Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 161: 1 mountain cannot tolerate 2 tigers unless 1 male and 1 female

Seeing Guanyin hesitated, Su Yi said: "If you don't want to answer, you can not answer, but you are not allowed to lie."


   "As for this question... I really can't answer you."


Guanyin smiled bitterly: "After I got used to the identity of a Cihangdao person, I also went to the wild west to investigate. I had meetings with the Taoist and Zhunti Taoist, but at this time, Buddhism is not called Buddhism is called Western religion, and within the sect, it is really cold and cold, and I have never seen the existence of my Buddha Tathagata. Moreover, he is not a person who can subdue to others. If he teaches in the West, he must be He won't live in harmony with that lead and Zhunti, so...I think he may never come into this world because of his injury."


   This is indeed...


   Su Yi suddenly understood that the Tathagata Buddha was so overbearing and arrogant, even facing the Jade Emperor who was the Lord of the Landlord that day, he dared to be aggressive, and according to his research in the book, it is probably the same shameless personality as to mention anything.


   Same-sex repulsion, or that a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, I am afraid that if he appeared in the West, the wild land of the West would have opened up.




   These buddha cultivators, who like to pay attention to compassion and kindness, how can they be stronger than each at every turn?




   "It's fine if you don't come."


Su Yi said: "After all, I have already defeated someone, no matter what kind of chance I get, it is impossible to threaten me anymore. If not necessary, I don't want to do too much, but if he comes to this As far as the plane is concerned, I am afraid I really have to kill him."


   Guanyin smiled bitterly: "So, I can only hope that he never came here."


   Su Yi chuckled, "Avalokitesvara, you are quite loyal, I really don't know what ecstasy soup that Tathagata has poured into you."


   "It's just my cultivation as Guanshiyin, I just follow his cultivation, then..."


   Guanyin paused slightly and asked, "God, what are you going to do with me?"


   "Dispose of you?"


Su Yi raised his eyebrows, countless thoughts flashed in his heart, but smiled on his face: "Why do you want to deal with you? You and I are somehow old deceased. If you don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha, even if you look at the face of Wukong. On the face of it, I won’t hurt your life, and you didn’t cause me any loss. In addition, you are a woman, so it’s okay. If you want to go, you can go now. The way you did before , It’s just because there are too many people close to me in this palace, so I have to seal your cultivation base. If you plan to leave, I can release the seal for you at any time."


   Guanyin was startled, and said in surprise: "Are you willing to let me go?"


   A clear voice came from outside the door, with a deep smile, "Of course, Bodhisattva has always been very important in the eyes of my brother. How could he be willing to kill you, right?"


   Su Yi smiled and scolded: "Yu Mo, you can talk nonsense."


   While talking and laughing, two young girls walked in outside the door.


   are all very familiar faces, isn't it the two daughters Liu Yumo and Yang Chan coming together?


   Guanyin said in surprise: "The Three Mothers?! And..."


   She and Liu Yumo are only fate with each other. They have never spoken, so they don't know her life, but she remembers it very clearly, and they have indeed met.


   Why did they also come to this plane?


It is not surprising that the Judicial God can come here. His strength is better than himself. It is normal for him to do what he can do. If you infer from this, I am afraid that the old gentleman is also here, but obviously... …The magical power of the Three Madonnas is really not smart, and there is no trace of magical power in this girl...


   What are the two of them...


   Guanyin's heart suddenly became confused, and Liu Yumo smiled and said, "Yu Mo has seen the Bodhisattva."


There was also a nostalgic smile on Yang Chan's face. When she fled under the chase of the heavens, Guanyin also helped her several times. The relationship between the two can be said to be not bad. Now seeing her, she is naturally in a good mood. Smiled and said: "Bodhisattva, I haven't seen it for a long time. I never thought that you and I would still meet."


   "Yeah... It's really unexpected."


   Guanyin looked at Su Yi's eyes even more shocked.


   There is no doubt that they will come here, not because of their own ability, but because of the judicial **** in front of them.


But can he protect two girls with low the girl before, he will never favor one another, that is to say, he can protect three girls with low mana to another world ?


   Still saying... he is actually the initiator of everything?


   Guanyin feels like he has an insight into the greatest secret of this judicial god...


   Yang Chan looked at Su Yi, "Second brother, are you really planning to let the Buddha go?"


   Su Yi smiled and said, "What? Are you planning to raise her or not?"


  Yang Chan smiled and said: "No...Second brother is going to let her go. I'm very happy, but if I can, I will take her off."


   "It's up to you..."


   Su Yi touched Yang Chan's little head, and said with a smile: "You are my sister, what you want to do is not what you want."


   "So too."




   Su Yi waved at Guanyin, Guanyin's face suddenly showed a weird look, feeling that something in his body was slowly pulled away, after a moment...


   The cold mana that had imprisoned his mana before disappeared.


   Guanyin sighed in his heart, is this the power that countered my Buddha Tathagata?


   No wonder it's so powerful.


At the moment, he saluted Su Yi with a single palm and said again: "Please the gods must apologize to the two princesses for the poor monk. Because of the poor monk, they have suffered such grievances, and the poor monks are really ashamed. ."


   "It's okay, they didn't blame you."


   It's not that I blame you, I'm so grateful to you, these two little girls of ghosts and elves, I don't know how proud they are at this moment... How can I be wronged?


   Of course, this is my housework and it is not convenient to tell you.


   "Bodhisattva, please."


   Yang Chan smiled and greeted Guanyin.


   Guanyin also saluted, and the two walked out side by side.


   Seeing her figure gradually go away...


   Chanyou then asked: "Su Yi, did you just let her go like this? She is going to deal with your woman."


"It's ok……"


Su Yi smiled and said: "This Guanyin was both an enemy and a friend when I was on the last plane. It is still the same now. We still have some friendship between us. This time I let her go, and she will be more in the future. I have to bear my favor...There are people like this in the opposing camp, and there is a lot of profit but no harm..."


"is it?"


   "That's why I said that in the whole Buddhism, the only person I like is her, because she is the only one who still retains her humanity. And... she has to go if she doesn't go..."


   Su Yi turned around and smiled: "Yu Mo, how did you shoot?"


   "Don't worry, be safe."


Liu Yumo smiled and raised the exquisite utensil in his There was a smile on his face, "Brother, you are so insidious, it suits my appetite, I feel that I like you more and more. ."


  Chan said in a faint surprise: "This...this is not...that Ai...Ling'er told me what is called Ai?"


   "It's an IPAD."


Liu Yumo expressed regret: "Unfortunately, even I couldn't think of it. I didn't download the editing software on the computer, so I could only shoot randomly some things I wanted. With these things, hehe, then Ji Fa just jumped in. The Yellow River can't be cleaned either."


   "He did it, how do you wash it?"


Su Yi snorted softly, and said, "Since you took the photo, everything I need to come is already in there. When the time comes, I will just wait for Ji Chang to come back. I can't wait to tell Ji Chang the truth. Hmph, the account of my woman should not be counted on the head of Guanyin, but on Ji Fa's head. I want Ji Fa to be ruined when he is most proud, and there is no chance of turning over!"


   "It looks like you are really angry, brother, don't worry, I support you."


   Liu Yumo carefully put away the IPAD, and said seriously: "Don't worry, brother, this time, you are not like before, fighting alone, we are all by your side to support you."


   " are all here."


   Su Yi smiled, and gently rubbed Liu Yumo's small head, with a relieved expression on his face.



  :. :

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