Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 168: I'm here to send you baby

"Senior, it's Biyou Palace for the convenience of the front, and the disciple will not disturb Senior and Master's business affairs of his old man. The disciple will wait outside the hall and send Senior down the mountain later."

At the gate of a magnificent palace, Yun Xiao said to Su Yi with a smile, and then bowed respectfully.

Su Yin said, dazedly, he opened the door.

Inside the door...

The palace is vast, and in front of him, a handsome middle-aged Taoist priest, with a beard under his jaw, a spirit in his eyes, and a calm and gentle attitude, can not help but be drunk. At this moment, he is facing Waiting for Su Yi with a smile, it is hard to imagine that this Taoist priest who does not seem to have any power turned out to be the founder of the most prosperous sect in the world today.

He is also the person with the highest force value on this plane, and can be worthy of the Four Saints to deal with him. The strength of the sky can be seen in general.

There is no kind of teaching... even in this world, he can be regarded as an outlier.

Noting Su Yi's gaze, Tong Tian raised his eyebrows, and his face showed a surprised look. Unexpectedly, the person who came to see him through Nuwa was not the character he imagined, but...

He couldn't help but rubbed his palms and exclaimed: "I can't imagine that there is such a good person in the world, but he was rude before the poor, please come in."

Yun Xiao showed a clear look on his face, and he thought that this strange-looking senior was indeed the same expert as Master. If you just look at the face of Empress Nuwa, I’m afraid Master. It would not be so polite.

At the moment, he saluted the Lord Tongtian, and then reached out his hand to close the temple door.

Su Yi walked in dizzyly. Although the purpose was to see the Lord Tongtian, but now he really saw it, but his thoughts were not here.

The Yunxiao that I always thought was not Yunxiao, she turned out to be the Nuwa Empress?

The woman who always showed a gentle smile to herself, eagerly helped herself to repair the Fen Jixi and the sword, and even went to find the Taishang Laojun for this matter... I can imagine, even if she is her identity, she will definitely It is impossible to easily let Taishang Laojun, the unprofitable guy who can't afford to be early, repair her sword...

What's more, he killed 6 pressures and took his true sun fire origin.

This kind of trouble... should have been thought of, this is not something Yun Xiao can do.

Su Yi was very sure that she should like herself, but if she is Nuwa, if she really likes herself, why send Xiaobai to confuse her harem?

But if she hates herself and wants to destroy her own world, why should she help herself to repair the sword? And just now, she also asked herself that if Tongtian refused to help herself, she would help herself... What do the words mean? Did you say it as Yunxiao, or as the Nuwa Empress?

What is she thinking?

The most important thing is... why does she pretend to be Yunxiao?

However, this can explain why when I face her, I will have endless intimacy in my heart, and will fall in love with her so easily... And she said that she recognizes Queen Mother West, and Queen Mother West has also personally met She said that she had asked that Nuwa to agree not to do anything to herself...

Could it be that she saw the face of Queen Mother Xi?

Isn't it, because of a word from Queen Mother Xi, she took the initiative to send herself to the door?

You know when you come, you are holding her hand and playing in the palm of your hand... If you rely on the stingy Nu Wa empress in the plot, I am afraid you will directly be with yourself.

What is she thinking?

Su Yi was really confused and didn't understand what the woman was thinking.

"Friend Su? Fellow Su Dao..."

Tongtian yelled several times, but Su Yi was just a silent appearance. He was obviously already out of the sky. An unpleasant expression appeared on his face and said, "Friend Su, since you are coming to see Pang Dao, It’s too rude to come and say no, isn’t it? Could it be that you believe that you are a friend of the Nuwa Empress, and you must treat you politely?"


Su Yi returned to his senses and noticed the unpleasant look in Tongtian's eyes on the other side. He sighed and said, "Sorry, I just lost my mind."

"Facing poor Dao, you can still distract yourself, Su Daoyou...what a big heart!"

