Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 87: Ocean? That must be a precious thing

PS: Let's talk about business by the way! A book friend of mine, his college classmate had aplastic anemia. It seems to be a very dangerous condition, requiring at least three to five million for the operation, but their family is just a peasant family. They are already impoverished in order to see a doctor. I would like to appeal to everyone here, if you have the ability, more or less, support! Even one or two! After all, it is a living life... The total number of readers of the pirated edition of this book is tens of thousands. If everyone can contribute, it must be a big deal for the patient. help! Life is precious! Love is endless! The following is the link to Weibo...Luohua, I am a newcomer, and I don’t know if I post Weibo like this, can I let you open it...


When it was learned that Baili Tusu would no longer be troubled by evil spirits, Fang Lansheng and Xiangling Fuyu couldn't help cheering loudly!

The two brothers Xiang Tianxiao who came here concerned about the injuries of their friends have also witnessed the symptoms of Baili Tusu’s suffocation. They learned that he had completely recovered, and they were taken to the shipyard, and they were reorganized in accordance with the customs of the sea. One night's bonfire party!

There are free wine and fat. That night, people from the entire Qinglong Town joined the bonfire party on the beach!

Wang Daliruhua and his wife, who had had a relationship with Su Yi before, were also among them... This lively battle made Baili Tusu, who had a rather passive character, embarrassed and an unacceptable expression. , He really doesn't know what expression to use to face these people who are enthusiastic and say congratulations to him!

One/Night sleepless crazy and speechless!

Early the next morning, Baili Tusu and others set foot on the road to Anlu!

Su Yi smiled and watched a few people leave, swinging his right arm lightly, and seeing that face full of dismay, turning around to look at his Fuhua frequently, this girl was so reluctant to separate from her. But if he still refuses to mention that he will not go with Tu Su and the others at all and stay with himself... It seems...

"It seems...I will have a niece soon!"

Su Yi touched his chin and smiled, very bizarre, if Bailitu Su dared to have any unruly thoughts about Feng Qingxue. I definitely don't even care about the task, and I gave him three knives and six holes every minute without discussing it; but if he fell in love with Fuhua, in his heart, there is only comfort and joy... As if to see that his junior has a good home?

Strange...I am to Qingxue. But there is no idea to say it!

Su Yi looked back at Feng Qingxue who was waving at the other side with a full face, and couldn't help but muttered to himself.

"Big brother, what do you see me doing?"

Feeling the line of sight from Su Yi, Feng Qingxue turned her head curiously, and looked at Su Yi. The innocent expression as white as a white paper made Su Yi more convinced that, well, she really has no idea about this girl. ! It seems that the habit of sister control... has penetrated my bones!

"It's nothing... It's just that Qingxue is beautiful suddenly!"

Putting away the emotions in his heart, Su Yi answered with a smile.

"Thank you, big brother! Big brother is also very good-looking! It looks very clean. It makes people feel very comfortable!"

Feng Qingxue accepted Su Yi's praise without hesitation, and praised it back!

"Ahahaha... even if you praise me so much, I would be embarrassed!"

Feng Qingxue's attitude was too serious, even if she was cheeky like Su Yi, she couldn't help but touch her head and twist her face away. Her face was faintly red!

"Don't you two siblings tout each other here, right?"

Next to Han Lingsha looked at the brother and sister helplessly, and said.

"Put it? No, I mean it! And Sasha, you are so beautiful! Especially recently, your skin is getting better and better! Tell me how to make it?"

Feng Qingxue looked at Han Lingsha admiringly. With that innocent attitude, Han Lingsha couldn't help but sighed and hurriedly turned aside! The blushing is even worse than Su Yi!

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this problem!" Su Yi, who felt vaguely as if the topic was starting to be unsuitable for children, hurriedly changed the topic.

"Yeah, yes..." Han Lingsha also thought of something. Xiu's face immediately became even more red, and he glared at Su Yi angrily, and then said: "I'm actually quite curious, why don't you tell them the true face of Ouyang Shaogong? Why don't you deal with him? Let's join hands, in fact, the odds are still very good. Taller?"

"To deal with him? Why deal with him?"

Su Yi sneered, "He gave me such a big gift before. If he didn't return it, wouldn't he betray his kindness to me in vain? Kill him directly? That would be too happy! I have to be good. Play with him!"

