Crazy Detective

Chapter 992: The Older the Wiser

After what had seemed like forever, Zhao Yu finally felt like he was nearing the end of this! To be honest, although Zhao Yu used to be part of a gang, it was completely different than it was being a thief. After changing his face to become Jiang Ke, he had gotten to know a bunch of strangers, from Jiang Ke’s underlings to a bunch of cocky rich people.

Because Zhao Yu wasn’t familiar with Jiang Ke, there was some difficulty adjusting to his persona. It was especially hard when he discovered the five rich people weren’t the mystery man, causing him to briefly regret changing his face. After all the risks he had taken, he still wasn’t able to find the mystery man! What a disappointing turn of events.

Now, however, it seemed that everything was coming up roses for him! Zhao Yu’s mood had taken a 180-degree turn and his eyes sparkled with excitement, lighting up like Sun Wukong’s fiery eyes. Who knew that a path to the mystery man would reveal itself, and just as he was about to give up on the plan and return to his own identity! As the saying went, ‘good things come when you least expect it’.

Obviously, the goateed Zhu Sunfeng wanted to bring him to the mystery man’s hideout since the mystery man wanted to meet with him! All of Zhao Yu’s questions would soon be answered, all he had to do was wait patiently.

“Mr. Jiang, please stop with the questions…” Zhu Sunfeng said sincerely as he lowered his pistol. “If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the boss directly. You can’t expect runners like us to go around running their mouths, right?”

Zhu Sunfeng… Even though Zhao Yu no longer had his phones, he had the Invisible Browser in his mind. He did a quick search and found all of his information. According to the data, Zhu Sunfeng was from Halong River and was now a sales rep in a pharmaceutical company. Now 33 years old, he had completed his military service and had no previous records.

When Zhao Yu saw the words ‘Halong River’ he felt uncomfortable. Tsk tsk. Wasn’t Cao Sifen from there as well? Did that make Zhu Sunfeng his underling? If the mystery man was Cao Sifen… the situation wouldn’t be pretty. It would be bad if Cao Sifen was the mystery man since he and Jiang Ke had a deep hatred for each other. When they met later it would be nothing but chaos!

Zhao Yu had seen many such cases in the past. When a boss had a deep hatred for someone, it could lead to lynching. So even if Zhu Sunfeng didn’t kill Jiang Ke now, it didn’t mean his intentions were good! At this thought, Zhao Yu hesitated for a while. It didn’t matter which pit he jumped into; he would still have to handle it alone. The mystery man was the key to solving everything. If it really was Cao Sifen, all he had to do was catch him to learn about the mystery man! Besides, he had so many quality tools at his disposal, what was he afraid of?

Now Zhao Yu was only worried about one thing, and that was the real Jiang Ke. He could no longer contact Ma Laodan and now that Jiang Ke had suddenly disappeared, what would Ma Laodan do? If he left Jiang Ke in the park to get caught by the police, they would no longer be able to contact each other. But if Ma Laodan was smart and brought Jiang Ke away once realizing Zhao Yu wasn’t coming… that wouldn’t be good either.

“Mr. Jiang, as expected you really are the King of thieves, hahaha…” Zhu Sunfeng said. He was trying to get close to Jiang Ke, going so far as to praise him with a thumbs up. “Even in the club, with that many security guards and plainclothes police officers, you were still able to escape! If it was me, I think I would have been beaten to death!”

“Oh…” Zhao Yu said, frowning as he suddenly thought about how they had managed to find him after he had escaped from the club. Had they been observing him? “How did you know?” Zhao Yu asked curiously.

“Of course I knew…” Zhu Sunfeng said proudly. “We received news that you’d be meeting the rich man today so we infiltrated the club’s CCTV system in advance and saw everything! Hehehe!” Zhu Sunfeng waved his fist around. “Everyone says Jiang Ke is a computer geek, but nobody expected you’d be able to fight as well! Every punch had such force and your legs moved so nimbly; it was so cool! Oh, right. I saw dozens of people surrounding you at the stairs, how did you get out?”

Zhao Yu understood that they had followed him from the CCTV, but how did they know Jiang Ke would be meeting the investors? Was it one of the investors himself who had leaked the news, or had it come from Jiang Ke’s people? Based on the evidence, it seemed the mystery man had no relation to the investors.

“Mr. Jiang, tell me quickly…” Zhu Sunfeng couldn’t wait, immediately asking, “What exactly happened at the stairs? You entered from the eighth floor but left from the fifth, and… when you ran out your whole body was covered in white. Don’t tell me it was from the fire extinguisher?”

Zhao Yu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at Zhu Sunfeng’s question. All he could think was that the goateed man had a sense of humor. He decided not to answer the question because he was feeling spiteful. “Small Zhu…” Zhao Yu said, “Jiang Ke… uhm… amongst the rich men I met with, are there any who know your boss?”

“This…” Zhu Sunfeng didn’t expect Zhao Yu’s question and awkwardly laughed it off. “The best part was when you were in the women’s bathhouse! I thought you would crawl out from there but not only did you manage to hide, you completely disappeared! I was looking for you through the monitors for a long time before I managed to find you again! As expected of you. You probably escaped through the vents? The path you took was clear so I assume you previously researched the layout of the building?”

“Hmph… thinking about it, were you the ones who called the police? I don’t understand why you would sabotage us. If the police caught me, what was in it for you?” Zhao Yu asked, realizing the contradictions.

“Eh, why would you say that? Don’t point fingers like that. Unless… you were the one who called the police? If not, how were you so familiar with the building? And I saw you fight your way from the eighth floor! Don’t tell me the rich men discovered that you called the police… wait… no…” Zhu Sunfeng shook his head while he spoke. “You broke out of prison, there’s no way would you would have called the police and risked getting yourself sent back! It seems like there’s a spy in your midst!”

“The spy is in your midst!” Zhao Yu said. “You guys called the police to destroy Jiang Ke, no, the entire network! This way, if I were to get caught you guys would come out on top. I guess your boss is calling me over to discuss collaborating?”

“No, no, no.” Zhu Sunfeng attempted to explain quickly, saying, “The meeting was really to set up a collaboration, and because of that calling the police was out of the picture. What if the police caught you? There’s no way we could help you break out of prison again, right? Ah, f*ck.” Zhu Sunfeng cussed as he realized he had let the cat out of the bag.

Oh! Zhao Yu was relieved and nodded. It looks like these really were the people who had broken him out of jail. Since Zhu Sunfeng had already exposed himself, it was only natural that Zhao Yu push to try to find out more. “Small Zhu, was it because of the two of you that the car was modified to be Skynet-proof?”

At that moment, the man with the buzzcut who had been driving smoothly up until now, suddenly jerked and caused the car to jump violently. It looked like he was the one who had done it!

“As expected of you!” Zhu Sunfeng said, hitting himself as he took out a black mask. “Boss Jiang, you’re too smart. I can’t beat you! