Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 169: This kind of perverted pleasure

Yun Xiao looked at the back of his senior apprentice in confusion, and couldn't help but feel a touch of confusion in his heart. Duobao Taoist, the true senior brother of Jiediao, is not only seniority, but also strength.

This brother himself can be said to be the first of the many disciples under the master’s seat. He used to be regarded as a spring breeze to others. He is loved by almost all the disciples. He has a high prestige in the school, second only to his elders. Up.

But why does it feel today...

This brother actually seems to have a big change in temperament, and he will give people an aggressive feeling?

Although the words are still quite polite, they no longer feel the kindness.

Even... Why did I hear a sense of arrogance in that voice?

Is it an illusion?

Yun Xiao shook his head. Does Xindao seem to be that his mana is suddenly so diligent now that he feels a little dazed?

No longer thinking about it now, but continuing to stand quietly outside the palace, waiting for the conversation inside to end.

And now...

In Biyou Palace.

Su Yi showed his strength and easily resolved Tongtian's casual blow. Even though it was Tongtian, he had to look straight at him.

But even so...

Hearing Su Yi's words, Tongtian's voice was still a bit absurd, and he asked: "You want to form an alliance with me?!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "I only know that I am that...hehe...I only know that I am a friend of that Nuwa, but I don't know my other identity. I am the Emperor Chengtang——Di Xin Shou is and also."


Tongtian's face showed a look of astonishment, the emperor? An emperor could have such profound mana?

Is it because I have little knowledge or the world is changing too fast?

Isn't the emperor unable to cultivate? And it's still so strong in cultivation...

Among the many disciples I have taught, none of them has the terrifying ability like this fellow Su Daoyou... This person dared to see himself, not recklessly, and did not rely on the nvwa empress, but he really has Be confident enough to escape from his own hands.

But such a person can be anyone, but how can he be a mortal emperor?

But what is even more absurd is...

"It's ridiculous..."

The Lord Tongtian sneered and said: "Leave aside, red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaves, the three religions were originally a family, although the Tao is disordered today, but the matter of the gods is set by our three religions when the Tao of heaven is still clear. But you want to form an alliance with one of my religions to deal with the other? Yuanshi Tianzun, that's my brother!"


The corner of Su Yi’s mouth sketched a sardonic smile, "You take someone as a senior, and they are thinking about breaking your teachings to pieces! Then you know that you, the so-called senior, are now conspiring , I want to yin you hard."

Master Tongtian: "Nonsense, my brothers don't know how many years of friendship, your divorce plan is too vulgar."

Suning smiled helplessly, "Finally, I know you won't believe it easily. By the way, didn't I just want to give you a treasure?"

"There are rare treasures in the world that can be appreciated by Poor Dao."

Facing this person who can easily resolve his mana, the Master Tongtian is not stingy with his respect. He has become a little more easy-going between his words and even made jokes. After all, wolves are not like dogs, and tigers are not like cats. Same hunt...If you don't reach that level, who will respect you?

Although he just waved his hand casually, this so-called Majesty should be far from going all out... This kind of power, even if it is not as good as him, can affect his perception, which is quite good.

Su Yi smiled and said, "This treasure will make you dumbfounded and dumbfounded."

"Oh? What gift? Poor Dao would like to hear it."

Su Yi smiled, got up, put down a book where he was just sitting...

The four characters of the letter-"Feng Shen Yanyi".

There was a weird look on his face, that kind of feeling, it was as if you had shared a huge secret with someone related to the secret, and the spoiler pleasure almost filled the whole heart. It seems that you have known that a friend of yours is actually not his father's biological person, but you have been hiding it, but today, you have shaken out the matter directly in front of him and his father. The feeling of taboo is so refreshing to fly (this is a messy metaphor)...

Tongtian said in confusion: "This is..."

Su Yi smiled and said, "I got this thing by chance, and the contents are very important..."

That's right, it's very important, there are only a dozen books left in the demon refining pot right now.

"So, I also ask the teacher to destroy it immediately after reading it. Okay, I won't bother the teacher to study, leave!"

After that, Su Yi turned around and left.

Master Tongtian was startled, and said, "Friend Su, didn't you say you want to form an alliance with the poor road? The poor road has not given you an answer, why are you leaving?"

"What more answer?"

Su Yi didn't look back, just smiled faintly, and said, "This alliance has been formed."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand directly, and the huge door, which was heavy enough to be heavy, opened directly from the inside.

He walked out, and then the temple door slowly closed.

Outside, when Su Yi came out, Yun Xiao respectfully saluted: "Senior, are you going down the mountain now? Or are you going to experience the beautiful scenery of the island upstream of Jin'ao Island?"

"This... or go straight down the mountain."

Su Yi took a close look at Yunxiao, then raised her eyebrows. It was really graceful, dignified and beautiful. At a glance, you can tell that she is a pretty and lovely person. It seems that Nuwa was imitating her before she was in front of her. Looks like?

Poor Yunxiao, you have been taken advantage of by me before you even show up, Qiongxiao Bixiao's countless big brother-in-law... but really...

Thinking about it, he smiled bitterly: "Yun Xiao, you don't have to be so polite to me. On the contrary, I am quite rude to you. I am here today. I am not with you anymore."

As he said, he bowed slightly.

Yun Xiao hurriedly stepped away, and said anxiously, "Senior is too courteous. Senior is only kind to his disciple. There is nothing rude to disciple."

"This... you will naturally know in the future."

Su Yi smiled bitterly... the heart of ancient women is the most famous festival. When you meet your two younger sisters, you will have the heart to kill me by then.

"Forget it, let's not mention it, Yun...hehe...Nuwa should be waiting for me at the foot of the mountain at this time? I should go see her too."

Yun Xiao shook, and then realized that the empress is still waiting under Biyou Palace, although she is very confused about why she is not willing to accompany this senior Su to come up together, you know, that empress is naturally qualified to come up. of……

I am afraid that only Su Yi knows why she is not willing to come up.

Yunxiao just came out of the picture of Shanhe Sheji...

This is what she heard from her when she first went up the mountain. In other words, when Nuwa played Yunxiao, she had always concealed the real Yunxiao in her pictures of mountains and rivers.

But now...

Now that she has come out, maybe it is Nuwa who is reluctant to deceive herself?

Su Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, don't think about it, let's go, it's time to see her."

"Senior please."

Yun Xiao respectfully said.

Su Yi and Yun Xiao went down the mountain together.

But at this moment, Tongtian in Biyou Palace couldn't help but frown. This guy didn't play a mystery, but just left?

He said that this alliance has been formed?

So sure, I will help him deal with my own brother?

You know, red lotus, white lotus root and green lotus leaves, Sanjiao was originally a family!


What deceives people in this book?

And book... is it something that records words like bamboo slips?

Tongtian couldn't help but smile, he is now immortal, what else in this world can confuse him?


Picked up the "Fengshen" and muttered: "Fengshen...could it be that the secrets that I don't know about this time are not possible?"

He was not afraid of Su Yi's actions in it, and immediately opened the book.

After a long time...

The entire Biyou Palace, and even the entire Jin'ao Island, suddenly shook the sky and the earth. In a short time, the sky and the clouds changed, and the sky and the earth were Qi Ai...

All the disciples heard the angry roar of the master master who has always been calm and gentle, "Zhu Zi deceived me too much!!!"


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