Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 4 The Scapegoat In The Post-Apocalyptic Rebirth Story (4)

"It's not bad, it's enough for me to eat for two or three months..."

Ye Ling worked for a long time, until it got dark, and then he collected the food, water, and various stackable supplies in all the houses on the third and fourth floors.

Stopping at the last house on the fourth floor, he took out a large box from the parcel column, randomly took a power bank from the box, and turned on the light for illumination.

After cooking a self-heating hot pot, he began to sort out the harvest of the past half day.

All kinds of food are packed in boxes and piled up in a mess. Now they are classified one by one. Rice, noodles, grains, oils and condiments are placed separately. Various self-heating foods must also be sorted...

There are also various snacks, potato chips, melon seeds and happy water, dried fruits, canned ham sausages...

In addition, he also collected various types of gold and silver jewelry. He didn't have time to sort out those at the moment, so he would throw them away and talk about them later.

After tidying up for a while, filling my stomach with self-heating hot pot and vacuum-packed cooked food, it was time to rest.

Today is the third night of the apocalypse, and tomorrow is the fourth day. Ye Heng and Sun Yao should be carrying out safety cleanup and construction in the village.

Don't worry, wait until he upgrades the wood power first, and after the power reaches level 3, he will settle the old grudges for the original owner over the robbery of property and land, and then drive him out of the house!

As for the protagonist Lin Xu...

That guy is currently working hard to kill zombies and improve his abilities. In the short term, he can't live without the technology building half a block away.

Using several solid wood cabinets to block the unlocked door, Ye Ling took out the comfortable big bed he got from a house he hadn't moved into yet, and slept until dawn.

On a new day, Ye Ling got up and started doing morning exercises.

[Swing the knife 500 times today, experience value +10]

[Kick 100 times today, experience +10]

[100 minutes of Zamabu today, experience value +10]

[Practice straight punch 200 times today, experience value +10]


Ye Ling did nothing else all morning and kept training after eating.

He didn't recover his memory before and didn't know what to do. Now he can make various attempts.

After lunch, when his arms and legs were so tired and his waist and abdomen were numb to a certain extent, he earned more than 300 experience points.

Look at this, after a while after eating, go out to look for zombies, and today it is possible to improve your personal level.

As for superpowers...

This thing requires killing a lot of zombies. At the moment, he doesn't want to go to a place with a lot of zombies.

But just because he doesn't want to, it doesn't mean he can't meet her.

After eating and drinking, Ye Ling quickly recovered her physical strength. When she started to go up to the fifth floor in the afternoon, she saw a zombie party as soon as she walked up.

There are more than a dozen zombies in the corridor on this floor!

Moreover, the clothes these zombies wear...

They are all very refreshing.

It's neither hot nor cold outside, and they're wearing so little. Are they holding some kind of summer commemoration before the end of the world?


The zombies didn't care whether Ye Ling was thinking or not. The moment they felt the breath of a living person, they roared and rushed over.

"They are all level 1 zombies, but the difference in health between the zombies is too big."

Ye Ling looked at the zombies' blood volume ranging from 300 to 1000, and quickly took out a bunch of security doors, cabinets, tables and other items. When he threw them in front of him, they not only blocked the way of the zombies, but also smashed several Blood loss prompt.

-100, -50, -20, -80...

Zombies from afar were also rushing toward him. Tables and chairs continued to be smashed. After the zombies were hit, a little bit of blood was rubbed off. After grinding, it was gone...

[Kill level 1 ordinary zombies and gain experience points +10]

[Kill level 1 enhanced zombies and gain experience points +10]

[Kill level 1 defense zombies and gain experience points +10]

[Kill level 1 ordinary zombies and gain experience points +10]

Tables, chairs, stools, cabinets and refrigerator security doors, densely packed furniture and items obtained from house demolition were piled up in an isolation area of ​​about five meters in front of Ye Ling.

Today's zombies can't teleport, and they don't have various elemental powers. Ye Ling can still fully master the aspect of grinding the blood bar to gain experience.

After a total of sixteen zombies were all killed, he put away all the furniture. The items of the same style only occupied one parcel column.

Unfortunately, many of them are now damaged to varying degrees, so we can only throw away some of them for the time being.

After receiving 160 experience points, he threw all the furniture that could not be stacked near the stairs, leaving only an aisle for people to walk, and then started to take out all the zombie crystal cores.

[Name: Ye Ling

Qi and blood: 200/200

Energy: 200/200

Satiety: 68/100

Level: 2 (490/500)

Attributes: Strength (5), Speed ​​(3), Endurance (2), Spirit (8)

Power: Wood (level 1/next level requires 1000 energy points)

Energy: 170

Package 97/100: One package of clothes, one box of self-heating food/6, one box of snacks/10...]

There are still 10 experience points left before he can increase his personal level again.

With this energy, the gap is a bit big, but it’s not difficult...

Feeling quite relaxed, Ye Ling once again started searching for supplies near the original house.

Food still comes first, and other items must be stackable or small enough to be packed in boxes.

"That's it? Zombie?"

After checking a dozen houses and discovering several corpses that had been eaten by zombies, Ye Ling discovered an object with only half a body that could crawl on the ground.

It should first be a person who mutated after the flesh on his leg was chewed off by zombies.


The zombie on the ground only had its upper body, but after feeling the approach of a living person, it still struggled to get closer to Ye Ling.

Not far behind it were several scattered leg bones with gnawed tooth marks on them.

"I'll give you a ride."

An epee found in a game enthusiast's room appeared in his hand. It was suspected to be specially made by someone. It didn't have an edge, but it didn't prevent it from being very useful.

The heavy sword was struck at the half-length zombie. The heavy sword, which was estimated to weigh no less than twenty kilograms, smashed the zombie's head into pieces.

It's a pity that the epee is a good weapon, but Ye Ling's current attributes are insufficient.

The sword hit just now, and the energy value that had not been consumed was directly lost to him by 30 points.

[Kill level 1 spiritual zombies and gain experience points +10]

[Level improvement, current level 3, all attributes +1, blood value +100, energy value +100]

After upgrading, Ye Ling put the heavy sword back into the parcel column, found the crystal core from the gray-brown zombie brain, and put it away.

Finally upgraded, all attributes have been increased a little, and you can feel the difference in an instant.

I found the nearest room to rest for a while, ate something, drank some water, and lay down for a while.

Ye Ling looked at the 30 points of energy that had been restored after an hour of rest, rummaged through his supplies, and finally went out carrying a pig iron wok.

Swords and sticks are all weapons. When a weapon attacks, it will consume energy.

However, weapons all come with additional damage and may have critical hits, but the better the attributes, the greater the cost.

These furniture, including kitchen utensils, are not considered offensive weapons, so they naturally do not consume energy and will not cause critical hits or additional damage.

Carrying an iron pot weighing more than five kilograms, Ye Ling began to search the remaining houses on the fifth floor.

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