Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 162: Talking nonsense with open eyes

? And now...


   Yang Chan has sent Guanyin all the way to the outside of the palace.


   "Amitabha, the Three Madonnas don't have to send it again...the poor monk will leave now."


Outside the palace, Guanyin bowed to Yang Chan gratefully, and then looked at Yang Chan's smile without a word, with some thoughtful expression on his face, and asked: "The Three Madonnas, I send the poor monks here, is there any What do you want to say to the poor monk?"


  Yang Chan thought for a while and said, "Bodhisattva, in the future, you should stop being an enemy of your second brother."


Avalokitesvara smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and sighed: "The poor monk used to be the Great Mercy Guanyin of Lingshan. He listened to my Buddha Tathagata. Now he is the supreme twelve golden immortal who interprets and teaches the supreme god. Under the wings, now it seems that I have never done anything according to my own wishes. If I say that I am an enemy of the Judicial God, I have never thought about it... but I can't help myself, I sigh."


   "But you don't know the true identity of the second brother, you don't know how much his energy is. Do you really think he is just a pure judicial god, or my second brother Erlang Zhenjun?"


   "Oh? Could it be the Judicial God, what other identity can't you?"


Yang Chan sighed: "There are many reasons, it is inconvenient to say, but I have seen with my own eyes that the second brother was able to bear it, but the Bodhisattva lost his life because of this. The Bodhisattva once saved my life with me, so I will tell you frankly that the second brother really The identity of is your so-called Yuanshi Tianzun or Tathagata Buddha, which is absolutely impossible to back, not to mention you, even them, will eventually fall at the feet of the second brother... For your good, remember what I said today, In the future...just do it for yourself."


   said, Yang Chan turned and left.


   The slender figure seems to have a touch of mystery.


   Guanyin showed a wrong look on his face.


   Judicial God... true identity.


   From this point of view, it is no doubt that he is the initiator of everything.


   From this point of view, I took the initiative to send it to the door.


   With a long sigh, Guanyin's figure disappeared in front of the palace.


   Even if it didn't succeed, at the very least, he had to go back and recover.




in a blink……


   is more than a month later.


  Longde Hall.


An elegant-looking old man knelt on the ground with a panic face, kowtowing like garlic, and repeatedly said loudly: "Wei ministers must die! Wei ministers deserve ten thousand deaths for crimes, and we have no options for adopting sons, causing the rebellious son to commit such violations. Regarding things against human relations, the minister dare not ask your majesty to forgive him, but he asks your majesty to allow the minister to kill the rebellious son with his own hands, so as to return the princess's innocence!!"


   Su Yi and Yan Yue said, "Xianhou doesn't have to be like this. After all, Naboyi didn't make a big mistake in the exam. This time, it is thanks to the teacher. Speaking of it, you still have to thank the teacher a lot."


   Xi Bohou got up and respectfully said to Yu Wentuo, who was sitting under Su Yi, "The criminals thank you Taishi."


  Shang Rong stepped forward and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Bo Yikao committed a big mistake that violates human relations. He is punishable by the law. How can he be lightly sent down because of Xi Bohou's status? Please think twice."


   But he saw that Su Yi was so nice to Naxibo Hou Jichang, and mistakenly thought he was going to let him go.


   Alas...Although Xibohou has always been known as a virtuous prince, your Majesty you are so indulged in him, it is not a good thing to be in the mountains and rivers.


Xibohou cried bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, the Shang is right. Weichailers are absolutely not biased towards the rebellious son. The rebellious son has committed a big mistake and must be killed. The criminal minister asks your Majesty to break the rebellious son into ten thousand pieces, in order to serve you. ."


   Su Yi sighed, "In this case... I am afraid that Bo Yi Kaogu can't be killed."


  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


The whole hall became uproar in an instant, and Bigan said loudly: "Your Majesty, why can't you kill? If your Majesty can't bear to do it, it's up to the ministers. Even if Xiqi wants to seek revenge for this matter in the future, let them come and find a minister. ."


