Crazy Detective

Chapter 931: New Year Upgrade

Zhao Yu finally had a break before New Year’s Day came around. Together with Miao Ying and Tycoon, he returned to Qinshan via the Criminal Division’s special car.

Zhao Yu did not break his promise to Cui Lizhu. Before leaving, he applied for a pass for her, which allowed her to go and see Tao Xiang in a psychiatric institution, where she could accompany him for a long visit.

As Tao Xiang was a criminal with heavy charges against him, as well as a man with serious diseases, regular hospitals were not suitable for him to be kept within. Hence, he was being imprisoned in a special medical institution, where he received treatment under surveillance and was prevented from harming others.

There were few such special medical institutions that were affiliated with the judicial department. Their patients were people who had been convicted of serious crimes. Applications for visiting them were hardly approved, let alone accompanying them within the institutions for long periods of time!

Therefore, Cui Lizhu was very grateful to Zhao Yu. She promised to Zhao Yu that she wouldn’t cause him any trouble in the New Year.

Not knowing why, whenever he looked at her, Zhao Yu always saw himself as he was during his early days within Cui Lizhu. All of the changes that had happened to this unruly little girl were just the same things that had taken place within himself in the past.

Of course, this was not only the case with Cui Lizhu, but with other members as well, such as Ran Tao, who always made Zhao Yu feel gratified in seeing the great strides that he had made.

These two individuals both continued to make progress in solving several major cases with Zhao Yu. So, Zhao Yu was full of confidence in their future work.

The day he returned to Qinshan was December 29. Since he and Miao Ying had not been back for a long time, they wanted to meet with many old colleagues and share a meal together.

Zhao Yu was quite popular now, so he didn’t want to notify the leaders of his return and cause a ruckus. Instead, he just called some of his best friends, such as Li Beni, Zhang Yaohui, Zhang Jingfeng, Liang Huan and Lan Bo, then went to a restaurant for a small gathering.

Seeing that Miao Ying had returned safely, his old colleagues felt relieved. However, Zhao Yu and Miao Ying didn’t want them to know about Miao Ying’s real identity, so they avoided bringing up the topic altogether.

Since Zhao Yu had left Qinshan, the Rongyang Branch had been peaceful. Apart from several injuries, there had been no difficult cases or serious homicides. Therefore, at the table, the old colleagues made jokes that Zhao Yu’s cases were all intentionally prepared for Zhao Yu’s promotion!

The well-informed Lan Bo said that Zhao Yu’s promotion was a definite thing. In January, at the latest, he predicted that Zhao Yu would become an official member of the Central Criminal Division, thus no longer being under the control of the Qinshan or Longxi Provinces.

The Central Criminal Division leadership thought highly of Zhao Yu and couldn’t wait to have him join them. Zhao Yu’s rapid promotion was rare in China. It was like riding on a rocket and soaring up into the sky!

However, Zhao Yu didn’t care that much about the promotion. He still showed a calm look upon hearing this news.

For him, whether it was in Qinshan or as the special investigation group leader, the nature of his work didn’t change! After all, Zhao Yu only cared about one thing, which was solving cases!

Miao Ying said that she was addicted to solving cases, but in fact, Zhao Yu’s addiction was greater than hers. His addiction to investigating was far more of a pull for him than any satisfaction that money and position could bring.

He enjoyed finding out the truth and getting justice for others. Nothing excited him more than solving a case. Sometimes, he even had a feeling that he was born specifically to solve cases!

After lunch, Zhao Yu bought some stuff and visited his landlord Jiang Dafeng. Although Zhao Yu hadn’t been to Qinshan in a long time, he liked his house on Shunfeng Street very much. So, whether he lived there or not, he always paid the rent on time and never wanted to end his lease.

Now, Jiang Dafeng’s wife’s condition had greatly improved and Jiang Xiaoqing was attending a top high school. The family lived a happy life.

Jiang Dafeng was clever, and after he learned that Zhao Yu was famous now and had been placed in a high position, he immediately discarded his past unpleasant memories about Zhao Yu and told everyone that Zhao Yu was his relative. He even gifted Zhao Yu with several boxes of fruits!

When Zhao Yu arrived at the rented house, he felt slightly disappointed that Yang Hong and Huahua no longer lived opposite it. A new family had moved in there.

Because Zhao Yu had changed his phone and Wechat numbers several times since he had lived here, he had not been in touch with them for a long time. Thus, he had no clue as to their current situation.

Thinking about what had happened to them in the past, Zhao Yu had a special feeling about them. However, now that he was with Miao Ying, he no longer looked back nostalgically, as his past now seemed to have drifted away like passing clouds.

Zhao Yu wanted to go to the gym where he used to meet his old friends like Zhou Yang. But, after he called over there, he learned that it was closed today and would only open again after the holiday.

So, Zhao Yu gave up this idea. Instead, he went and bought some holiday items with Miao Ying. The pair then drove Miao Ying’s Land Rover to his parents’ house.

The Spring Festival was very important to the people in his village. When Zhao Yu’s parents saw their son returning with a girl, they were overwhelmed by happiness and rushed to prepare a good meal.

The village was a small place, and Zhao Yu’s legendary story had spread across it. So, everyone knew about him.

Because of this, everyone treated Zhao Yu’s parents differently from before. Doggy Li and Zhao Jinsheng dared not do bad things to his family now. Moreover, even the village leadership had to respect them.

In particular, the police station sent their family valuable gifts before Zhao Yu came back, which made the neighbors envy them a great deal! If it was in the past, Zhao Yu would have definitely wanted to show off. This was because he used to think that not only the police station, but the Provincial Office should respect him.

However, Zhao Yu was different now. He did not feel the need to show off any longer. Instead, he politely asked his family to keep a low profile. As he said, he was an honest and humble man now, so his family members should be honest and humble, too.

Zhao Yu’s mother nodded, then asked him with a serious look, “So, what do you mean by us being honest?”

Zhao Yu felt quite embarrassed and Miao Ying laughed upon hearing the question.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year’s day. Zhao Yu had a good time at home. Of course, this was also because he had Miao Ying’s company.

Zhao Yu recalled how he came to this moment in his life. He came to this new life in May of last year, and in less than a year, he’d already had so many wonderful experiences. For this reason, he almost felt like he’d been living in this world for many decades.

He remembered every case clearly. As he was thinking about his past experiences, he suddenly got emotional. He had changed from an arrogant and rude man into a calm and reliable Unsolved Cases Master, which was an amazing transformation!

No matter what, he felt that it was necessary to thank the Miracle System for its help in his being able to have made such achievements. If it wasn’t for the system, he would not know what he would be at this moment.

Just as he was thinking about the system, Zhao Yu found that the system was sending him a notice! He opened the system and was surprised to find that his adventure points were enough for a new upgrade!

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