Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 188: Return of Ji Chang

Time flows slowly.

in a blink.

It is already half a month later.

During the half month's journey, Long Ji, Xiao Qi, and the two women have been silently following and protecting Na Ji Chang, hiding under the protection of the plain cloud border flag, without being traced by anyone.

And in the past half a month, they really realized what the so-called saint meant.

From this Chaoge all the way to Xiqi, whenever they are thirsty and knock on the door wall of any yard, the people who are scared to see the powerful soldiers only need to hear the name of Xibo Hou Jichang...

Everyone will immediately change their attitude, respectfully step forward to greet them, and take the initiative to help those soldiers boil water and cook, their attitude is pious, as if they are facing their own family members.

Along the way, they marched hurriedly all the way, and they never made a fire to cook. They all got food from the people.

And Xibohou never took advantage of them. He respected these flat-headed people and did not allow the soldiers to occupy half a cent. After eating, he would definitely leave double the money for meals... and even ordered the soldiers. Help these people clean up the mess left behind.

From this point of view.

"He is indeed a good Lord Hou."

With a look of admiration on Long Ji's face, he sighed: "This is not so proud of an official body, even under the father's throne, not many people can do it."

"Yes, fortunately, the task that the real monarch gave us is to protect him, not to hurt him. Otherwise, I'm afraid I really can't handle it."

With a look of regret on Xiao Qi's face, he said, "Who is going to kill him like a prince who loves his people like a child?"

"I don't know, but since my brother said that someone wanted to harm him, then we just need to protect him."

Long Ji showed a bit of fighting spirit on his face, "From the perspective of Xi Bohou's personality, I am afraid that we are on the side of justice. In this way, not only has completed the brother's request, but also saved the kind and good people. Didn’t we do something meaningful?"


Long Ji and Xiao Qi looked at each other, and both saw the meaning of each other's eyes.

I have to mention that even though they are all female fairies who have been alive for not knowing how many years, but have never experienced worldly things, they are the least resistant to this kind of punishment and promotion of good.

Two more days passed.

Ji Chang's team went to Xiqi without any problems...

And when he was still dozens of miles away from the gate of Xiqi, Ji Chang had already sent his soldiers to tell the whole Xiqi about his return.

"Master Hou, don't you want to be so fanatical?"

The scout seemed to be worried, and said, "Or, shall we go directly into the city?"

Ji Chang glanced at the scout and asked, "Why did you sneak into the city? This is Xiqi of Benhou, not his Ji. This rebellious son doesn't put me in his eyes at all, and even kills his brother and his father. This kind of behavior is incomprehensible. I will definitely expose the guilt of this wicked son in front of the people of Xiqi, and I will punish him by myself!!!"


After some words, the scolding was full of enthusiasm, and without worrying about anything else, he responded and drove quickly towards the west direction.

Xiqi City Gate.

Although not as grand and magnificent as Chaoge, it is also a huge city with a radius of tens of miles. The city wall built with bluestone and brick is majestic and magnificent, and it is impossible to easily break it.

This day.

The soldiers guarding the city guarded the gate with a rigorous face and did not neglect their duties. Under the leadership of Xi Bohou, Xiqi really said that he was not picking up on the road, and his heart was pure and kind.

Suddenly, a flying horse galloped all the way from the front, with several flags and flying dust and smoke behind him, shouting: "Master Hou is back, open the city gate."

When the Pegasus reached under the city wall, the scout jumped off the horse and shouted loudly: "The city gate soldier listened to the order and opened the city gate. Lord Hou returned and told the civil and military officials to come out to welcome him."

As soon as this statement came out, all the soldiers' complexions changed drastically.

"Master Hou? Could it be..."

"Master Hou is back? The eldest son really saved Master Hou?"

"Master Hou is back, I'll notify Master Xiao Hou..."

After the brief clamor of the soldiers, a look of surprise appeared on every face. The gate of the city wall that tens of thousands of soldiers could not attack was opened directly by the soldiers...

