Crazy Detective

Chapter 1015: A Psychotic Moment

“Ah, the village homicide case?” Cheng Lingfei repeated, completely composed. “What a strange question for you to ask! What does her private life have to do with that?”

“I’m asking about it to jog your memory,” Miao Ying explained. “During that period, were you close with Wu Fangfang? Do you know who she was in contact with?”

“Uhm…” Cheng Lingfei thought. “At that time, the relationship between Ah Fang and I was still good, but… I was trying to finish my studies and Ah Fang had been transferred to the Central Investigation Unit to investigate that case. Because of that, I didn’t get to see her for the longest time, so I don’t know who she was in touch with.”

“Were Wu Fangfang and Shi Hai already dating at that point?” Miao Ying asked. “Around that time, Shi Hai wanted to get a promotion at the police academy. As for Wu Fangfang’s private life… hmm… did she like to go to nightclubs or pubs? Did she have friends from those types of places, and did she have alcohol or drug abuse issues?”

“What? Why would you think that?” Cheng Lingfei asked, taken aback. “Even though Ah Fang’s personality isn’t anything to write home about, she definitely wouldn’t have those types of issues! And even if brother Shi Hai wasn’t in Gao Lanqi, they had already confirmed their feelings for each other. She loved him so much, there’s no way she would have intentionally harmed herself like that! Besides, Ah Fang was busy investigating the case. When would she have found time to visit a bar? Don’t talk about drugs, she doesn’t even drink alcohol! She’s an outstanding policewoman!”

“So… who did she hang…” Before Miao Ying could even finish her sentence, Cheng Lingfei cut her off aggressively. “Hey officer, your questions are really weird. Is Ah Fang… in trouble?” she asked. Miao Ying remained silent.

“Officer, please believe me! Ah Fang may have been strong and rash since she was little, but she’s really a good person and wouldn’t do anything against the law! Please investigate thoroughly!” Cheng Lingfei said, clearly emotional.

“Alright,” Miao Ying nodded. “If that’s the case then I’ll take my leave. If you remember anything, please give me a call.” Miao Ying handed Cheng Lingfei a business card.

“Okay, it would be my pleasure to work with the police,” Cheng Lingfei said politely.

Miao Ying didn’t intend to leave so soon. She stood up and took a look around the living room. Her eyes stopped on the cello. “Uhm, Miss Cheng?” Miao Ying asked, hesitating slightly. “By the way, this might be presumptuous of me to say, but you’ve been single until now, right? If that’s the case, the child just now…” Upon hearing this, Cheng Lingfei froze. Her face turned black and a funny look came over her face.

“I’m sorry!” Miao Ying said, pretending to be apologetic. “It’s just a habit that comes with the job. I understand it’s quite rude to ask, but I do hope you can tell me the truth,” she said.

“Right…” Cheng Lingfei took a deep breath and thought about the question for a while before replying coldly, “Officer, I know that since you asked, even if I don’t answer, you guys will find out eventually. I can tell you, but… I do hope you uphold your integrity as a police officer and don’t share my private matters with others. I’m not a celebrity, but this type of dirty laundry shouldn’t be aired in public, you know?”

“Of course, that’s a given!” Miao Ying agreed.

“Alright!” Cheng Lingfei pointed to the second floor, saying, “The child’s dad is upstairs, but he’s… ill! We didn’t have a wedding because of various reasons, so this is our arrangement for now…”

“Oh?” Miao Ying was surprised. “I don’t understand. With all your resources, what could be stopping you?”

“Officer, you must be joking! Even you must have heard of the phrase ‘there are things even money can’t buy’?” At this point, Cheng Lingfei looked like she made an important decision and had been relieved of a huge burden. “Why not come to my bedroom and take a look? You’ll understand!”

“The child’s dad… he’s really sick so he can’t come out to meet guests,” she continued. “Oh, there’s also some old photographs in my bedroom. Some are from the time Ah Fang and I participated in group outings, the ones I told you about. There are quite a few people in the photos, maybe they would be of some help to you?”

“Oh?” Miao Ying’s eyes lit up and she nodded. “If it isn’t too much trouble then, Ms. Cheng.”

“This way please…” Cheng Lingfei walked towards the staircase, gesturing for Miao Ying to go ahead of her. Although Miao Ying didn’t sense any immediate danger, she kept her guard up and held on to her gun holster, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. Despite Cheng Lingfei’s gesture, she waited for Cheng Lingfei to take the lead instead.

Cheng Lingfei didn’t show any signs of being suspicious and gracefully led the way. The spiral stairs brought them to the corridor on the second floor. On one side of the corridor, there was a spacious living area, and the other side was lined with rooms. She didn’t walk far before stopping in front of one of the doors, using her fingerprint to unlock it.

When Cheng Lingfei did this, Miao Ying was instantly put on high alert. Why would someone lock a room in her own house? Also, since entering the house, Miao Ying had felt that something was out of place. The house was way too quiet. It was the kind of silence that made you feel uneasy. Although there had been the sound of the cello, the tune sounded way too sad. This greatly disturbed Miao Ying. On top of everything, Cheng Lingfei’s erratic mood swings made Miao Ying uncomfortable. Cheng Lingfei acted normally, but it all felt rehearsed and seemed to carry a deeper meaning.

As the door opened, Miao Ying was discretely holding the handle of her gun in case anything happened. Behind the extravagant metal security door laid a pure white living room. Everything, from the floors to the walls and even the furniture, was white! However, the room was far from neat and tidy. Toys were strewn all over and the dining table was filled with snacks and fruits.

Kyah! Kyah! The sound came from the child from earlier playing a game with his headphones on. He was so engrossed in the game that he didn’t realize someone had opened the door. “Come in!” Cheng Lingfei said courteously after entering the living room. “Sorry it’s so messy, it’s the new year and the helpers have all gone home so…” After seeing Cheng Lingfei enter and the child sitting there playing games, Miao Ying let her guard down and entered the house.

“Hubby… hubby! Come down, there’s a guest!” After Cheng Lingfei called out, the sound of steps on a ladder could be heard from the living room. Someone was coming down. Wait… Miao Ying wondered. Didn’t Cheng Lingfei say her husband was severely ill and couldn’t entertain visitors?

The person climbing down had almost completed his descent when Cheng Lingfei suddenly smirked and said, “Officer Miao Ying, you shouldn’t have come to Gao Lanqi!”

“What?!” Miao Ying was taken aback by Cheng Lingfei’s comment. By now, Cheng Lingfei’s husband had come down and was standing in front of her. Miao Ying looked up and saw a bloated man, barefooted in his pajamas. Although his face had swelled immensely, Miao Ying still recognized him almost immediately.

“You?” Miao Ying was shocked. She pointed her gun towards the man as she shouted, “Yang Zebiao??! Don’t move!”

Szzt. The minute Miao Ying raised her gun, an EMP exploded near her. Without enough time to react, she fell to the floor.

After Miao Ying fell, Cheng Lingfei stood with a stun gun in one hand and her phone in the other. “Hey…” her icy voice was now filled in an authoritative tone. “Ah Bing! We’re exposed, start the preparations, we’re moving forward with the plan now!”

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