After leaving Chaoge for several months, he has finally returned safely. ?

Su Yi's heart was really full of happiness.

Compared with the experience of other planes, the experience of this plane is really the happiest experience ever.

The close people you care about are basically by your side. In the past, for yourself, as long as you enter the experience and want to see those cute girls again, it will take at least several decades, and the last plane If so, it is more than five hundred years have not seen most of the faces of the beloved women...

It's still so good.

This is obviously only a few months away, but it feels like a long time to myself.

Uncontrollable thoughts surged in my heart, even...

Su Yi also quietly asked A Nuan who was sitting on his arm in a low voice: "A Nuan, if you don’t do this, I will never complete the task of this plane, we will always live in this plane. Is this possible? As long as we are all together, it doesn’t really matter where we are? I don’t have any relatives in this world."

A Nuan, who has always maintained a snake body, rolled her eyes very humanely, and mocked: "If you have this question, you should not ask me, but ask Na Yisu, will he get what he deserves? After the things, show mercy to us as a single plane..."

Su Yi was speechless. Indeed, even though he had no ambitions, or even a sluggish mess, his body, but very hardworking, wanted to devour himself.

Nothing more...

So many pits and crooks have come, this last one, if it can defeat Yisu, then after I, the king will not be early, and every night will be happy.

"Really a model of no ambition."

A Nuan complained: "I used to be very afraid that you, like the previous Yi Su, would sacrifice everything for strength and pursue it, but now seeing you like this, I suddenly miss you a little bit."

Su Yi suddenly laughed, "I miss you? But after all, I got your heart. After all, I got the happiness. Then, as long as I defeat Yisu, I will be really carefree and can enjoy Enjoy the life I want to enjoy."

A Nuan muttered, "You are really confident."

"I am confident because I have you by my side."

Su Yi smiled.

A Nuan: "…………………………”

She blushed and hid her head in Su Yi's sleeve, and muttered: "Really, I like to say some beautiful things to fool me. In fact, there is a bad idea in my heart, right? Or my mouth will be so sweet? "

He was talking, but the obviously rising temperature on Su Yi's arm seemed to be very useful for this girl's love words to Su Yi.

And now...

"Jiro, who were you talking to just now?"

Queen Mother Xi, who had been beside Su Yi all the time, said in confusion: "I seem to hear you talking..."

"Ah...nothing, just talking to myself."

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's just that I'm finally home. I miss it a bit. I have been away for less than a few months, but I feel like I haven't returned for 500 years. I suddenly miss everything at home."

"This shows that Jiro is a good boy who loves family."

Queen Mother Xi smiled, "Me too, I miss Qingxue very much."

The two smiled at each other...

Behind them, Long Ji and Xiao Qi both showed confused expressions on their faces. Is it an illusion?

It feels like this time that the queen mother and Su Yi have a unique tacit understanding between them. They can't get in anyhow, they stand together, but they feel like they don't fit in.

"It should be an illusion."

Long Ji whispered, after all, he didn't have much contact with his younger brother. It was probably because he didn't understand it. Just wait for it.

She has secretly made up her mind. This time, she will have to live in his palace for a while. I am her sister, the eldest princess of the dynasty.

To De Chaoge City...

The four did not stay in the city, but flew directly into the palace.

But today, as if it was alive, all the girls gathered together.

Baguio, 6 Xueqi, Han Lingsha, Liu Mengli, Feng Qingxue, Qinger, Liu Yumo, Xuejian, Yang Chan, Chang'e, Xiaobai, Xiaolongnu, Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Xiaoxue, Tuoba Yuer...

Altria slid the sword of Oath of Victory on the ground next to her, watching and protecting these girls. Although these people didn't really need her protection, her serious personality prevented her from neglecting her duty.

The small ring that has always been outside with Zhou Yixian to help people watch fortune-telling is also mixed in the large group of girls. They are smiling happily with Lingsha. The sisters are chatting in low voices.

Everyone was playing and practicing swords at a lake in the Royal Garden.

And Chan You was sitting on the lakeside with a smile in the appearance of Su Yi, watching these young girls playing.

When I saw the sky, the familiar figure fell from the sky.

All the girls had smiles of joy.


The two children, Xiaolongnv and Zhao Ling'er, are the most radical. They rushed towards Su Yi, clinging to his waist, burying their face in his chest, breathing heavily, seeming to want to sniff out Su Yi’s body. It smells like other women.

If you want to sniff, it is a pity that there are indeed.

With a helpless smile on Su Yi's face, he looked at the daughters of two young girls who were both considered young girls. The taller Long Er almost reached his chin. He smiled bitterly: "Really They are all this old, and they look like children."

"The disciple sees Master!"

Lin Yueru came to see you.

When the other girls saw Su Yi's return, they wanted to move forward instinctively, but when they saw Xiaolongnv and Zhao Linger taking the lead, each of them showed a weird look, and they all stopped with a smile at the moment.

Only Feng Qingxue rushed out happily, threw herself into the arms of Queen Mother West beside Su Yi, and said loudly, "Sister Queen Mother, I want you to die."

Queen Mother Xi smiled and called a brilliant, "I want to kill you too, my little Qingxue, my sister wants to kill your craftsmanship, and you must make me my favorite octopus spider later."

"Hehe... don't worry."

Feng Qingxue smiled happily, and rubbed in Queen Mother Xi’s arms for a while, and then she was taken aback, and left from Queen Mother Xi’s arms, staring at Queen Mother Xi’s chest for a while, and said in confusion: "Sister Queen Mother, why haven’t you seen her for a while? , Feel like yours is bigger?"

Western Queen:"…………………………………………"

Chan You in the distance had a smile on her face. Seeing Su Yi finally returned, she finally let go of the heart she had been holding, but did not disturb the warm scene of the reunion of the people, only to lift her illusion. Then stood quietly by the lake, watching Su Yi and the cute girls hug each other.

With Baguio, Xueqi, Lingsha, Mengli...

One after another, such lovely girls, and they don't even know that they are jealous, they only have themselves in their hearts. Such a woman who is a beautiful girl in the world is worthy of cherishment.

When I met Xiao Qing', this girl saw herself, she was already nervous and at a loss, Su Yi held her tightly in her arms, and whispered in her red ear : "Little girl, I'm back to marry you."

Qinger snorted, her feet were soft, if it weren't for Su Yi's tight hug, she might have slipped to the ground like a snake.


My fault, I didn't think I was standing together, and even Su Yi himself couldn't refute it. I was really a big carrot.

No matter what, it's just a matter of heart. Anyway, it's impossible for me to give up any of these people.

Hugged one after another, and one more after the hug...

Dizzy and finally hugged it again, and then it was discovered that the eyes of all the girls were not right.

Liu Yumo smiled and said, "Brother, did you deliberately take advantage of Xuejian? And Xiaoxueyue like them..."

Su Yi was startled, looking at Xue Jian, who was blushing and standing next to him, not standing or walking, bit his thin lip lightly, his eyes wandering, he was obviously shy.

And Xiaoxue said softly, "No, Brother Su just haven't seen him for a long time, so I miss it too much, and...between brothers and sisters, it's not impossible to hug. Isn't it normal?"

It's just the roots of her ears that were already red... She also resisted and didn't faint.

Xiao Bai held his arms in surprise, and looked up and down Su Yi back and forth. The expression on his face was ashamed but not ashamed, but not as angry, but his face was slightly ruddy. He sighed, "Little brother Jingyu, I haven't seen him for a while. It feels like you have a lot of courage. Could you not practice it on whom?"

Su Yi: "……………………………………”

So, did I accidentally hurt everyone? 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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