Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 3 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (3)

"The first step is to take away the three-color gems that Lin Xu got before him, but it will take half a month for the three-color gems to appear..."

Ye Ling made some records of all the things that the male protagonist Lin Xu acquired.

As the time constraints around him disappeared, he once again returned to an environment where zombies banged against the door and the babbling continued on the phone.

The time rules in this world are very weak and chaotic, so even if he doesn't have much energy left, he can still make Abao stop time just now.

But it is easy to use, but it still consumes energy after all.

He hasn't captured his luck yet, and the little bit of energy he has left has been basically used up just now.

Therefore, he can only continue to use his game character panel, work hard to upgrade, and use regular routines to take away the protagonist's luck as soon as possible.

"Cousin... hurry up..."

The voice on the phone continued, and Ye Ling frowned and glanced.

Bending down and placing the phone gently on the doormat, Ye Ling gently walked back to the bedroom.

At his door, the zombies roared and banged on the door, screaming on the phone... that...

In the apocalypse, it is probably a rare and lively moment when such voices come together.

Ye Ling, who returned to the bedroom, quickly packed up her things, packed up her clothes and shoes, and placed them all in the parcel space.

There wasn’t much to eat, except half a box of instant noodles, five self-heating hotpots, and three self-heating rice bowls.

There are only six bottles of beer, four fat house happy waters, and a small half barrel of bottled mineral water.

When there was room in the package space, Ye Ling threw them all in, including the computer host that the original owner used to work on to make money.

Not only that, after he tidied it up, he also put in the wooden wardrobe, single bed, table and chairs.

Although these things are probably no longer needed, they can be used to kill zombies, or they can also be used to light fires.

The world will have a complete power outage five days after the apocalypse breaks out. The apartment where he is currently has no power, so he can only use a power bank to maintain the time display on his phone these days.

It's just that the person on the other end of the phone really doesn't want to hang up.

He had finished cleaning up and was about to go out to fight with the zombie brother outside the door, when the cell phone was still hearing babbling sounds that were obviously crying...

His cousin's physical fitness seemed to be quite good.

It's no wonder that Lin Xu managed to hook up with Sun Yao when he was already a world-class overlord.


There was a sudden muffled sound, and after a long period of beating and scratching, the zombies outside the door finally brought down the security door.

The door fell outwards after being smashed. The zombies thought the door was in the way, so they raised their claws and tried to knock the door aside.

At this moment, a computer host appeared in Ye Ling's hand, and he smashed it into the zombie's head.

Although the host is not heavy, it can barely serve as a substitute for bricks at this time.

A weak iron main chassis was smashed down, knocking off one-tenth of the zombie's health bar, and was pinned down by the security door in a single shake.

Stepping on the security door, Ye Ling picked up the main unit and knocked on it.

After confirming that the zombie couldn't break free, he put away the host and replaced it with the heaviest standing refrigerator in the house. He held it with both hands and smashed it until the zombie's head was flattened.

As long as there is a health bar and as long as you can't attack him, no matter how much health he has, he can be slowly worn to death!

After all, the current zombie cannot be treated and recovered.

"Fuck! What's going on over there? Can he still get out after turning into a zombie?"

Ye Heng's voice came from the mobile phone.

It could be seen that although the two people were very busy and tired, they did not give up monitoring this place.

Not wanting them to know his situation now, Ye Ling ignored what was said on the phone, picked up a piece of wood, searched inside the zombie's smashed head, and finally found a crystal core as small as a mung bean.

Zombie crystal core, an ability body that can be used to enhance superpowers.

It's a pity that this thing can also be used in this world.

This supernatural energy is a completely different concept from the luck energy he needs.

Holding the crystal core with his fingers, Ye Ling directly chose to absorb it.

[Kill level 1 defense zombies and gain experience points +10]

[Absorb level 1 ordinary zombie crystal core, super energy +10]

[After obtaining superpower energy and turning on the superpower, please select the basic superpower attributes: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth]


Ye Ling looked at the basic five elements attributes and chose one at random.

After the wood ability is improved in the future, he can grow some fruits for himself to eat. He personally prefers fruits.

[Inspire superpower, current superpower attribute, wood type]

Abao would never laugh when he was pretending to be a system. Even if he could guess the reason why Ye Ling chose the wood element, it was definitely not a serious consideration for combat.

The attributes on the panel have changed, and there are also some differences in Ye Ling's personal attributes.

[Name: Ye Ling

Qi and blood: 200/200

Energy: 200/200

Satiety: 58/100

Level: 2 (30/500)

Attributes: Strength (5), Speed ​​(3), Endurance (2), Spirit (8)

Power: Wood (level 1/upgrade requires 1000 energy points)

Energy: 10

Package 35/100: A package of clothes, a worn-out chair, a broken sofa...]

There are not many other changes, just changes in abilities and abilities, as well as the package column.

However, killing a level 1 zombie only gives 10 experience points. It seems that I will have to think of other ways in the future.

Only when the level is high can you add attributes to yourself. Only by following this set system can you avoid being discovered when he is in such a weak state.

Sure enough, it’s still very troublesome!

However, safety comes first. He currently lacks strength, and the right way is to just keep developing!

So, let's take a walk around this apartment building now to see if we can find some supplies, so that we can at least provide ourselves with food and drink in the short term.

If there are zombies, kill them and upgrade your own abilities.

The phone was still there. Ye Ling thought for a while, stepped forward and stepped on the phone.

After crushing his cell phone, he turned around and put away the iron-covered security door, occupying another parcel column position.

After packing up everything he could, Ye Ling looked back at the location of the broken cell phone and walked towards the door next to him.

This apartment has a total of 33 floors. Except for a small number of residents who work at home like the original owner, the other residents basically work in several surrounding technology industrial parks.

The apocalypse broke out around ten o'clock that morning. There were very few people in the apartment, and most of them went to work or went out to play.

On the third floor where he is currently located, there are 26 households in total, but now there is not a single living person.

Not just living people, but even zombies, there was only one at his door.

The zombie was the resident diagonally across from him. He probably happened to have the door open. After turning into a zombie, it focused on him, the only living person on the floor.

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