"So you gave him a gift?" Han Lingsha glanced at Su Yi strangely, "What the **** did you give Ouyang Shaogong? It's mysterious... even we don't let us know..."

"Of course it is a fun thing! It will definitely surprise Ouyang Shaogong!"

Su Yi laughed haha! The preparations made a few months ago, I believe now, enough to make Ouyang Shaogong lose an inch! But can't let Lingsha and the others know that it has affected their bright and majestic image too much!

At the same time, Xiangling also asked Baili Tusu curiously, "Brother Tusu, Brother Tusu, what on earth did Senior Yin ask you to bring to Brother Shaogong?"

Baili Tusu's expression became a bit difficult, he hesitated: "Senior didn't say anything, just said that when we are separated from Mr. Ouyang, we will hand this thing to him! As for what is inside... "

He looked at the square box in his hand, "I didn't open it, so I don't know what it is! I only know that Senior, he is very distressed and mumbles, saying that thousands of oceans have been hit by the water...Ocean I don't know what it is, but I want to come, it should be a precious thing! Senior trusted me and asked me to give it to Mr., how can I open it without authorization?"

"Brother Tu Su is really a gentleman! Then let's go see Brother Shaogong, I really want to see what's inside!"

Xiangling bounced around, with a cheerful face. After a while, he jumped to the left of Baili Tusu, and then to the right. He smiled happily, "Hehehe, Senior Yin and Brother Shaogong, both of them are amazing. Helped Brother Tu Su heal the sickening illness! A mother who can make Brother Tu Su alive... Brother Tu Su will definitely be very happy and happy in the future!"

"Does the evil spirit really matter? Wood, didn't you say that this evil spirit penetrates into your soul and can't be expelled in this life?" Fang Lansheng calmly paid attention to the right question this time!

"In fact, the evil spirit is still in my body at this moment! It's just that Senior Yin broke my whole body bones, and then combined a kind of spiritual power that can specifically restrain the evil energy, so that my resistance is greatly increased! So even though the evil energy still can It will happen, but it will only make me feel a little depressed, and it will no longer affect! And I also practiced the unique exercises in Senior Yin's hometown. With the deepening of the skills, the influence of evil spirits will become smaller and smaller!"

Then why, Brother Tu Su, you are not so happy?

Fu Yi looked at Baili Tusu worriedly. The two grew up together since childhood. She naturally knew him very well, and he had something on his mind! Absolutely worrying!

But since he didn't want to talk, she naturally didn't ask questions very considerately.

Ouyang Shaogong...Prince Changqin...

Baili Tu Su raised his head and looked at the sky, with complex thoughts in his heart. In order to help him heal, Senior Yin even did not hesitate to deplete his own cultivation skills. Naturally, he would not deceive himself... But his words were too unbelievable, that gentle young man. Human, is it the murderer who killed his whole family back then?

Xianzhi? Could it be just a trap?

After pondering for a long while, Baili Tu Su secretly made a decision in his heart. But you can't believe it all! Whatever happens!

With complex emotions, the four of them finally came to Anlu safely!

In the inn, Ouyang Shaogong’s gentle expression never seems to have changed, and it is still so refreshing...

"Sao Gong!!!"

Fang Lansheng cheered and rushed towards him! Give a big hug...the affection overflows in the action.

Ouyang Shaogong's reaction was rather flat. He smiled and said, "But in just a few I don't want a few people to return from the East China Sea! I want it to be smooth sailing, right?"

"What a smooth sailing! Shao Gong, what you said is so easy, in fact, we are almost dead and almost unable to come back!" Fang Lansheng already yelled in dissatisfaction!

Ouyang Shaogong's face was spoiled, and he smiled and said: "I am still in the mood to say wit, it seems that I am alive or not! But it is good to return safely! Nothing is better!

"Sir, Xianzhi has been found! Please have a look!"

Looking at the gentle face of Ouyang Shaogong, Bailitu Su was silent for a moment, took a step forward, and handed him his treasured suitcase!

Ouyang Shaogong's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth were already showing a satisfied smile, "Sure enough, Young Hero Baili is really amazing. Now that Xianzhi has been found, I will give this thing to me. You can follow me to the Qingyu Altar for a rest until most days. You can make the medicine to resurrect the dead, and it depends on God’s will for success or failure!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ouyang!"

Baili Tu Su said. (To be continued.)

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