And the people who heard the scolding words couldn't help but jumped for joy, and gathered in front of the city wall, one by one, they rushed to tell each other, their Lord Hou was back.

The shopkeeper put down the goods in his hand and discarded it casually. Anyway, in this Xiqi City, no one would touch his own things, and the shopkeeper who was still opening the shop also left the shop without paying any attention to the shop. Goods... when Master Hou is here, Xiqi will always be the Xiqi who lives and works in peace and contentment.

Soon, a bustling group of people gathered in front of the city gate. There were men and women, old and young, all with expressions of anticipation, looking forward to the return of the Hou Ye who had been away for several years.

Those who learned of Xibohou's return also included those civil and military officials.

At this time, it is catching up with the early morning time.

A hundred officials of civil and military affairs are discussing the administration of the Xiqi dynasty in a large hall, and it is Ji who is doing it. And the person below Ji was the one who was wearing a black gauze pocket and wrapped all over his body. Looking at his figure, he should be a man, but that's all. On the side, nothing can be seen.

Only from the standpoint of status, this person's status is even higher than that of Sanyisheng.

"What?! Father is back?"

Ji, who was discussing business with hundreds of civil and military officials, suddenly stood up from the throne, with a surprised look on his face, and said loudly: "Are you sure, it's the return of the father? If you dare to talk nonsense, I won't forgive you. "

The goalkeeper said loudly: "Little Hou Ye, I will not dare to lie. The scout who came to report the letter was one of the soldiers who left with Hou Ye. I was all under the same command, so I naturally recognize it. "

"In that case, father father really returned?"

Ji Tan sat back in his seat, choked up happily, tears could not help but flowed silently, he sighed: "Unexpectedly, the eldest brother really saved the father, the ministers will go back to their respective residences and prepare A moment later, join me to welcome the father's return to Xiqi.


San Yisheng and the others looked at each other with a smile on their faces, bowed respectfully to Ji, and then left in order.

Far away, there was a hearty laughter.

And Ji happily said: "So, I have to change into a more solemn dress... The return of the father, this is really gratifying."

With that said, he turned and entered the apse, and before leaving, he glanced at the man in the black hat.

The man in the black hat remained silent and followed Ji's back.

At the back of the palace...

Abandon all around.

Seeing that there were no other people around, Ji's smile suddenly faded, his face gloomy as if dripping ink, he yelled angrily, and kicked over the desk in front of him, pens, inks, papers and inks spilled on the ground.

And he still didn't understand his hatred, and he stepped angrily on the bamboo slips one after another, and shouted angrily: "Prime Minister Jiang, how did you promise me in the first place? He said that he would never let his father come back alive, but Now that he is back alive, should I give up all the hard work that I have put in this period of time to my father? Will my efforts be put to waste?"

The man in the black hat was Jiang Ziya. He said, "Master Hou, what we assure you is that Na Boyi will definitely not return alive after taking the exam. As for Ji Chang and Master Hou, this is your plan. Wrong?"

"No matter what the plan is correct, my father is coming back soon. He is very prestigious in Xiqi. He doesn't need to do anything. Just one sentence can directly understand all my power. What should I do? ?"

Ji's face looked savage, like a demon who chose someone and devoured him, he said angrily: "Don't forget, if I lose power, your plan will also be stranded. It's not just me that will lose, so hurry up and give me thoughts. Come up with a way. Otherwise, even if you are a cultivator of qi, don't think about getting well in Xiqi with me."


Jiang Ziya hesitated for a and sighed lightly: "If there is a way, it may not be impossible, but it is a bit more inhumane."

"What way? Say it quickly, as long as it works, I will never hesitate."

When Ji heard that there was a way, it seemed as if he had grasped the life-saving straw, where he had taken care of the so-called inhumanity.

Jiang Ziya took a deep look at Ji and said, "In this situation, I am afraid I can only ask my nephew Yang Yi to go out."

"Miss Yang?!"

Ji was overjoyed immediately.


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