Counterattack Of The Heavens: I'm Just A Luck Plunderer

Chapter 85 The False Prince In The Story About Time Travel (29)

"No, I won it from my eldest brother some time ago, and I'm still young. You don't have to worry about other people's gossip. At most, my eldest brother may tell my cousin and let him take a strict look at me. a little..."

When Young Master Liu found out that Meng Yao agreed to live there, he smiled a little silly.

However, with his good looks and young age, when Mengyao saw this appearance, she would only think that this young boy was really cute.

It's a pity that her goal will not change, so she can only say sorry silently in her heart.

Just like that, under the prompting of the young master's perfect acting skills and the favorability level, Meng Yao asked the maid Xiaoyue to go back and pack up only two small packages as a gift, and then got into the carriage that the young master Liu had quickly prepared.

Their performance was reported by the secret guards in the East Palace less than half an hour later.

Young Master Liu and Young Master He, who were both here to study who to deal with tomorrow, both shook their heads and were speechless once again at Young Master Liu's acting skills.

It's not like they can't act, but they can act like that kid with such no bottom line, it seems like they really can't do it.

For the sake of a woman, you would not do anything serious and just take her back to another hospital?

Mr. Liu felt that if he hadn't said hello to his father earlier, his father would definitely tie up his brother and beat him up.

It’s morning again.

As the prince, Ye Ling is now sitting directly on the chair arranged under the dragon chair.

Today, the Dragon Throne is empty again. His Majesty the Emperor is addicted to laziness and only comes once every three to five days. When he comes, he still lets the Crown Prince make the decision, as if he is just here to prove that he is still alive.

"Your Highness, we just received an urgent report this morning that 11 counties in the south have been affected by insect infestations..."

An official from the Censor's Office came out and handed over the urgent report received this morning.

Today's morning meeting was based on this incident. After more than an hour, it was decided and officials were arranged to deal with it.

After the dynasty was over, Ye Ling walked with a few young people in the garden of the East Palace, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

There are arrangements in the court, but things won't be that simple.

"You two go back and prepare. You will set out tonight with the imperial edict. If anyone causes trouble, you are allowed to kill them first and then report them."

Ye Ling thought about the follow-up and asked Prince Han and General Li to take people to deal with it.

Moreover, in order to prevent some obstructive officials from causing trouble, they were even given the right to kill first and report later.

The imperial edict was not troublesome. After he wrote one, he went directly to the imperial study room to ask the old emperor to have it stamped.

At midnight, Ye Ling went to the city gate to see off the two young men who were on errands, as well as the imperial guards and troop deployment tokens that they had taken away.

When he returned to the imperial city, he brought only two secret guards with him to the mansion where Meng Yao currently lived.

"Miss, it's already so late, why don't you rest? Staying up late is not good for your health..."

The maid Xiaoyue looked at Meng Yao who was sitting in the yard playing the piano. She was a little worried and picked up a thick cloak, intending to put it on her.

"I'm fine, I just arrived in the capital for the first time and I'm a little worried about the future..."

Meng Yao refused the cloak and continued to wear her thin clothes, her fingertips flicking on the strings of the piano.

She glanced at Xiaoyue, sighed, and continued to say what she thought could be a plus after much thought.

It is not easy for an orphan to survive, her gratitude after receiving help from others, being plotted by a villain to make her dance in public, etc...

In short, it means the same thing. She is an orphan girl from a small mountain village, and no one has taught her how to be a woman, so when she danced in public that time, she was just tricked by a mean person.

As for who the villain is...

She didn't say it, but she believed that if that person cared and went back to investigate, then he could only say sorry to the women in the piano shop.

Who made those women not stop her? If they could have stopped her at that time, she would not have made His Royal Highness completely disappointed in her because of that dance.

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