Counterfeit Bride

Counterfeit Bride

Màopái Xīnniáng|冒牌新娘

10 Chapters Ongoing Status

A young man is being forced to cross-dress as a bride to replace his young lady who refused to marry since she already had her own lover.
And the groom had prepared a surprise for the supposed bride, yet he was the one who got the surprise for the


A young man is being forced to cross-dress as a bride to replace his young lady who refused to marry since she already had her own lover.
And the groom had prepared a surprise for the supposed bride, yet he was the one who got the surprise for the bride he had imagined was not as his imagined before, —personality wise.
So, the life of the counterfeit bride and ‘her’ groom began.
With both party having their own secret, how would their life like?

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