Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Let me get married as soon as the relationship is established? My teeth haven’t b

ps: Thanks to Ding Zhilan for the 1988 starting currency reward! Thank long-eared rabbit == for the two 588 rewards! Thank you for the 200 rewards of the silvery smile! Thanks to the sleeping little friends, red~flame, and 100 tips for playing the next drop! By the way, I only found out today that the entire two hundred rewards in the past two days are good people cards... Did I receive n many good people cards without knowing it?

Today is three shifts by the way...

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "The Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, pay attention to the starting point official account (add a friend on WeChat and add the official account input), and let me know quietly!

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "The Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, pay attention to the starting point official account (add friends-add official account-enter), and let me know quietly!

The good times did not last long...

On the seventh day when Su Yi and Lu Xueqi went out to play, the two returned with joyful faces that day. After sending Lu Xueqi back to her tent, Su Yi returned to her residence, only to find that Cang Song was right. Sitting in my room waiting for myself...

"Master? Why are you free to come to me? Did the demon sect start to be honest recently?" Su Yi knows how busy Cangsong is. Nowadays, the number of the righteous path and the demon sect is increasing, and the cultivators are all instantaneous. £★, ww←w. For thousands of miles, Liubo Mountain is not big enough to run, so almost every day, there are several encounters, big and small, and after a few days, they will win each other!

Cang Song He Tian is not easy to be the decision maker of the right way this time, so naturally he is very busy and cannot make friends...

After listening to Su Yi's words. Cang Song glared at him and said angrily: "You stinky boy. Wouldn't you come to help if you know I'm busy? Every day, I only care about kissing me and me with beauties, so where is Qingyunmen the first in this seven-channel martial arts? Famous style?!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's not that you still lift the weight to the point of your master. There is no pressure. Obviously these demon thieves are not in your eyes, Master..."

"Before...but can temporarily let go of the sweetness between you and Master Lu. Just today, several old devils who have been famous for more than a hundred years have come to Liubo Mountain. The devil has not been out of the world for many years, and it is unexpected that now he is attracted by the muddy water of Liubo Mountain. More importantly, the Sect Master of the Ghost King, one of the four major sects of the Demon Sect, has also arrived here. This humanity is profound. , The talent is roughly unparalleled in the world, even if I am a teacher, I still have to be inferior..."

Cang Song sighed helplessly, "This time in Liubo Mountain, our righteous people have fallen in the wind! Although you may not be able to beat any of these old demons, one more person has a bit more strength. ...Uh...Jingyu? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Su Yi stared at Cangsong with a serious face, and said in doubt: "Master, where did you learn that these people have reached Liubo Mountain?"

Does he still keep in touch with the Demon Cult? But now that he has learned that Wan Jianyi is not dead, his heart disease should go away!

"Being a teacher naturally has a source of information!" Cang Song glanced at Su Yi, but sighed inexplicably. He sighed: "Jing Yu, Master Lu is not inferior to your cultivating qualifications. You disappeared during this period of time. She worried about you day and night without thinking about it. Shuiyue also came to my Dragon Head Peak to make a fuss about this matter. , Being a teacher is also in your eyes... She is a good girl, so concentrate on staying with her! It's the big event. As a teacher, I will kiss Xiao Zhufeng and beg for you, so that you can get married immediately. it is good?"

"Huh?" Su Yi couldn't help but was stunned, really didn't understand why he was asking him clearly. But he got involved in getting married with Lu Xueqi...

But speaking of this world...

I moved inexplicably and couldn't help but think of it

The exit promised, but the faces of Azhu Abi and Yu Yan flashed through his mind, Su Yi smiled bitterly: "Wait! Anyway, the life of the Taoist priest is extremely long, not in a hurry."

"But are you still thinking of other girls?" Cang Song asked.

Su Yi couldn't help being stunned, but there was nothing to hide from Cang Song. He smiled bitterly: "Master's eyes are like torches, it is true! Anyway... it's hard to say!"


Cang Song suddenly let out a long sigh, looking very sad. But he didn't say anything, just said: "Well, then you won't be forced to be a teacher, but now we are in short supply of manpower, you can no longer ignore the overall situation with Lu Shinephew."

Su Yi said sternly: "Yes! Disciple obey orders!"

Cang Song sighed and walked out, her expression very lonely... but it made Su Yi strange, and it felt like he was talking very strange...

But... Cang Shi suddenly might still have an affair with the Demon Cult, is he still thinking about turning the Azure Cloud Gate back? Fight with Doxuan to death or death?

Hmm...very possible!

Su Yi also sighed helplessly, no matter what, he didn't know about it! After all, although I really like Qingyunmen, the sense of belonging to it lies more in Cangsong’s love for him. Now he has done everything he can do. Since he is still determined to rebel, he can only deduce. I no longer know……

Anyway, the people who shouldn't die haven't died, haven't they... this is great...

