Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 203: Xiao is actually not very good

After a dumbfounding embarrassment...

To be honest, Su Yi didn’t feel too embarrassed. After all, it seemed that such a thing had been given birth many times. It is estimated that Xue saw that they were also prepared in their heart. Besides, it was like That way, brothers and sisters can't hold them?

Yueru was still raised by my daughter.


What he said to her just now was indeed a little abrupt.

After all, this girl has some ulterior thoughts towards herself. Will she give her any wrong signal?

And there is a small ring, this is the only one of my apprentices to hold on to the line of defense... But at this time, watching the little girl's face show red tide, her eyes are like autumn water, and the eyes of Shui Yingying are gleaming, she looks so madly. Looking at myself, it seems to be complaining silently.

It can only be said that there is a smell of beautiful human fragrance everywhere in Yingying Yanyan, and it is easy to faint for a while, right?

It is an illusion, it must be an illusion.

Well, it seems that I really have to pay attention to it in the future.

Su Yi thought about himself for about ten seconds, and then was overwhelmed by the happy girls.


After Su Yi returned, the women's mood suddenly became happy. After all, this is a masterful existence.

It seemed that they were just walking here, and they would have to go back soon, but now, they have all changed their professions, and they are all happily playing.

Sitting cross-legged on the grass, Liu Mengli played the Fuxi Qin. The melodious sound of the piano spread far by the lake, and even attracted the listening of animals such as rabbits and deer. The little dragon girl followed her with a jerky flute. Sure enough, as she said before, she started to work hard to learn an instrument, but she didn't know why, she chose Xiao as an instrument.

Liu Mengli once persuaded her not to choose this instrument, saying that this instrument is actually not good...

Xiaolongnv asked innocently what was wrong with her, Liu Mengli couldn't tell why she came, and finally had no choice but to teach her Xiaoyi with all her heart.

I have to mention that this little girl who knows everything pretended to be innocent, and even Liu Mengli, who knew everything, was fooled by her.

Seeing the little dragon girl's red lips slightly open, she was blowing flute over there, while looking at her with full eyes...

Su Yi turned his head a little awkwardly.

Feng Qingxue had disappeared with Queen Mother West, and it seemed that she was going to eat the eight-claw spider that Queen Mother West had coveted for a long time.

Long Ji and Xiao Qi are naturally the only queen mare who is Zhan, they will go wherever she goes.

Poor girls, don't you know that if Queen Mother Xi and Feng Qingxue were mixed together, even I would have to retreat?

And all the other girls gathered on the green grass, talking and laughing with the melodious piano and flute ensemble. They were just the center of their eyes, but they were always close to Su Yi. Obviously, they all wanted to come over. , But I am embarrassed to come...

Su Yi smiled and glanced at Yang Chan, who was sitting with Chang'e in the distance. Everyone was in a good mood, but her mood seemed not so good. Chang'e was pulling her and saying something in a low voice. It seems that this sister-in-law and sister-in-law get along quite harmoniously.

Su Yi leaned in and said with a smile: "What? What are you doing? Hiding so far?"

Yang Chan said with a little glum: "It's nothing, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just...Second brother? Why is Queen Mother Xi here?"

Yang Chan was half wronged and half unhappy, and said, "She's here, am I going to keep a distance from you again?"

"keep distance?"

Su Yi was taken aback, and then reacted. Indeed, Queen Mother West from the plane of Journey to the West knew the true relationship between the Three Mothers in front of her and herself.

In her eyes, Yang Chan and herself are actually brothers and sisters here, right?

She really likes to think about it.

Su Yi smiled and gently touched Yang Chan’s small head. Amidst a sudden exclamation of shock, Chang'e had directly overwhelmed her on the soft grass, and then blocked her lips, using his own Lips.

Yang Chan's eyes widened at the boss, looking at the second brother who was close at hand... Feeling the tenderness from her brother, her nervousness gradually dissipated, and she slowly closed her eyes, and ignored the others. , Holding Su Yi's neck, also responded.

