie Chan..."


  Chan smiled quietly, stepped forward, purple mist filled his body, and soon, the original white and beautiful young woman disappeared, and replaced by a man who looked exactly like Su Yi.


   He smiled and said, "Aiqing, do you not recognize loneliness?"


   Guanyin suddenly realized, "It turns out that this is the case. I can't even see the madam's so high illusion. Presumably the illusion that I used to confuse the two princesses has been offset by you?"


   Chanyou replied: "Yes."


Su Yi smiled and said: "Auntie Chan is not my wife, but my mother-in-law. She is the king of Mengmo, and Mengmo is a goblin who specializes in illusion...So compared with her, you might be a bit tricky. "


   "That's it."


Guanyin nodded to understand, and said, "Then I will answer your question. When my teacher Yuanshi Tianzun gave me the task, although he never said that this was Ji’s idea, he felt that people’s hearts are sinister. Ten people can't get away from his relationship."


   "That's it, I understand..."


   Su Yi thought for a while, dizzy, and asked: "Who should we ask?"


   "This... you ask me too..."


   Guanyin is also a little confused.


   The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile...




   After a long time, it was considered clear which one to ask.


   Guanyin asked: "The god, now it's me, I want to ask you, you just mentioned the you know the truth about our entry here?"


   "This question...I do know, but I refuse to answer."


   Su Yi said: "This has nothing to do with the dialogue between us."


   "Do you know, or you are the one who caused it?"


   Guanyin smiled and said, "Although you refuse to answer, you are still answering. Okay, it's up to you to ask."


   "I want to ask you, did Tathagata come to this plane?"


Su Yi thought that if the Buddha Tathagata also came here, he would have to guard against it. After all, this is his own mortal enemy. Although he has successfully overcome it, he has now come to a completely unfamiliar plane. I was willing to expose past grievances with myself, after all, that guy is not domineering. How could it be so simple to turn a fight with yourself?


   "I'm Buddha Tathagata?"


   Guanyin paused, the expression on his face finally became serious.

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