Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 86: Su Banxian, the omniscient and omnipotent

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  : Thank you that your name is my name, Xiaoyan Xixingshi Yuyuko, the legendary 588 reward! Thank you Lin Lingxiyu, Robin, Despair♂, Lin Yijun, Dream Sunglasses, Earth Fire, Gu Yunchen, Fate is Empty, God Legend, Demon Yuming, you have 100 rewards! Thank you for the 10 rewards from the City of Bright Sky, Ruishi Daqin, and Uncle Weird! By the way, the monthly ticket ranking for counterattacks is now 253! Ranked 252 in Faith in Conferred God, is an author friend in the same group as Luohua, who helped me explode him and explode him! ! ! If the monthly pass is over 100, the visual inspection tomorrow will be fine!


   "Am I... over yet?!"


   collapsed on the bed like a puddle of mud, Baili Tusu had already lost the strength to flick a finger at this time, and could only use the last bit of strength to open his heavy eyelids and asked weakly.


Su Yi’s situation at this time is not much better than Baili Tu Su... The ghost power in his body is no longer left, and all of it is infused into Baili Tu Su’s body, although the ghost power is in his own body. The weakest spiritual power is far from comparable to the spiritual power of the Fenxiang Jade Book and the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, but the body is suddenly empty, and the damage to him is still not to be underestimated!


At this time, he was also weakly leaning against the wall behind him, and smiled with satisfaction: "That's natural! Tu Su, you did a very beautiful job! I thought I had to use most of the ghost power at least. Come to dissolve the evil spirit, you can inherit 50% at most is the limit. I never thought that you would always suppress your evil spirit by instinct. Now you have inherited all of my ghost power. Congratulations, now you. Of strength Strong, even in Tianyong City. It is second only to Hansu!"


   At least, if you look at that guy, you can never compare with Feng Guangmo!




   Baili Tu Su hurriedly closed his eyes to feel the situation in his body, and then opened his eyes, with a shocked expression on his face, "Senior, you have cultivated all your skills... How can Tu Su Hede, you can sacrifice like this?!"


"It's not a sacrifice, although this spiritual power helps a lot in my body. But in the long run, it does more harm than good. Passing it to you to help you suppress the evil spirit in your body is actually worth it! If you want to come and feel it, this spiritual power is passed down from Nv Wa, you are a believer in Nv Wa, and it is right for you!"


   And my harvest. It seems to be bigger than you!


   Su Yi raised his wrist, and on the reincarnation watch, a big "48%" was very eye-catching...


   Nine pieces of jade crossed! Baili Tusu no longer has to suffer from evil spirits!


   The task that gave me a headache back then has been going around now. Stumbled and finally half of it was done!


   "Shao Gong, you are the only one!"


   Su Yi laughed in a low voice.


   Baili Tu Su was slightly startled. Doubtful: "Senior, you mentioned Mr. Ouyang. What do you mean?"


   "It doesn't mean anything... It's just gone for a while, so I miss him!"


   Both of them are very weak now. Almost even speaking loudly and shouting to people outside...


   Just lie there and chatter...


Su Yi took a deep breath, his fatigue was already a little bit less tired. He had a very weird smile on his face, seeming to be contented and pitying, he said Ouyang Shaogong, but his sight was firmly locked in Baili. Tu Su's body.


Suddenly, he looked straight and asked seriously: "Tu Su, I asked you one thing, and you answered me seriously! Shaogong said that he can refine the resurgent medicine to resurrect your mother. Do you believe this? ?"


Baili Tu Su was stunned, "Naturally believe it! I have been walking with Mr. Ouyang for many days, only to think that this person is really omniscient and omnipotent. Since he said that my mother can be resurrected, there should be at least seven or eight. Be sure of it! Otherwise, why should I go all the way to find Xianzhi?!"


"But there is something I have to tell you..." Su Yi looked at Baili Tusu seriously, his eyes made him feel guilty and frightened, he paused every word, and said solemnly: "I can tell you with certainty and responsibility. In this world, no matter what, there is no one who can bring the dead back to life. Even the Nuwa Empress can never do it!!!"! ! ! ! ! ! !