   "Axiang is worried, not because he doesn't want to kill alone, can people who have died be killed?"


   "What × N?!!!"


   All the ministers looked at each other and turned pale, but Bo Yikao was dead? How is this possible……


   And Ji Chang's face was even more pale. Although he said that he would kill this rebellious son, he was after all his relatives, and he was also the one he most treasured. Now he died so unclearly?


At this time, Su Yi slowly said, "Oh, yes, don't think it was a lone killer. Gu didn't kill Na Boyi for the test... He was...oh, forget it...just tell the truth. Let's be honest."


With a long sigh, Su Yi said: "I had to meet a stranger in Chaoge City in the past year, and got a treasure from him. You can look at the past, but you can leave the past to everyone. Gentlemen take a look and let you know what happened."


   As he said, Altria took out an exquisite...IPAD with a weird face and handed it to Su Yi.


   Shang Rong asked in confusion: "I don't know where your Majesty met the stranger, and what treasure he gave, is that person credible?"


   "Believable, of course believable."


   Su Yi casually said: "This treasure is called Kunlun Mirror..."


Yu Wentuo couldn't help rolling his eyes next to   , thinking that I was sitting here with ease.


   "I got it from a stranger named Zhou Yixian."


   Altria rolled her eyes and asked, isn’t that old guy the number one liar, the emperor who scammers?


   And this time.


   Su Yi has opened the IPAD, and there is clear content in it and it starts to flash.


He explained: "This is something that happened in the past. It probably happened when Bo Yi Kao was just caught afterwards. I asked an expert to deal with this Bo Yi Kao. Who knew that he would have been with this Bo Yi Kao? Everyone will know at a glance what exactly happened."


   Almost no one noticed his words.


All the ministers looked at the little IPAD in shock. The picture inside was not very clear because of the distance, but they clearly saw the handsome white man sitting inside. Boyi takes a test, but isn't he alive?


   Why did your Majesty say that he was dead?


   When Ji Chang saw his son, his complexion suddenly changed, and he couldn't help crying bitterly.


At this time, a rough male voice (Liu Yumo pulled a slow tone) rang from inside, and said to this boyi test: "Then, do you still use this attitude to face me? Of... Sure enough, your original face is better, right?"


   What is it like?


   Boyi, who was crying, was startled, and his face showed a look of shock.


   And the other ministers also looked at each other, what is their true color?


  But the next scene surprised everyone, only to see that Nabo Yikao turned into a graceful and graceful beauty in a glorious change.




   Ji Chang was shocked and said: "This...this is a trick of change. He is not my son. It is not my son who made the mistake!"


   Shang Rong was equally surprised: "How could this be? Why would someone do this?"


  At this time, there was a blur in the picture, and the woman's appearance suddenly trembled a few times, and she asked in a rough voice: "Now I ask are not Bo Yi Kao, where is the real Bo Yi Kao?"


   "The real Boyi test?"


   Everyone's eyes widened unconsciously.


The woman replied: "Dead, Ji Fa used her father's imprisonment as an excuse to confuse Boyi into entering Chaoge to send Bao for mercy, and then halfway through, she was directly killed by someone he had arranged in advance. , And then he gave me a task to change the appearance of Bo Yi Kao, enter the Chaoge to confuse Di Xin Su’s concubine... thus creating the illusion that Bo Yi Kao died in your Chaoge, if it can affect Naxibo Hou Jichang also lost his life, which is the best."


   Ji Chang, who was crying bitterly, was suddenly The conversation inside, and something else was said... He didn't hear...


   There was a buzzing in his ears, and Venus seemed to flicker in front of his eyes, and only the sentence left in his mind... "Ji Fa used his father's imprisonment as a reason..."


   "Ji Fa..."


   His second son.


   Boyi test... My poor child is already dead?


   He was mistakenly bewitched by his second brother, thinking that he was imprisoned in Chaoge, so he planned to offer treasures to save him, but he died in the hands of his always kind second brother?


   died in the hands of Ji Fa, who he always thought was a respectful brother?




   Ji Chang wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and fell directly to the ground...

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