Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Xiaofan, you are far from me




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I was in a panic, but in the Qingyunmen residence outside the open hood, a loud laugh suddenly broke out...The source of the laughter was Uncle Cang Song?

Is he still happy that he just killed a Demon Cult thief who had a grudge against him? Until now, the enthusiasm has not dissipated...It is really not too tired!

Lu Xueqi closed her eyes, the battle just now really consumed a lot of spiritual power, she was going to take a break!

But the next moment, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded, running toward his room!

The exhausted expression was swept away, and Lu Xueqi recovered her cold expression again!

At this time, the tent was opened, revealing the faintly smiling eyes of the master sister Wen Min!

"Xueqi, come out quickly, the person you are thinking of is back!"

A voice with chuckles sounded from the mouth of the master sister, as if a lightning bolt struck her heart!

! ! ! ! ! !

Suddenly... the whole person seemed to be stiff, breathing suddenly stopped, and even the heart seemed to shrink suddenly...

He is back? He came back alive?

Regardless of refuting the teasing meaning in Wen Min's words, even the Tianya standing next to him was too late to take it, Lu Xueqi suddenly got up and rushed out! Even Wen Min, who was standing at the door of the tent, was staggered...

At this time, Su Yi was being hugged with an embarrassing smile, Zhang Xiaofan, are you so excited! Hugging so tight... Old paper is a straight man, you know? And your senior sister is watching from the side...Are you not afraid of her awake hobby? You know that rotten girls are the suppressed instincts of women...

"Good, good! Sure enough, Shock Yu, you live up to the expectations of the teacher, and successfully escaped from the belly of the black water mysterious snake!!"

Cang Song stroked his beard with satisfaction. Applauded with a smile.

"Master appreciates it!" Suddenly he said politely to Cang Shi, a scorching sensation suddenly came from his body, as if someone was staring at him...

I feel something. Su Yi's heart throbbed suddenly, as if by instinct. He turned his head slowly!

In the distance, a thin figure in white clothes was standing there, with a cold expression on his face, just a pair of eyes staring at this side... staring at himself...

It was amazing. Although the other party was extremely indifferent, Su Yi surprisingly understood the turbulent waves under that expressionless pretty face. Is it the beast instinct after having Qilin blood? He felt that he could read every look in her eyes!

Saw Lu Xueqi. Zhang Xiaofan, who was holding Su Yi tightly, put him down with interest. He just felt guilty because he had left Su Yi alone in Necropolis before. Now that he sees that person who is more worried than himself, he naturally He obediently returned to Tian Linger's side, leaving space for two people!

After watching quietly for a while, Lu Xueqi was still expressionless, she turned around and went back to her tent without saying a word! As if the person who rushed out just now was not her...

Su Yi chuckled twice, and in Cang Song's playful eyes, he chased after him cheeky!

The innocent young man's heart was broken around!

"Who is this kid? What is his relationship with Junior Sister Lu? Why do I always feel that they are related to each other?"

"Junior Sister Lu is as cold as a heavenly person. How can you get involved with such ordinary people, the donor, you think too much!"

"But I heard that this kid had a close relationship with Junior Sister Lu in Qingyunmen..."

After a brief discussion and discussion, everyone agreed. Looking at Su Yi's back, he brought a very strong murderous aura!

Following Lu Xueqi all the way back to the tent, at this moment only the two of them were left...Looking at that beautiful face, Su Yi felt a sense of peace in his heart, and he said softly: "Xueqi, I'm back."

Lu Xueqi looked up at Su Yi and said indifferently: "I want to rest, please go out!"

She was really angry! But it's really nice not to have a direct sword strike!

Su Yi rejoiced a little in his heart, and apologized: "I'm sorry Xueqi, you worry about me!"

"Why should I worry about you... Brother Lin. Please don't feel too good about yourself?"


Hehe smiled, Su Yi moved to Lu Xueqi and sat down. He wisely chose to sit between her and Tianya. She can't do anything if she wants to hack someone...

"Xueqi, I apologize to you! But before I was going to save people, I came up after saving people. It's a very simple thing! But who knows, there was an accident. The black water mysterious snake underneath is bigger than I thought. Much more powerful, I was eaten by it accidentally!"

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused slightly and observed carefully, and it turned out that although Lu Xueqi was still cold on her face, her body was unconsciously tight!

