Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 170: I am the man who wants to be the king of soft rice

   The journey down the mountain is much faster than the uphill journey.

   didn't stop by the side anymore... Su Yi didn't have the mood to watch the beautiful scenery.

No matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery is, he just didn’t squint, and he didn’t even look at that Yunxiao any more. Instead, it was Yunxiao. He looked back at Su Yi from time to time, and he was secretly confused. Senior Su said I'm sorry, what does this mean?

   I don’t even understand, and there is...

  Since she can become a friend of Nuwa Empress, she must be a strong person like her, but why is this strong person so amiable?

  I once witnessed the light description of Nuwa Empress and Taishang Laojun and beat the prince of the ancient demon clan to a state where his body and spirit were destroyed. This Su Yi is certainly such a powerful expert...

   It's just that he doesn't have such a terrible sense of oppression. Instead, he feels as kind as a good friend.

As everyone knows, even if Su Yi's strength is not as good as that of Nuwa Tongtian and others, he will not be far away, at least not to the point where he has the ability to fight back at all. No matter the master of Tongtian, it is too high to be an old monarch, or even this Nuwa. Niang Niang has always been aloof, watching sentient beings... Naturally, she has cultivated an aura of dominance over the world, and she doesn't put everything in her heart.

Although Su Yi’s strength is high and strong, but as his strength rises, the plane he has experienced has also increased in strength. No matter how his strength is improved, the next plane will always be able to meet those above him. opponent……

   In this way, even if Su Yi's strength is high, but he has never had the opportunity to pretend to be coercive and domineering, and naturally there is no way to cultivate the so-called supremacy.

   But it’s not surprising. It only took a few hundred years to get to where I am today. The degree is indeed too fast, and it’s not surprising that I have not had time to cultivate my knowledge.

   But... this is also good.

   I don’t want to become that kind of aloof.

   Su Yi naturally had his thoughts in his heart.

   And now...

   Far away, he has seen the woman in white standing by the scenic lake ahead.

Although it is the same color as the clouds around me, but it has a completely different feeling. If the clouds are soft white clouds on the horizon, meaning that people are unconsciously close to their hearts, then this whiteness will not melt for all the years. The glacier, although beautiful, dare not be easily approached... but admired...

   And that beautiful face is even more impressive, which is the nobleness carved into the bones.

   Really... How blind I was in the past to mistake this noble woman who is even more than Queen Xi seemed to be Yunxiao?

   If you are not in a high position all year round, how can you develop this kind of tolerance?

   Su Yi whispered: "You already knew it, didn't you?"

   Yunxiao was startled, and said in confusion, "Senior, what did you say?"

   "Oh...nothing...just talking to myself."

   Su Yi said casually, then opened his mouth again, there was no sound anymore.

   At this time, there was a clear and sweet voice with a chuckle in his ear: "What do you know? Does it mean Yunxiao is actually a matter of Nuwa?"

   Su Yi said silently: "Do you think there is anything else?"

   "For this..."

   A Nuan’s voice was a bit teasing, Su Yi seemed to see a red-clothed girl looking at him with a playful smile. Although there was admiration in her eyes, she also made fun of...

   She smiled and said, "Master, didn't I tell you before, there are some things you don’t know better than you know."

   Su Yi said annoyed: "That's what you told me at the time?"

"What do you think?"

A Nuan smiled and said: "Congratulations, Master, you have successfully taken down the Nuwa Empress... Nuwa plus Queen Mother, Master, I don't think you need to do anything. You can take care of these two women, and the world will be peaceful. Up."

   Su Yi hummed: "Do you think I can't eat soft rice?"

   "Hee hee... The master's angry look is so cute."

With a flash of red light, A Nuan’s charming figure had appeared directly beside Su Yi, sitting on his shoulders in suspension, holding Su Yi’s head in both hands, as if holding her beloved toy. He kissed his forehead...with a smile: "Don’t worry, Master, you and that Nuwa are attracted to each other. She may indeed want to deal with you at first, but now, she definitely doesn’t have this idea anymore, and it’s not that I didn’t. Remind you, but her presence is very important to you, the master."

   "What do you mean?"

   "It doesn't mean anything..."

A Nuan smiled and said, "If you put it bluntly, it will be utilitarian, so it’s better if you don’t know anything, Master. It’s like now, if you had known that Nuwa is Yunxiao, you would go to this point with her. ?"

   Su Yi was startled, confused: "This..."

   I'm afraid it really won't... After all, she has sent Xiaobai to her harem, and it is absolutely impossible for herself to believe in anyone who has ever shot herself.

You know, I am a very suspicious person in my bones. At the beginning, the Lord God only cheated myself a bit, so I have been suspicious of her. After experiencing so many planes, I am still unwilling to let go of my heart even if I have been asked by myself from the future Of vigilance.

   If it hadn’t been known that the main **** was A Nuan, I’m afraid this doubt would not disappear so easily.

   If you really know her true identity, even if you treat her with courtesy, I’m afraid there will be a little guard in my heart...

Seeing Su Yi's dignified look, A Nuan sat on Su Yi's shoulders, kicking her two beautiful jade legs back and forth, and smiled: "So you know? Why don't I tell you the truth... …"

   "You really know me."

   "Of course, I am your Nuan."

   A Nuan smiled sweetly. Although Yisu was holding such a big threat on top of her head, she was in an unprecedented happy mood at this time.

   "Because you share the burden with me."

   she said with a smile suddenly inexplicably.

   "Share? Share what?"

   "No...nothing...I just want to tell you, Master, you just go at your own pace, and I will take care of everything else for you."

Ah Nuan lowered her head tenderly again, and kissed Su Yi’s lips. Unlike the joke just now, this time, she was serious and affectionate... It was really hard for her to sit on Su Yi’s shoulders. It can reach his mouth... I have to mention that snakes are naturally soft and boneless.

She smiled and said: "Okay, master, don't blame me for hiding you. It's really that you can't put too many things in your head. You are good at calculating things, but calculating people, you are only a kindergarten... Don't be yourself Make decisions in areas where you’re not good at, okay, Nuwa is here, I won’t go back, maybe she will find out, retreat, right..."

   A Nuan’s eyes were slightly misty, and she gently licked her almost transparent lips. She smiled and said, “Don’t make an appointment with her tonight. I booked in advance.”

   Su Yi said in surprise: "Your body...recovered?"

   "Of course...I can finally show up often in the future."

   A Nuan also smiled, and at the same time brought so many people into a plane that did not belong to Obviously, she was also under a lot of pressure, but now it seems that she has finally recovered.

   Su Yi's tight body suddenly relaxed.

   Has A Nuan recovered?

   It's great...I'm my most capable assistant.

   no longer have to fight alone.

   Lord God, my... half body.

  With her, I am complete.

   Su Yi's breathing suddenly became lighter.

   A Nuan seemed to understand Su Yi's mood, and lightly touched Su Yi's lips again, and the figure disappeared quickly.

   But Su Yi did not specifically stop the conversation between the two for so long. Yun Xiao didn't even know that just now, a girl in red appeared.

   It seems that A Nuan's ability is still extremely mysterious.

   Su Yi suddenly had a suspicion. If he and A Nuan fight to death, I am afraid that the one who has a greater chance of winning is definitely not himself, but the cute A Nuan who always looks in front of him.

   But what about this? Don't talk about the side... If you change to another battlefield, you will be called to cry for father and mother every minute.

   Looking at the white figure in front of him, a smile appeared on Su Yi's face... He straightened his clothes and walked over.


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