Su Yi lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest! But my heart was suddenly depressed, and I couldn't sleep over and over again.

The next day, Su Yi, who loves to sleep, didn't get up until three poles in the sun. Lu Xueqi, who always came to find herself in the past, did not come today. It seems that Cang Song also talked to her...

Forget it, go on patrol with Zhang Xiaofan! Starting today, the person who accompanies you day and night will change from Lu Xueqi to Zhang Xiaofan!

After breakfast, Su Yi went to find Zhang Xiaofan, and he was following his sister Ling'er at the moment... But it seems that Tian Ling'er still treats him as a little brother until now! There is no love between men and women... probably because in her impression, Zhang Xiaofan is still the shy young man who has just visited Dazhufeng!

"Oh...sad child paper..." Silently mourned for the love of poor Zhang Xiaofan, Su Yi had no plan to intervene in it. Anyway, his biggest enemy Qi Hao had already been put down by himself. Zhang Xiaofan If you can't take Tian Ling'er anymore, I will really look down on you...

Looking at the two people talking and laughing. Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan was just about to bloom when he saw Tian Ling'er with a bright smile, Su Yi couldn't help sighing helplessly. Then he walked a few steps heavily, letting the two hear their own arrival.

"Jing Yu? Why are you free to come here today? Don't you need to accompany Senior Sister Lu?" Seeing Su Yi, Zhang Xiaofan was overjoyed, and then asked suspiciously.

"En! Starting from today, I will protect you personally!"

"Protect me? Why?"

Su Yi said sternly: "Remember the vampire Jiang Laosan who was cut in two by you in the Dixuedong? That kid's master vampire ancestor has now come to Liubo Mountain, and his purpose is obviously to serve his apprentice. Revenge! That old demon is not weak. I am worried that you will lose each other. If we two join hands, it should be safer!"

"Jing Yu...!" Zhang Xiaofan was startled when he heard the news of the blood-sucking ancestor. Then he looked over with a touch of emotion, obviously moved by Su Yi's good intentions.

Tian Ling'er listened

Su Yi's words suddenly became annoyed: "Okay, you Xiaofan, it turns out that you have already killed demons and slain demons. I haven't killed demons or demons yet! You were robbed by you. In the front... I said why you didn't let me do it all the time. Whenever you encounter an enemy, you will dismiss me first. Feelings are robbing my opponent!"

"Ah? No, no, it's not like that..." Zhang Xiaofan suddenly became anxious, shaking his head like a rattle, "I just don't want Senior Sister you to hurt your life...those demons. How can you defile your jade hand, Senior Sister!"

"I don't care! Anyway, I'll do it myself, Brother Lin, didn't you come to team up with Xiao Fan? That's right! I'll go to Sister Lu and Sister Wen Min, I don't believe they will stop me... I'm leaving, Xiao Fan, you are not allowed to chase over!" Angrily said. Tian Linger ran to the direction of Xiaozhufeng station without knowing it!

"Senior Sister..." Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to catch up, but Su Yi grabbed him, "Xiaofan, you have a bit of common sense, OK? You are being watched by the old demon now, your Senior Sister Ling'er is here. Danger? She left, but safe, you know?"

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized. "Oh yes, that old third Jiang is already quite strong. His master must be even more powerful. I really can't let Senior Sister be next to me! Thank you Jingyu. If it weren't for you, I would make a big mistake again. I have a long and two short words, I am really hard to atone for a hundred deaths! To Master and Madam, there is no way to explain it..."

"Yeah..." Su Yi sighed, and then reminded: "Xiao Fan, let me remind you first, for example, today the monk of Yinsi is not far away from us, and we can meet almost every day. You must remember to keep a low profile. Presumably, you also know how serious the leakage of martial arts is now... If you are known by those monks that you are simultaneously practicing Dafan Prajna and Taiji Xuanqing Don’t talk about those monks, even your master. , I'm afraid I won't let you go! Not to mention your Senior Sister Ling'er, I'm afraid that even she will become your enemy by then, do you know? The entire Qingyun Gate will not have you half-faced!! !"

Speaking of the last few words, Su Yi was already stern!

Hearing the serious consequences explained by Su Yi, as if remembering the scene at that time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly fought a cold war, nodding his head like garlic, "Yes, yes, Jingyu, you are too right. Be careful!"

"So don't think about using brute force for the things that can't be solved. Don't bluff and use the Great Brahma Prajna. I'll be next to you, and you can ask me for help at that time!" Su Yi was worried again. One sentence:'I will protect you during this time! Just believe me! A great activity of pie-dropping in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow it~ click/public account (add friends-add official account-enter it), participate now! Everyone has a prize, pay attention now!) (A great event for pie-dropping in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ click/public account (you can add a friend on WeChat to add a public account to enter), and participate right away! Everyone has a prize, now follow the WeChat public account immediately! )



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