Hearing the jade Emperor's obviously teasing smile, Nuwa's face suddenly became gloomy, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

If it were in the past, the man in front of him, although not respectful to him, would never dare to make a joke like this... and he would never leave him any face.

But now, why is he suddenly so presumptuous?

Thinking about it this way, Nuwa, who was obviously unhappy in her heart, sighed in her heart. Could it be that he saw that something was wrong?

Thinking of this, Nu Wa's originally angry expression was obviously stagnant, and her momentum suddenly plummeted.

"What do you mean? It's meaningless... I just praised my nephew. Now that his mana is getting more and more diligent, the progress is so gratifying, how beautiful he did it! That's the meaning, nothing else."

The Jade Emperor patted Su Yi's shoulder, once, and the shot became heavier and heavier... He blinked at Suning, and said in a low voice: "Even the Nuwa Niang Niang was taken down, what a nephew, it's really for me I found a good nephew and daughter-in-law. Later, I will invite you to drink the fine wine I have treasured for 30,000 years."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Okay, Your Majesty, don't make fun of me."

"Just kidding? How can I make any jokes, but I really want to invite you to drink... Good Erlang, you really surprise me more and more."

As he said, the Jade Emperor suddenly sighed with a sense of disappointment, and said, "It's just that, the idea that I wanted to match you and my daughter before was simply lost? You have the Nuwa Empress. Such a confidante, I'm afraid that she will look down on Long Ji, a little girl."

Nuwa stopped turning her head, pretending that she couldn't hear the conversation between the unscrupulous nephew.

And Su Yi helplessly said: "Your Majesty, be careful, it's easy for you to say this, but how do you let me face Long Ji in the future? I am worthy of her brother and sister."

"Hahahaha...Well, I shut up, let the younger generation's affairs be handled by the younger generation, my elders will not interfere, in fact, I actually want to match you with my other niece Yang Yi, after all, you It's all from me...Oh, look at my memory, don't say it, don't say it."

He laughed heartily.

However, Su Yi sighed helplessly in his heart. It seemed to him, how could this Jade Emperor and that mysterious Yang Yi still seem to be quite emotional?

But after thinking about it, he is not surprised. After all, after many things on the plane of Journey to the West before, the current Jade Emperor probably still values ​​family affection. He suddenly discovered that he has an extra niece, and he must be in a hurry to catch up. Go to send warmth.

I just don’t know if Yang Yi is an enemy or a friend, if it’s an enemy...

Su Yi thought it would be better to see the tricks when the time comes... Now it is useless to think too much.

Originally, in this heavenly court, Su Yi was only here to find Queen Mother Xi. He heard from Nuwa that Queen Mother Xi had been nesting in her jade pond all this time, and she was reluctant to leave, even her real home, West Kunlun. Not willing to go anymore.

It's just that the Jade Emperor was too happy and eager to let Su Yi stay to drink...

On the contrary, Su Yi couldn't ask other people directly, but was stiff, so he had to stay and have a few drinks with him.

Needless to say, what he drank was the fine wine he had said before, which was treasured for 30,000 years. Obviously, at this moment, his mood was really perfect.

After all, Nuwa, who was originally above her own status and status, suddenly changed her body and became his nephew and daughter-in-law... He naturally felt quite proud.

After drinking...

Su Yi asked about the trace of Queen Mother West.

The already drunk and dim Jade Emperor said in amazement: "The Queen Mother? She has already left Yaochi. She took Long Ji and Xiao Qi, and didn't say anything. I don't know where she went. Otherwise, I would have already Send someone to ask her to come over, and everyone can have a good time together, right, Empress Nuwa?"

Nu Wa: "………………………………"

She was displeased at heart, so she called her if she asked her in her heart. It depends on what I do? Do you still want Queen Mother Naxi to see me failing to make a joke? It's a pity... She didn't see mine, but it was her joke. I've already read it, but you don't know anything, right?

He snorted immediately and said, "Since Queen Mother Xi is not here, Fellow Daoist Su, let's go and take a look elsewhere."

Su Yi smiled and said, "I'll talk about it after drinking."

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "Yes, I will leave after drinking. Wait for this good wine, drink a little less, save the rest, wait for your good day to drink, hahahaha... Erlang, I am really happy today, come, Cheers!"

Su Yi smiled helplessly, and had to raise his wine glasses and clink glasses with the Jade Emperor.

when it is time to leave……

It was already two hours later.

Thanks to the fact that the time flow between Heavenly Court and Mortal at this time is still the same, otherwise, I am afraid that after drinking this meal, Mortal has already passed two months...

Su Yi held the Nu Wa's hand with a slightly drunken spirit, smiling, and from time to time, he gently kneaded the slippery touch in his palm, taking a small advantage.

Nu Wa did not dodge, letting him hold her hand in her palm, and said in a bad mood: "You seem to be very happy..."

Su Yi laughed and said, "Naturally happy...I don't know why. I always felt that the sky was far away from me. Even though she was enamoured with me, I still felt an unreal feeling, like the moon in the mirror. Dream, but now, I finally know why. It turns out that the one who likes me is not Yunxiao, but Nuwa...It's very bizarre. I'm not surprised that it is you. Don't you feel that way?"

Nu Wa said with a stern face: "No... I was ridiculed by the Jade Emperor just now. You don't care about me, just drinking... Sure enough, what you saw in the book is true? Don't know how to cherish it?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "But I haven't gotten it yet... and I'm very curious, what are the books you read? What do you think it is?"

"Ignore you crazy talker."

Nuwa forcibly pulled her hand back, her face was stern, but she couldn't help smiling.

She gave Su Yi a white look and said, "Why, you can't find the Queen Mother you are thinking of, so did you start playing hooligans with me?"

"What this says... As if I found her, I won't be hooligans to you."

Su Yi laughed.

Nu Wa sighed: "But if she is there, I guess you should go to her directly. I, the poor person, will be discarded by you directly. That's better. It's better. Let me go. Let me go to Nuwa Palace. After a while, Queen Mother Xi is lazy like a tortoise, and she will not move where she moves. Since she is not in Yaochi, she must be in her West Kunlun or my Nuwa Palace. You have not always wanted to. Go to my Nuwa Palace and take a look? Take you over to... just right, I have a surprise for you."

"I don't want to see where you live."

Su Yi smiled and looked at Nu Wa. It was hard to imagine that this beautiful woman who was frivolous and annoyed in front of her was actually the legendary Nu Wa empress...especially with the girl from Youdu who she had met before. Empress Wa, it feels like two people.

It’s because the Nuwa in this plane is protected by her elder brother, and because of her own strength, no one dares to easily scratch the tiger’s whiskers. This leads to the Nuwa in front of him without everything that Nuwa has passed through. ?

But this is also good...

At the very least, this kind of Nuwa Empress seems to be more lovely and more attractive.

A knowing smile appeared on Su Yi's face.

Nuwa also smiled~www.readwn.com~ The two looked at each other, and there was a gentle smile in their eyes.

The two of them held hands at the moment, and flew towards the Nuwa Palace together...

As for whether to find Queen Mother West, it’s still second. After all, if she really wants to hide from herself, Su Yi guessed it would be difficult for him to find her. It’s like this time in Heavenly Court. Maybe she noticed her in advance. Appear and then disappear quietly?

It's... I won't eat you again, so what to hide?

Su Yi thought with a little dissatisfaction in his heart.

How did he know that the reason Queen Mother West escaped was because she was afraid of being eaten... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ()) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest The motivation of mobile phone users, please go to read.)


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