   Baili Tu Su's face suddenly turned pale!


He stared at Su Yi blankly, his eyes were lost for a while, facing a person who had just given his cultivation base to help him solve his evil spirits, but in any case, he couldn't imagine why this person was necessary. To deceive yourself?


   So... is it true?


Su Yi sighed: "I should have told you before, but in order to strengthen your will to survive, I can only choose to tell you this news after your evil spirit is no longer threatening! Maybe it's a bit late, but it's the truth! "


   Baili Tu Su had a desperate silence, Su Yi's words, like a sharp sword, deeply pierced into his heart! He could clearly hear his hoarse voice asking Su Yi, "But Mr. Ouyang personally told me that as long as I retrieve the immortal grass from the ancestral continent, he is at least half sure that he can make the medicine to revive the dead! His words , Will it not be a lie?"


   "For the time being, it can be regarded as a revival, but the one who came back is still not your mother, I am not sure!"


   Su Yi said indifferently, "It's just that since I know the truth, I can't hide it from you... You should know the identity of Prince Changqin, right?"


   "There are often dreams in dreams, plus..." Baili Tu Su paused for a while, and continued: "Plus there are adventures in the East China Sea, and I learned about the life of Prince Changqin!"


"Then you are not surprised? Prince Changqin was demoted as a mortal, and will never be immortal...As a war dragon, he is still very old now. How many years should the public case be? What?"! ! ! ! ! ! !


Baili Tu Su's figure was shocked, he suddenly jumped up from the bed, and then fell back again. His whole body was suddenly painful like acupuncture. He couldn't help screaming in pain, but staring at Su Yi firmly... …


  悭悭! ! !


  悭悭! ! !


   How did he know that he was late? When he met Xiao Jian, did he also know...


   And outside the door was wondering why the silent people in the room suddenly heard the screams that were completely different from the previous screams, and they all reacted suddenly!


  The treatment is over? ! Compared with the previous ones, Tu Su’s voice is weak, but obviously a lot more energetic...


There was a loud bang outside the door, the door of the room was kicked open, Xiangling's bluffing voice and figure had rushed from the door, "Brother Tu Su, you have been quiet for a long time, is it alright? Up?"


   "It's alright, you all come in!"


   Su Yi smiled secretly, it was quite interesting to see Baili Tu Su's wooden face startled!


   He smiled and said something, and then watched the people outside rush in in a swarm...


   "How are you, brother?"


   "Brother Tu Su, do you feel uncomfortable in your body? His face is so pale!"


   "Wooden face, why are you so sluggish and stupid?"




  In a short time, the house was in a mess, like the hustle and bustle of a vegetable market!


   Su Yi just lost his spiritual power and his body was empty. After resting for a while, the spiritual power of Fenxiang Jade Book and Taiji Xuanqing Dao had replaced the spiritual power of the previous Youdu, and his body had been completely restored!


He jumped directly from the wall, and comforted a few words to Qingxue and Lingsha who were surrounded by him, then looked back at Baili Tusu, and continued to smile and threw an even more shocking "How can a person who is destined not to become an immortal survive in this world for thousands of years and still live? Tu Su, do you know?"


Before Baili Tusu answered, he said the answer, "There is only the legendary method of crossing souls! Take the body of others... Therefore, the person you saw in the fantasy world , That is indeed his true appearance, but in the real world, your enemy may not have such a face!"


   "Senior means that that person...he is...he is..."


   "I didn't say anything, I just told you about it! The rest, you can check it yourself... I won't ask more!"


   Su Yi showed a profound smile on his face. Now he is telling Baili Tu Su something, I am afraid he is also dubious. I only need to point out these things, I believe he will naturally pay attention to it... I am also considered the best!


   Fang Lansheng looked at this and that, his eyes were lost, "Hey, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"


"It's nothing... just something that doesn't matter!" Su Yi smiled and changed the subject, "So next, do you want to meet Shaogong again? I have some other things that I may not care about with you. We went together, can you help me bring him something, okay?" (To be continued...)

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