"We finally caught up...fortunately we were not late."

Long Ji’s beautiful face, with a look of surprise, looked at the endless stream of people below. Among them, the old man surrounded by everyone, seemed to be the face of Ji Chang that Su Yi had told him. Generally no different.

She sighed with satisfaction, and said, "I didn’t expect this Ji Chang to be so hard to find, but fortunately I found it. Otherwise, my brother finally asked me to do something for him. If I didn’t do it well, wouldn’t it be necessary? Did he disappoint?"

Xiaoqi stood beside Long Ji and looked down with Long Ji. Sure enough, there was a team of about a hundred people underneath. The front and rear, left and right, were all elite soldiers with swords, all guarding all the way... …And surrounded by these groups, the old man with long beard and white beard was sighing, with a sad expression on his face, but from his eyebrows, it was indeed Ji Chang.

She calculated for a while in her heart, and said: "If you calculate from here, it will take more than half a month for Ji Chang to reach Xiqi...Princess, we seem to be early."

Long Ji smiled a little embarrassedly, and said: "This... Actually, my brother also told me that it might take Ji Chang to reach Xiqi in nearly a month, so I don't have to be too eager, but... after all He attaches great importance to things, how can I fail to do my best, but for more than half a month, I wronged Miss Seven and waited with me for a while, okay?"

"I can naturally."

For Su Yi, Xiao Qi naturally attached great importance to it, but...

She glanced at Long Ji with a little surprise. The girl in the golden shirt and plain face had a bit of tension and eagerness in her bright, star-like eyes. It seemed...

She said: "The princess seems to value True Monarch very much..."

Long Ji gave a bewildered hum, noticed Xiao Qi’s sight, she smiled shyly, and said, “There’s no way, although I also have a cousin, but that cousin has not been close to me since she was a child, and what the younger sister said, Really, those maids who have been serving me all the time, I also treat me as a younger sister. It’s not an uncommon experience, but suddenly there is a younger brother...a younger brother, not the same as a younger sister, and... "

She whispered: "And he is also the nephew that the emperor father likes very much, so I also care about it unknowingly, so since it is the task of the younger brother, as my sister, I naturally have to do it for him with all my heart and wait for a while. Whatever, in short, I must not let Ji Chang have a problem."

"Then I will accompany the princess to guard this Ji Chang here."

Xiao Qi smiled and said: "Since it is the task of the true monarch, I should also pay attention to it. The true monarch has great favors to me. If it weren't for him, I am afraid I no longer know how far it has fallen. His matter, I have more reasons to care than the princess."

"Oh? Great grace? Little Seventh Sister, what kind of grace, let's just listen."

Long Ji showed a curious look on his face.

Xiao Qi was startled, and then she realized that she had accidentally missed her mouth, her face flushed with shame, she hurriedly lowered her head, Xindao bathed with her sisters, and was rescued by the hero by the true king, and returned by the way. I showed all seven of my sisters, how can I tell others about this kind of thing? ,

Seeing Xiao Qi’s reaction, Long Ji suddenly showed a look of interest on his face, and he surrounded Xiao Qi with a smile: "Just talk...Anyway, there is still a lot of time now, and I can help you keep it secret, good sister, Don't tease my curiosity."

Xiaoqi just kept silent for a while.

The two sisters have become a group in the sky, anyway, they are not afraid of being spotted by the mortals below, and there is at least half a month before Ji Chang enters Xiqi, the two have more time to play...

But although it was just a boring wait, for some unspeakable reasons, neither of the two women proposed to leave here temporarily.

They all stubbornly believed that since this Ji Chang would be in danger, then I am afraid that this danger may not be the only way to enter Xiqi City. It is best to guard him from now on. In short, we must not let him down.

How did Ji Chang, who was riding a horse below, know that above the heavenly court, two princesses with extremely noble identities are now guarding for his own safety.

And at this time in Chaoge City.

Inside the Longde Temple.

The early dynasty had just ended, and all the ministers had retreated, leaving only two people standing up and down.

With Su Yi's face, Chan You rubbed her eyebrows and went to the morning session for two hours in a row. She couldn't help but feel a little tired, but after all, she still had something to say, she took a sip of refreshing thick Cha, asked: "Are the Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming gone?"

Yuwen Tuo below replied: "Not bad..."

He paused, and smiled bitterly: "Even I can't think that Brother Su was called so many brother-in-laws by Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao. It turns out that he and Daoist Yunxiao are not in the relationship we imagined. It was just a one-sided relationship, and listening to the tone of Daoist Yunxiao, he seemed to treat Brother Su as a disciple. This...this misunderstanding is really big."

Chan You smiled, and said, "The seniority is not a problem. Let's not say that the child Lingsha is still Su Yi's disciple, but he is still his wife... This Su Yi is here. On the one hand, it's really not taboo..."

More than Lingsha, now Ling'er, Yueru, and Long'er who was almost raised as his own daughter, and even three lovely little girls outside... Chanyou knows, Su Yi and Na The proprietress of Xiangri Restaurant, Kui, has an unclear relationship. The two have had a spring breeze several times, but Na Kui’s two daughters seem to be...

Hmph, that Kui is also true, she knew about it tomorrow, and she didn't stop it at all. Could it be that she actually wanted to...

Thinking a little bit unpleasantly, Chan You suddenly felt that Su Yi was not taboo, or that the taste was getting heavier and heavier.

But this is just an episode, and what she is really concerned about is another issue.

Chan You asked: "Since there was such a big misunderstanding, the woman named Yunxiao, even her name was lost in Su Yi's hands, will it affect the subsequent battle..."

These people are all people with advanced magic power, and they are already friends, but now, Chan You is a little worried whether they will turn from friends to enemies.

Yuwentuo smiled lightly: "Senior Chan You can rest assured, they have no grudges against Brother Su. Even Bi Xiao, who is the most ignorant of the people, did not blame Brother Su for this."

"That's good."

Chan You nodded in relief.

And Yuwen paused, and said, "By the way, Senior Chanyou, there is one more thing."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Recently, a Taoist interpreter also came to Chaoge and handed me a name sticker. Now I am living in my imperial master’s mansion. I have some contact with him on weekdays. Listening to his tone, it seems that I want to seek refuge in Su. Brother..."

Yuwentuo hesitated in his eyes, and said: "Ke Chan teaches and cuts the teacher has always had a bad relationship, and I have heard of Chan teach from Brother Su. He said that he is his enemy this time. Unstable, do you plan to see him?"

"Who is that person?"

Yuwen Tuo replied: "Shen Gongbao, the second-generation disciple of the interpretation and teaching!"

"Shen Gongbao?"

Chan faintly paused ~www.readwn.com~ looked up for a moment, and said, "I seem to have heard this word in Su Yi's mouth, and I am quite impressed with this person. Now Su Yi is not there, nothing else, I still see Come on, if Shen Gongbao really went to me and waited, and we drove him out, wouldn't it be unsightly then?"

Seeing Yuwen Tuo's somewhat worried look, Chan You smiled proudly, and said: "Don't worry, although I am a dream tapir, the monster energy in my body has dissipated with the help of Na Su Yi. Without the slightest elves, he turned into Su Yi's appearance. Even if he was a person extremely familiar with him, I would not be able to see my disguise for a while. How high can Shen Gongbao's mana be? There is absolutely no possibility of flaws."

Yuwentuo smiled and said: "So it seems that I have been thinking too much, so I will invite him."

Chanyou said: "Go ahead."

There was a trace of crimson on her face, as if...I thought of the time when Na Su Yi helped me to get rid of the evil spirit.


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