Crazy Detective

Chapter 932: Meticulous Miao Ying

The sudden upgrade was a bit strange. Zhao Yu didn’t plan to open any new hexagrams over the holiday, as he wanted to have a peaceful New Year. So, without new hexagrams, his adventure points shouldn’t have grown.

This made him wonder… Why did the system upgrade automatically? Did the system give me extra points because of the New Year holiday?

He took a good look at the upgraded system interface. It had turned into a 3D interface and looked beautiful.

However, the system functions remained the same. It showed that he had only 400 points left at present, and the next upgrade required 10,000 points.

Zhao Yu clicked the device bar and found several new functions. One function enabled him to replace the devices that he didn’t need with what he might find useful. However, each time that this device replacement was used, it would require a certain amount of points, which was not a good deal in Zhao Yu’s opinion.

There was also a function that allowed Zhao Yu to sell the devices that he didn’t like for points. However, after Zhao Yu tried this function, he found that the points he could get for selling his devices were very limited. Thus, this new function was essentially useless to him.

Then, he went back to the main interface to check the other functions. The hexagram fonts looked more beautiful than before, but this seemed to be the only change.

However, when he clicked on the side adventure bar, strangely, he couldn’t open the function tab. He was surprised, and immediately wondered… Hey? What’s this? Why can’t I open it?

Zhao Yu hurriedly opened a new hexagram, which was a Sun Li. Then, he clicked on the side adventure again, only to find that he still couldn’t open it!

What’s this? Is the system undergoing maintenance? Why is there no side adventure? Zhao Yu shook his head, clearly frustrated.

He then thought… That’s just great. The upgrade made my system even worse to work with. Brilliant! So, you don’t want me to use side adventures next time? That means I will lose an important source of help…

Zhao Yu was disappointed with the upgrade. If he couldn’t open a new side adventure, he couldn’t get adventure points.

This meant that he could not earn a next upgrade either! It seemed like a dead-end.

Thinking about this, he studied the new interface for a long time, but did not find anything useful in the end. Finally, Zhao Yu could only comfort himself, saying to himself that the system was trying to challenge him by increasing the difficulty of solving cases. But, he was a little bit worried about whether or not he could solve cases successfully without the help of side adventures in the future.

The second day of the first lunar month was the day that had been set for the family reunion to take place, but Miao Ying had nowhere to go. So, Zhao Yu played cards with Miao Ying in the morning, then walked with her and Tycoon along the river. This New Year was quite late this year, and they could feel spring all around them as they walked.

Miao Ying took Zhao Yu’s arm and said softly, “You don’t have to say anything. I’m used to being left out! My parents always have a special political task every New Year’s. In the past, I spent every New Year’s with my parents’ old comrades, either in the Aegean Sea or in Havana. I’ve gotten used to it.”

“Oh…” Zhao Yu nodded and said, “It’s no wonder your father appeared so guilty when he was having a drink with me. You are the one he thought that he owed the most in the world. Not being able to stay with you during the New Year festivities is hard for them, too.”

Tycoon seemed to be able to understand them, as the dog chose that exact moment to bark at Zhao Yu and Miao Ying.

Miao Ying laughed and said, “I understand their difficulties! Besides, I feel much better now that I am with you! It’s so good to stay with you over the holiday. Also, because of you, my parents won’t worry that much about me.”

Zhao Yu smiled as he held Miao Ying’s waist. “Now I understand why you were such a workaholic when I first met you!”

“Yes, at that time, work and fighting were all I had in my life.” Miao Ying nodded, her eyes lighting up as she spoke. “By the way, Zhao Yu, we haven’t had a good battle for a long time, have we? I feel like I have become a bit lazy!”

Miao Ying the puffed up her chest and made a gesture like she was going to fight him. Zhao Yu quickly stopped her, then pointed to his leg and said, “Don’t make trouble for me. My leg is not healed yet. Are you not afraid of making your husband disabled permanently?”

Miao Ying was confused. “But, your leg is really weird. Where is the plaster cast? And, if it’s so badly injured, how did you kick Han Kuan’s lawyer in Golden City?”

Zhao Yu didn’t want Miao Ying to find out his secret, so he changed the subject quickly. “Is that lawyer suing me?”

“Don’t try to change the subject!” Unexpectedly, Miao Ying realized his purpose immediately.

