Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 85: Ouyang Shaogong, you are completely out of play

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   "Just now, what's going on?!"

Sitting in a rather elegant garden, Ouyang Shaogong's originally rather elegant face flashed through a haze unconsciously. Just now, he suddenly had an extremely vague premonition. This premonition came. Inexplicable, but so real, as if at that moment, I had lost something forever!

   He frowned, letting the sharp broken porcelain cut his palms with blood dripping, thinking about it carefully, and then there was a bit of a wry smile on his face, now he, is there anything to lose?

   shook his head mockingly, Ouyang Shaogong thought he was afraid that he missed Xunfang so much during this period that he had hallucinations!

  The woman in Jinyi who had been sitting next to Ouyang Shaogong saw that Ouyang Shaogong was injured, and hurriedly put down the tea cup in her hand, and exclaimed: "Shaogong, your hand!"

   hurriedly took out a Jinpa from his arms, and wanted to bandage him!

   Ouyang Shaogong chuckled, the warmth of his eyes flashed, and smiled: "It's all right, it's just a small injury! Jinniang, you are too fussy!"

"I have shed so much blood, how can there be any seriousness? Hurry up and bandage, you are so careless, it seems that next time I invite you to drink tea, you have to use that big iron jar! How to hold it!"

   gave Ouyang Shaogong angrily, Jinniang looked up at him, and was about to train him a few more words, but when she was about to say something, she was stunned when she saw Ouyang Shaogong's face. His face suddenly became white!

   "What's wrong? Jinniang, is there anything on my face? How do you look so fascinated?"

   Ouyang Shaogong smiled and took her hand from Jinniang's hand, took another teacup and poured herself a cup of tea. He smiled and squeezed, and when he looked back, Jinniang still had such a dazed expression. He raised his phoenix eyebrows and asked in confusion, "What's the matter? My sister Jinniang?"

   Jinniang, who was squatting halfway in front of Ouyang Shaogong, fell to the ground with a puff. She looked at Ouyang Shaogong with a pale face and took a deep breath. Difficultly said: "The phase... has changed! Shao Gong... Your phase has changed... At this moment, I see that your hall is black, and your brows are close to the palace of fate. Your lips are as thin as paper, and your fate is extremely thin... yes... yes Premature death! Judging from your fate at the moment, the number of years is twenty to five...that is the end of your life!"

   "My phase has changed? I can only live to be twenty-five years old?" Ouyang Shaogong's heart tightened, and said, "But I am now. It's already twenty to five!"

"I never knew that the original fate will change! Back then, I looked at the picture for you. Although the fate is dangerous, it is not a predestined death! Just now, what happened?! Shao Gong, did you offend something? The terrible enemy, so they will deal with you in days?"

   "A terrible enemy?"

Ouyang Shaogong subconsciously passed the blue-and-white figure in his mind, and then shook his head: "I'm a doctor, there's no enemy! It must be Jinniang, you drank too late with me yesterday. I'm tired today, so that's why Will it be dazzled?"

   Jinniang stared at Ouyang Shaogong blankly for a while, "I will not be wrong... Shao Gong. I always treat you as my own brother, how can I misunderstand your face, Shao Gong you..."

"Okay, don't say anything... Jinniang, go and rest first! Now Baili Tusu and the others are about to return from the East China Sea, I should also go to Anlu to wait for them! Tomorrow morning, I will say goodbye to you! I Then go to pack up your luggage. Jinniang, you can wait for me here in Huamanlou. I will have a surprise for you at most half a month!"

   Ouyang Shaogong interrupted what Jinniang was about to say, gave her a sincere smile, turned and left the pavilion!

   Only Jinniang was left alone in the garden...


   At this time, Baili Tusu has reached the most critical moment!

   The blue soft spiritual power and the red turbulent power confront each other, but don't attack each other, as if they are afraid of something, Baili Tusu follows his own mind, and without hesitation, he falls to the blue spiritual power!

   With Baili Tusu’s defiance, the red spiritual power burst out immediately, and he rushed towards Baili Tusu and the blue spiritual power without hesitation!