"At that time, I leaned on the sacred stone to protect my life. It took a long time to be considered as escaping. I wanted to go back to Qingyunmen to find you to put you at ease, but I heard that all the members of the Demon Cult had counted on Liubo Mountain, so I guessed I'm afraid we will definitely come to Qingyun Gate, and you will come too. In order to prevent passing by, I have been waiting for you here!"

Yu, who put Lu Xueqi on her side, pulled her hand over, and she struggled a little bit, but Su Yi's attitude was so determined that she just let it go...

Holding her hand in the palm of her hand, Su Yi said softly: "Anyway... it's really nice to be able to wait for you without passing by."


"Eat by the black water mysterious snake? Is your body okay..."

After a long silence, Lu Xueqi finally asked in a low voice.

"Naturally, it's okay! My body is strong!" I just wanted to play a playful posture, but was stared fiercely. Su Yi honestly answered, "You know the body protection ability of the **** stone! Even the power of the sky thunder can resist, how can it not hold the gastric juice in the abdomen..."

"I don't know what happened this time... You can't just leave me alone and face it alone like last time!" Lu Xueqi turned her head and glanced at Su Yi, then turned her body around. Seriously.

Seeing her finally let go, Su Yi naturally promised in a hurry. "Well, well, I promise you! No matter what happens in the future. Let's face it with you!"

Of course... Limited to this world... Su Yi thought helplessly.

"Between us... when did it become like this?" Lu Xueqi looked at the hands held together firmly, and looked confused. "Before the seven meridians became martial arts, I hated you very much..."

Su Yi suddenly laughed. He still didn't know where he was. I'm afraid this girl liked herself before the Qimai martial arts, but she was ignorant at the time, and she still regarded it as hate... so there was a martial arts contest. Out of life... the appearance is as cold as ice, but under her indifferent protection, there is such an innocent and cute little girl!

"Forget it. Anyway... it doesn't feel bad like this!" Lu Xueqi glanced at Su Yi who was close at hand, and firmly held his hand with her backhand, the corners of her mouth were lightly relieved, and the coldness of the past was completely gone, revealing The beautiful smile of the world.

With such a beautiful smile, Su Yi suddenly looked dumbfounded...


In the next few days, Liubo Mountain, a place where righteous demons fought against each other, became a paradise for Su Yi and Lu Xueqi!

From the day Su Yi returned, Lu Xueqi never appeared on the battlefield again, and the two of them just wandered around the East China Sea every day. Watching the sunrise, watching the sunset...Occasionally, she even made a small raft and went to sea to play...At the beginning, Lu Xueqi was depressed because of Su Yi. The murder is too cruel. It has already played a dignified reputation in the Demon Cult. The young ones dare not step forward to disturb them, and the old ones disdain to step forward to disturb them...

As for Su Yi, he only came here to prevent Zhang Xiaofan from exposing the double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism. Naturally, he was not rare to rush to the front to fight for life and death... For him, fighting each other for the difference between righteous and evil. You die or die, this is simply the most stupid thing in the world!

Therefore, no one disturbs. It really gave them a lot of happy time...

On this day, the two went on a boat trip again. Su Yi seemed to say something, causing Lu Xueqi to frown. A bright smile was raised unconsciously on his lips! Then Su Yi conjured a beautiful flower from behind and inserted it in her temple...

Hundreds of meters away in a quiet forest, a Baguio in green clothes quietly watched the sweetness of the two, unconsciously a nameless fire in his heart!

"Hmph, I was fighting for my life but in a blink of an eye, I talked sweetly to other women, Lin Jingyu, your shamelessness is higher than I expected! No wonder you Will become Wan Jianyi's apprentice... as despicable and shameless!"

He slammed the core of the golden acacia bell in his hand, as if he had treated it as the white figure in the distance! Ravaged fiercely...

"Yao'er, this is a decent gathering place. If nothing happens, let's leave as soon as possible!" You Ji's figure appeared behind Baguio and said. Following Baguio's sight, she silently glanced at Su Yi in the distance, subconsciously not wanting Baguio to have too much involvement with him... I always feel that this young man is too mysterious!

But looking at Baguio's impulsive appearance, he seems to have a good impression of this boy...

You Ji sighed helplessly, hoping that the good feelings are just good feelings, and don't go any further...otherwise the injured person will be Yao'er! (A great event of pie-dropping in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Chinese website official account (add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, pay attention now qdread!) (A great event for pie-dropping in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize , Now follow the qdread WeChat public account immediately!) (to be continued)








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