Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 176: Nice nephew is beautiful

Bi Xiao frowned and thought: "At that time, we called him brother-in-law, he seemed very happy, and said that he had accepted the title, and then he told me that I would stop making troubles in the future, so as not to get tired. Sister you, but if you really get into trouble, then look for him. He said that there are not many sentient beings in the Three Realms that he can't afford to offend, and he can protect my peace."

Qiong Xiao sighed: "Speaking of which, if this Su Daoyou is really our brother-in-law, that would be really good. During this period of time, he has really taken care of us, and last time the third sister cut him with a golden dragon , He was not angry."

   Yun Xiao said in his heart that he was not angry, he just asked the Nuwa Empress to file a lawsuit in front of me.

   But now it seems...

   When Senior Nasu left Jin'ao Island, he once said sorry to himself, and then said that he owed me. If there is anything that needs him in the future, you can open your mouth.

   At the time, I was still confused about what this meant.

   But now, it seems that the debt he said was that he arbitrarily agreed to the name brother-in-law, thus tainting his innocence?

   But why would he do this?

   Does he treat me...

   No, it should not be.

   There is also Nuwa Empress... Why does she say that she owes herself a favor?

  Poor Yunxiao, I really can’t understand what I think. I have practiced in Nuwa Empress’s Mountain and River Society for more than a year. As a result, the whole world has changed.

   sighed, she said: "In short, the eldest brother, the second sister, the third sister, this senior Su has nothing to do with me. There may be some misunderstandings between them. In the future, I won't be allowed to call them that way."

   "Wait... Then if the brother-in-law is not our brother-in-law..."

   Bixiao suddenly became angry and yelled: "Then I shouted so many times, isn't it because he took advantage of it?"

   "Okay, people are not angry, it's polite to kill you directly."

Yun Xiao said in his heart that I saw Empress Nuwa personally capture the Golden Crow in order to forge a sword for him, and then let the Supreme Master deprive him of its origin... This Lu Ya just suffered from Wuwang disaster and it became like this, you take the initiative to provoke others , And still get his blessing, it's so lucky that I don't know where it is.

Thinking about it, she sighed: "It seems that I really can't let you two cause trouble outside. Fortunately, I only spent more than a year. If you spend more than six or seven years, I'm afraid Yes, you can tear it down, go, and go back with me."

  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

   Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao were both shocked.

   Qiong Xiao said in surprise: "Go back? Why do you want to go back? Sister, you have a rare breakthrough in cultivation. Let's eat and live in Chaoge City, why not save more time?"

Bi Xiao also hurriedly said: "Yes, that's right. Big brother can testify. We have been practicing very seriously recently. Big brother can testify. Recently, it's really just going out in leisure time. If you go back to Sanxian Island or Jin'ao Island. , I really want to go shopping and there is nowhere to go."

   Zhao Gongming stroked his beard and said, "Yes, the second and third sisters really surprised the eldest brother... I have been practicing very much recently... Uh... well, I shut up, I don't say anything, I shut up."

   Under Yunxiao's eyes, Zhao Gongming turned his head to look at the beautiful scenery outside the sky. The clouds on that day are so innocent, it is so lovely, why bother to annoy this already angry girl.

   "My intention has been decided, as you said, I have already made a lot of progress in the exercises now, so I just have to take a good examination of the two of you. If you don't satisfy me, don't want to leave Sanxian Island without authorization."

   Yunxiao said in his heart that your brother-in-law and brother-in-law yelled, now I know, if I still stay in this Chaoge, when Senior Su returns, I see him, do I have to live and die?

  Go, go quickly.

   It is best to hide far away, and never come to this Chaoge again.

   Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao glanced at each other, and they both saw the sadness in each other's eyes. It was over, the eldest sister seemed to be dictatorial.

   This time, it's hard to think of it again.

   Just in sadness, the two women didn’t notice. The face of their eldest sister was blushing slightly...

   As long as she thinks of Senior Su being called as brother-in-law by two of her sisters, and that Senior Su accepts it for granted, she feels, no, she really feels uncomfortable all over her body.

   No, when I returned to Sanxian Island, I had to interrogate these two girls to see how they came to this conclusion.

   Not to mention the Oolong incident in Chaoge City.

   Su Yi and Nuwa are all entangled in their hearts, and they are relieved.

Just like what Anuan said, since there is nothing else to do, you should cultivate your sister’s favorability. Although it is not for her to be with her, if she can help you, then Why do you have to refuse straight men with cancer?

   Su Yi also found it reasonable.

   But he had long heard that Queen Mother Xi and Empress Nuwa are best friends. Now with Empress Nuwa, he naturally wants to meet Empress Xi who has not been seen for a long time.

   This woman was obviously hiding from herself, just taking Nuwa to stop her.

   After arriving at Nantianmen...

   "I have seen the Nuwa Empress!"

   "I have seen the **** of justice!"

   All the heavenly soldiers respectfully saluted Nuwa and Su Yi. They still heard what Princess Longji said in their ears, knowing that there is an extra judicial **** on the court today.

   actually surprised Nuwa a little, and said in shock: "You are the emperor of the mortal world, why are you still the judicial **** of this heaven?"


Nuwa knows a lot about her own affairs, so naturally there is no need to hide it from her. Su Yi smiled and said: "On another plane, I am the Jade Emperor, the nephew of the present Haotian God. Regarding generation, I should call him Uncle, and although there have been festivals between us, now, it can basically be regarded as a relief from the past, so after he came to this plane, he still allowed me to be a judicial god."

   He said meaningfully: "After all, if this is the case, if there really is a big war in the future, the heavens, wouldn't it be on my side."

   "You really are..."

   Nuwa was speechless. I didn't expect this guy to be so good. He didn't say anything. Heavenly Court had already been taken in by him and became a great help. In addition, Tongtian, who was now determined to join hands with him.

   It turns out that this guy usually eats, drinks and has fun, but he has gathered a lot of power in private.

   plus Queen Mother West and herself...

   Nuwa was startled, then smiled bitterly, did not expect that she had counted herself on his side?

   But also %……

   After all, if he has three longs and two shorts, he can hardly imagine what will happen in the future. If this is the case, it is better to protect him beforehand.


   Nuwa smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect the Jade Emperor to become your uncle, so to speak, so to speak..."

   I didn't expect that I would have this kind of relationship with the Jade Emperor At the beginning, I had to speak to him, but I often spoke unceremoniously.

   It is estimated that now, he should be a little bit resistant to himself.

   and Nuwa Empress came to visit in person.

   As expected, it hasn't been long before entering the Nantian Gate, when the familiar figure greeted him. Obviously, the Jade Emperor must also give enough respect to the visit of Empress Nuwa.

   It's just the weird smile on her face... No matter how you look at it, Nu Wa especially wanted to punch her up.

   The Jade Emperor laughed and said: "Manny Nuwa personally visited, my Lingxiao Palace is full of brilliance, madam, I am a little late to come out, and I hope to forgive me."

   Nuwa stopped her face, but no longer gave her face as she used to, and said: "It's just for fun, Your Majesty is too polite."

   "You're welcome... You're welcome, you're not welcome..."

   The smile on the face of the Jade Emperor became more and more unconcealable. Seeing the Empress Nuwa standing beside Su Yi, although she deliberately kept a distance, the Jade Emperor was so human, you could tell at a glance, where the two stood...

   Obviously this good nephew of his own takes the main position.

   In other words... I didn't guess wrong.

   The Jade Emperor took Su Yi's shoulders and laughed, "Good nephew, great job!!!"


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