   Two spiritual powers are entangled in one place instantly!

   At the beginning, they were still evenly matched, but the blue spiritual power was powerful, but like water without roots, it was far less fierce than the red power!

   Soon, the blue spiritual power fell to the wind!

   Seeing the red spiritual power, I will defeat the blue spiritual power...

   In the dark sky, a little golden light suddenly appeared, Baili Tu Su raised his head, and was shocked to realize that little golden light, every little golden light, its inner form, turned out to be a word! ! !

   is the mental formula?

   The golden light came and went one after another, and as the golden light went out, a mantra had appeared in my mind!

   Subconsciously, Baili Tusu began to practice silently according to this mental formula!

An extremely weak blue spiritual power is gradually born in the body, and then gradually echoes the spiritual power that surrounds oneself. Every time it turns, a trace of spiritual power is sucked into the body and merged into one's own bones and muscles. !

   I don’t know how long it has been...In this dark space, there is no longer the concept of time!

   I only know that my body is getting lighter and lighter! The new spiritual power in the body echoes with the outside world at the same time, the growth speed is almost incredible!

   Soon, the intensity has surpassed the spiritual power of Tianyang City's heart and magic of penance!

   And as the blue spiritual power outside the body was sucked into the body... Baili Tusu felt it, unprecedented quietness and peace!

   There is no blue spiritual barrier from the outside world, and the red ferocious power whizzes towards him, seeming to want to swallow him completely!

   But... don't be afraid!

   Baili Tu Su quietly looked at the rushing red power, but at the bottom of his heart, there was no fear of the past, and a crystal blue light appeared on his body. Although it is still not enough to be comparable to the red evil, but...

   The killing thoughts and anger in the bottom of my heart are already so weak that it can almost be ignored! No matter how dissatisfied it rants, it can no longer affect itself at all!

Standing quietly in the middle of the red power, feeling the power that could no longer pose a threat to him, Baili Tu Su slowly closed his eyes, and inside his body, a very mysterious and complicated circular formation suddenly appeared from his forehead, slowly While spinning slowly, he sucked all his blue spiritual power into the formation!

   Immediately afterwards, the already extremely weak killing intent in the deepest part of my heart also slowly faded...

   The corner of Baili Tu Su’s eyes left two lines of tears unconsciously...


   He murmured, even though he didn’t know the cause and effect, he could clearly perceive that this formation should be the seal that helped him suppress the evil spirits on weekdays, and the source of its power was his mother...

   "Sure enough, you are suffocating!"

   Baili Tusu stretched out his hand and gently held up a handful of red power that seemed unwilling to become more and more turbulent. that was the suffocation that caused me to suffer for years!

   "Unfortunately, you can no longer threaten me!"

   The palm of his hand was squeezed, and the red evil spirit was instantly crushed by Baili Tusu's grip!


  At the same time...


   Su Yi yelled, a touch of joy passed by the corner of his eyes!

   Things are going more smoothly than I thought! Baili Tusu successfully managed to bear the pain that was enough to make people collapse, and his body seemed to be because of the long-term existence of the seal containing the spiritual power of Nuwa, and the reshaping of the roots was almost perfect! What made him even more pleasantly surprised was the spiritual power of Seal, Baili Tusu, Feng Guangmo... the three magically merged into one, and they were all submerged in Baili Tusu's bones!

   Now Baili Tusu is no different from Feng Qingxue in the capital! Moreover, there are no more seals in his body! The seal was completely fused with him, Baili Tusu could be killed, but the seal could not be unlocked anyway! Even if Nuwa Fuxi comes to the world, I can't really think about it!


   Su Yi smiled triumphantly, Ouyang Shaogong, now I see how you can get your life back!

   In his heart, he was so relieved at this time, and even ecstatic, he ignored the prompt of the Lord God at this time!

   [Task 1: Help Baili Tusu relieve the danger of burning silence! The mission completion degree is 1/1, and the luck plundering degree is 30%! The current total luck predation is 48%! 】(To be continued)

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