She then asked, “When you were at Yaoming, you had two gunfights and pursued those robbers! Then, you drove that yellow truck and collided with the robbers’ truck. Next, you punched a big guy to death. Finally, you ran with your injured leg and chased after Jiang Ke. Were you filming an action movie? Regardless, right now, I think that you are filming a science fiction, right?”

Zhao Yu burst out laughing, then said with great pride, “When the lawyer heard Han Kuan’s confession, he didn’t want to sue me anymore! Isn’t that funny?”

Miao Ying replied without any expression on her face, “Of course it’s funny! But, trying to avoid answering my question is useless. These are Jiang Ke’s accomplices’ testimonies. Do you remember them?”

Zhao Yu patted his right leg. “I’m not ignoring your question. The doctor deliberately exaggerated my situation to make more money from my medical bills! My situation is actually not that serious at all!”

“Is a fracture an exaggeration?” Miao Ying shook her head. “Please, I’m not stupid, okay? Are you hiding something from me? I haven’t heard you talking about your amazing friends for a long time.”

“Then… Alright…” Zhao Yu stretched out his hands, made a fighting pose, then said, “I’ll satisfy your wishes! Beat me, and I’ll tell you! If you lose, you can never ask me about this again!”

“Well…” Miao Ying nodded happily, “Okay! But, in order to be fair, I’ll only use leg!”

Miao Ying suddenly lifted one leg and supported herself with the other leg. Tycoon seemed to feel the tension and began barking at them wildly.

“Remember, I killed a big man with one blow, so you must be careful!” Zhao Yu let go of the dog’s chain that he had been holding and got ready for a fight.

Miao Ying’s eyes flashed excitedly, and she rushed forward and took a punch at Zhao Yu! Zhao Yu did not dodge it, but punched right back. Miao Ying quickly changed her attack to come at him from another angle, while throwing a Thai boxing hook at him!

“That big man was killed by a broken rearview mirror! It was just a coincidence!” Zhao Yu defended himself from Miao Ying’s hook with his shoulder, and in turn, he caught her neck. Since Miao Ying’s neck couldn’t move, she kicked Zhao Yu in the head with her left leg.

“When I was chasing Jiang Ke on skates…” Zhao Yu covered his forehead with his hands and jumped at Miao Ying, like a wolf aiming at its prey. “My leg injury was not that serious! But, when I strangled his neck, I fell. That’s when my leg injury became more serious.”

Miao Ying cried out and sent a spin kick toward Zhao Yu, which almost struck him in the face. Zhao Yu ducked his head and shouted, “Didn’t you just say that you would just use one leg?”

“I meant my left leg!” Miao Ying said, while she sent another spin kick his way.

When Zhao Yu saw an opportunity, he jumped up and made an unconventional side-forward attack in the air, thus avoiding Miao Ying’s spin kick. He then came in front of Miao Ying before she was able to react.

At that time, as long as he threw a punch, Miao Ying would fall to the ground. However, of course, Zhao Yu could not do that to Miao Ying. So, he just relaxed his arms and took Miao Ying into his embrace.

Miao Ying struggled several times, but couldn’t get free from Zhao Yu’s embrace. When she was thoroughly annoyed, she suddenly felt that the strength behind her was weakening. She then took the opportunity and did a shoulder throw!

Tycoon saw that its master was beaten, so the dog started barking nonstop and nipping at Miao Ying’s ankles. After Miao Ying finally shooed Tycoon away, she gasped and sat down next to Zhao Yu.

“That lawyer is purely an unexpected…” As Zhao Yu lay on the ground, he wanted to explain, but Miao Ying stopped him with an affectionate kiss!

Of course, Zhao Yu couldn’t say anything! After the kiss, Miao Ying lay down beside Zhao Yu and said softly, “Okay, you won! I have to admit that I really can’t beat you any longer! You’ve gotten too strong!!”

Zhao Yu quickly comforted her, “Can’t you see why? It’s just that I know you too well!”

“Come on, no sweet talking me now!” Miao Ying said affectionately. “Can’t you see that I’m worried about you? Jiang Ke is not just a robber. You must be safe! I can’t let anything happen to you! Wherever you go, you must be safe.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu was deeply moved. He could only use a crazy kiss to repay Miss Miao for her sweet care and concern.

Tycoon seemed to understand them, and after barking a few more times, he seemed to have calmed and felt the harmony among the group once more.

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