The two kissed deeply.

All the girls couldn't help being speechless. Liu Mengli, who was playing the piano, gave a narrow smile. The original melodious and brisk piano sound suddenly changed, and it became as soft as a sluggish sound... as if to cheer him up.

And Han Lingsha hurriedly reached out his hand to cover the eyes of the eager Xiaohuan, and said anxiously: "Good boy, don't look at this."

Xiaohuan suddenly felt sorry.

And 6 Xueqi calmly pulled and said: "Go, follow me over there to take a look at the scenery, ignore this anxious guy."

Baguio chuckled, "Ah, Xiao Yi has become more bold and bold."

Xiao Bai said in confusion: "Yao'er, Aunt Bai is very confused. Has he ever treated you like this?"

Baguio: "………………………………"

I almost forgot, there is such a evil star here.

Qing'er took Xiao Qing'er into her arms and sighed: "Senior is also true, Qing'er, you can't let Senior treat you this way in broad daylight, you know?"

Xiao Qing'er's pretty face is exactly the same as Qing'er. She looked at this sister named Qing'er seriously, but in fact she felt more like her mother than her mother. She blushed and said seriously: "Yes, Qing'er Got it."

Only Liu Yumo, looking at Suning's happy appearance, sighed slightly, and muttered: "Sure enough, let's wait for his happiness to pass, and then tell him the business."

Anyway, it is not too urgent, there is no need to destroy the elder brother's Yaxing.

However, shouldn't he want to perform an **** drama in front of everyone on the spot?

It's not just us, Long Er and others, and Xue Jian... You haven't taken them down yet, although I personally think that maybe they can't escape.

Liu Yumo turned his head and glanced at Xue Jian, Xue Jian and Xi Yao, the two women were covering each other's eyes, but their fingers were big...Anyway, they peeked openly without blinking their eyes.

She couldn't help but smile lightly.

Little Dragon Girl: "…………………………”

She snorted, she was blowing the flute softly, but she suddenly stopped and bit on the flute, and suddenly a broken sound came out.

Zhao Ling'er: "...Damn it, why isn't it me?"

Lin Yueru: "………………………………In fact, I also..."

Chan You sighed lightly: ", this guy is really not taboo at all."

Chang'e was the most embarrassed, listening to the entanglement of her lips and teeth close at hand, and even the sound of swallowing each other, she really walked or not, she had to sit there after a long time.

Su Yi straightened up and looked at Yang Chan who was already dim in his eyes, and said seriously: "No matter who you face, you don't need to keep a distance from me, you don't need to pretend anything... The person I like must be upright. Like it is not a shameful thing."

Yang Chan looked at Su Yi obsessively, the light in her eyes almost overflowed, she opened her mouth muttering, with a little bit of crying in her voice, more, but a happy smile, she whispered: "Second brother... I... still want to..."

"Well, what a greedy little girl."

Su Yi smiled and was about to lower his head, but was directly held by Chang'e desperately.

"You two... can you go back to the room and do it again?"

Her face was red, and she was about to burn, she didn't see the cold and loneliness at the beginning, and said loudly: "There are so many people here in broad daylight, Chan'er, are you too shameless?"

"I know...huh?"

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Yang Chan's body shook, and then she realized what she had just said and what she had just given birth. He gave a loud cry and covered his face, feeling as if he had no face to see the sisters next to him.

She shyly kicked the nearest Chang'e, and she complained shyly: "Sister Chang'e, what are you talking about nonsense? I...I'm still a lady of Huanghua..."

Chang'e said helplessly: "How long do you think you can be?"

Yang Chan: "………………………………”

And Su Yi leisurely leaned on Yang Chan's lap and made her return without success if she wanted to escape. He laughed and said, "Sure enough, this is the day I want to live."

His face is very thick, and he is not embarrassed at all. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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