Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 84 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (28)

"Well... I know you are worried about me, but next time something like this happens, just tell me. If I know, there will be no misunderstanding."

After waiting for a while, Meng Yao smiled slightly and explained the matter.

She definitely couldn't condone stalking, even if the boy liked her a little bit.

But she knew that if someone hadn't been secretly helping her, she might not have been able to reach the capital safely along the way.

Thinking of this, Meng Yao felt that as long as he put the person in the open and let her know, she would not refuse.

But suddenly, she found information that didn't match.

"Young Master, how did you know that I had arrived in the capital?"

Meng Yao thought about what he said just now. This young master had lost her information, so he was anxious to have her portrait searched in the capital.

That means that the person who solved her troubles along the way was not the young master?

Who is that?

Could it be that those people arranged by the prince have never been withdrawn?

If it was true as she suspected, then she could take advantage of it.

"I actually don't know. It's just that the messages from those people were sent a little slow and were intercepted on the road. I only received them this morning. Based on the time, I think it's time for you to arrive in the capital..."

Young Master Liu looked at Meng Yao with a hint of apology in his eyes. Now that he was asked about it, he gave an explanation very quickly.

"I have just arrived. I rented a small courtyard here before. I am just going to take a look in the capital. If possible, I want to find something to do first..."

Meng Yao has probably confirmed some of the information, but now she needs more confirmations, and it will take time to implement her plan.

The most important thing is that she must continue to maintain her image of being hard-working, independent, and working hard without relying on others.

But forget about dancing.

After the lesson she learned last time, she heard many people in the town say that the status of dancers in this world is simply terrifyingly low.

How many times did she curse the ancient society's oppression of women in her heart, but she had to accept it.

For this reason, she even stopped teaching at the piano workshop. In the past few months, in addition to practicing more chess, calligraphy and painting, she also deliberately started to develop skills such as embroidery and winemaking that she had previously despised.

It is impossible for her to sell wine, but she can make wine as her own skill. As long as she brews enough coveted wine, she can get enough money without showing up to cultivate more skills that are recognized by the world.

"This is my second brother's property. It's a bit chaotic here. I have a big house on South Street near the Imperial City. You can go and live there first.

Don't worry, I don't usually live there. I was assigned a position recently and have been staying in the East Palace recently.

My cousin is very strict, I can’t run away often..."

Young Master Liu's eyes were tense, fearing that Meng Yao would disagree.

By the way, he mentioned the East Palace, his cousin, and the Imperial City.

The capital is very large. It is the residence and living area for hundreds of officials, their families, and some ordinary people.

There is an imperial city within the capital, which is the retreat of the royal family.

The imperial city is divided into many areas, and the front and back palaces are separated.

But in the hearts of the people in the capital, the area close to the imperial city is equivalent to being close to the emperor, and that is the area with the highest value.

As for Young Master Liu's house, if it weren't for the purposeful arrangement, his eldest brother would never let it go.

"Wouldn't this be bad? Wouldn't your family have any objections? Or, they wouldn't think too much about it, right?"

When Meng Yao heard that there was a location close to the imperial city, he was naturally willing to live there.

But living in the past was what she wanted, but she didn't want to be bound by this young master because of it. If someone misunderstood her, she would lose more than she gained.

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