Although at the beginning, Tongtian was quite surprised by the strange and powerful power in the opposite person, but now, such a rude person, he really doesn't like it very much. There is a bit of indifference in his voice, saying: " Alright, Su Daoyou, Nuwa Empress did a special trip for you, let me see you, now that I have seen you, should you leave too?"

"Nu Wa... Empress?"

Su Yi asked: "Did you say that it is Nuwa Empress?"

"if not?"

"Sure enough."

If it’s just one person, you might be deceiving yourself... But now, Lian Tian admits that he gave Nu Wa Niang Niang a face, so he chose to meet himself, and he only told Yun Xiao... Or, she was the only one. Know what I want to see Tongtian.

In other words, the woman outside is really Yunxiao, but the one who has been by her side is actually Nuwa herself.

Nu Wa...

I had already regarded her as an enemy, and had not concealed it from her, but why did she...

What does she mean?

Seeing that Su Yi was distracted again in the sky, his expression was even more unhappy, and said: "Friend Su is really distracted. It's just inconvenient in the Biyou Palace of Poor Dao. You should also leave. ?"

The voice fell, and the sleeves of the robe waved.

Silently and without interest, a wind of no action has directly swept Su Yi. He is well-measured, knowing that the man in front of him may have an unknown relationship with the Nuwa. Although he is not afraid of Nuwa, he is not willing to rely on it. Bai provokes powerful enemies, especially when he has just helped his disciple.

So he didn't hurt the killer, but just wanted to roll him down the mountain.

But Su Yi suddenly laughed and said: "Tongtian Guru is really a violent temper. He became angry after only being left out for a while, but this is also natural."

If it weren't for a bad temper, how could it be possible to face the Four Saints at the same time and still dare to fight bravely?

The temperature in the hall dropped a few degrees out of thin air.

The wind ceased instantly.

There was a creaking sound, right between Tongtian and Su Yi...

Pieces of transparent blue crystals fell on the floor of the hall.

A look of interest appeared in Tongtian's eyes, "This is...what a magical technique. I actually..."

He was suddenly a little confused, did he just do it?

I did it, but why is there a voice prompt in my mind telling me that I didn't actually do it?

Was he confused?

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction. Now his skill has improved. During this period of time, he has gradually absorbed the mana of the Baolian Lantern, and his strength has progressed so much that even the mana connected to the heavenly leader can be frozen...


He smiled, "The leader does not have to be so eager, I am here not to make you angry, but to save your life."

"Oh, really?"

Tian Tian smiled, with a look of disapproval on his face. Proudly said: "I am an immortal saint of heaven, who can hurt my life?"

"Of course no one can hurt your life."

Su Yi laughed, "I just don't know if you teach the life of a disciple, can you also live forever?"

Tongtian: "…………………………”

"What do you... mean?"

"Means nothing……"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I have a treasure here that I want to give to the leader... The leader knows why I said I am here to save your life after seeing this."


"Sister Yunxiao? What are you doing here?"

Yun Xiao, who was waiting outside the hall, looked back and saw the Taoist Taoist immortal wind slowly coming from under the mountain. He smiled and said, "Little sister has seen Brother Duobao."

Duobao smiled and said: "You don't need to be polite. I just heard that Master and his old man said that you are very diligent in mana. Now it seems that it is so. I am very happy for my brother and sister."

"Little sister, thank you brother. UU reading"

"By the way, Junior Sister, you haven't answered my question just now, you are here to guard...what the **** is it?"

Yun Xiao said sternly: "It's the respected master who is summoning the distinguished guests, and the younger sister is waiting here and leaving it to serve... If the brother has something to do with the respected master, I will come back later."

"Later... well, then the brother will go to his place first."

Duobao turned and left with a weird look on his face. From the bottom of his heart, he said that he can be a distinguished guest of the teacher, he is definitely not a simple person...

But what happened to the familiar feeling I just felt?


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