Crazy Detective

Chapter 1014: Where Does the Hatred Begin?

Wan Tai Hao Jing Manor was the most exclusive detached villa in Gao Lanqi and only well renowned or famous people lived here. Cheng Lingfei’s house wasn’t simply located in the area, it was built in the best position. Though the house had already been around for some time, the high-quality renovation work that had been done made the villa look luxurious, like an aristocrat’s building.

The unique interior was in no way stock standard either. In the middle of the hall, there were small bridges and even a miniature river with leafy trees and flowers. The nature elements gave visitors a refreshed feeling. A young boy, around ten years old, sat at a platform lined with flowers in the middle of the hall. He sat in front of a cello, holding a bow and playing Late Autumn. The child’s hands were small and delicate, but his bowing technique was skillful and he played the cello well. He was so immersed in his music that he seemed to be intoxicated by the melody.

“Jiang Er, that’s enough… mom has things to take care of. Take a break or play somewhere else!” came the gentle voice of a woman. The boy obediently put down his bow and cello and silently left the room. The person who had spoken was an elegant lady in a long, white dress – it was Cheng Lingfei!

“Officer, forgive me for being blunt…” Cheng Lingfei said to Miao Ying after the boy left. “I still don’t understand. Wu Fangfang is a police officer, why do you have to ask me about her? Did she make some mistake again?”

“Again?” Miao Ying picked up on Cheng Lingfei’s word choice immediately. “Has she made mistakes in the past?”

“Of course,” Cheng Lingfei said vacantly, “wasn’t she punished for throwing water in her superior’s face?”

Miao Ying did not know how to respond. She watched Cheng Lingfei for a few seconds before saying, “Madam Cheng, you’ve seen my ID yet you’re still suspicious. You’re welcome to check it again! I believe you’re someone who knows how the real world works, so you should know that there’s a reason for me coming here.”

“Alright,” Cheng Lingfei said, her tone still ice cold. “Speak. What do you want to know about Wu Fangfang?”

“Everything!” Miao Ying said. “Tell me everything you know about Wu Fangfang, beginning from when you first met her!”

Hmph! Cheng Lingfei snorted quietly without so much as batting an eyelid. She then gestured for Miao Ying to sit, as she sat down elegantly. “Let’s put it this way. Ah Fang and I really did grow up together.”

Miao Ying noted the gesture and seated herself. “Okay, then let’s start from the beginning,” she said.

“Ha…” the corners of Cheng Lingfei’s mouth rose slightly, seemingly showing a hint of a contemptuous smile. “Where should I even begin? From when we were in kindergarten?” she asked.

“Shi Hai!” Miao Ying stated bluntly. “Start from your relationships with Shi Hai!”

Cheng Lingfei was taken aback by Miao Ying’s boldness and took a moment to respond. She finally said, “Brother Shi Hai is no longer around! He was… he was…” Cheng Lingfei seemed pensive. “Since we were young, both Ah Fang and I fancied brother Shi Hai! He was handsome, righteous, and kind. And when he smiled, he was so good looking!”

“I don’t know if we could be called childhood friends. But in the memories of my childhood, there are only the two of them! If only humans could remain children forever, how wonderful would that be? I really didn’t want to grow up!” Cheng Lingfei said, seemingly lost in her memories. Miao Ying sat patiently, waiting for her to continue.

“It’s a pity, but we all have to grow up eventually,” Cheng Lingfei continued. “When someone matures, they grow further and further away from happiness. Especially in a situation like ours. Love triangles are really painful! Because of brother Shi Hai, Ah Fang and I fought countless times. You should know, Ah Fang is very strong. Each time we fought I would be the loser. In the end, I didn’t dare to fight with her anymore and let her win…”

“But I have to admit, I truly admire Ah Fang’s bullheadedness and courage!” Cheng Lingfei stated. “Brother Shi Hai wanted to be a police officer, and after we grew up, he followed his dreams and enrolled in the Police Academy. Who would have expected that Ah Fang enrolled as well, and they eventually got together…”

Cheng Lingfei continued bitterly. “Officer, when I heard the news, I have to say I was very upset! But thinking about Wu Fangfang and brother Shi Hai in their uniforms, I guess my heart finally accepted it. I knew that this man, who I had always admired, couldn’t be mine anymore.” There was a moment of silence where only the sound of the flowing water from the river could be heard.

“Madam Cheng… from what I gather, your relationship with Wu Fangfang ended on a sour note. I would like to know how this happened, and why? Was it because of Shi Hai?” Miao Ying asked after a brief moment of silence.

Cheng Lingfei paused for a moment before replying. “Actually, from the very beginning, the fallout was just a rumor spread by Wu Fangfang! She was the one who began ignoring me first!”

“Oh? When did this happen?” Miao Ying asked, doubtful.

“Hmm… that’s difficult to say,” Cheng Lingfei replied indifferently. “Because we were friends for so long, we continued fighting and then making up until we finally stopped contacting each other for an extended period! From the time she and brother Shi Hai had gotten together, we began to meet less and less! At that point, I was also starting up my business, so I guess we slowly lost contact.”

“Since Wu Fangfang was the one who began dating Shi Hai, isn’t she the winner in this love triangle? If so, why did Wu Fangfang hate you so much? Honestly, every photo she has with you in it is scratched up!” Miao Ying informed Cheng Lingfei. “Can you tell me why she hated you so much to go to such an extent?”

“Oh… really?” Cheng Lingfei asked calmly. “Some time ago at a gathering, I said some unpleasant things to her. She even splashed red wine on me. Maybe it’s because of that?”

“No, those scratches have been there for a long time,” Miao Ying said, watching Cheng Lingfei closely.

“Really?” Cheng Lingfei maintained her composure. “Then how about you ask her yourself? After brother Shi Hai’s death, she became completely unreasonable! Or… does she think his death is my fault? Isn’t that ridiculous?” she asked.

“No! Those scratches were there even before that!” Miao Ying said, shaking her head.

“Hmph!” Cheng Lingfei sneered. “If it’s even earlier then there’s only one reason I can think of! During one of the times we were having a very bad fight, my second brother committed suicide. Wu Fangfang grilled me and insisted that I was the one who killed him. She scolded me for not caring about my family and for being vicious. That time, I got really mad at her and we got into a huge argument! Anyone can misunderstand me except for her!” Cheng Lingfei answered, agitated. “Officer, you can check. I only used legal means to get back what was rightfully mine! My second brother’s death had nothing to do with me!”

“What happened between you and Wu Fangfang after that?” Miao Ying asked.

“We parted ways! She continued being a policewoman while I continued expanding my business. From then on, we barely met. Even when did, it was just as unpleasant as the last time we had seen each other. But if that’s the only reason she scratched up my photos then she’s way too heartless.”

“Oh…” Miao Ying said, analyzing what Cheng Lingfei had said along with all of her facial expressions. While there had been some abnormalities, what she said was still believable overall.

After remaining silent for a moment, she decided to change the topic. “Madam Cheng, no matter what, Wu Fangfang was still one of your closest friends. Could you tell me more about her private life? Were there any problems there? Especially during the period of the Nong He case.”

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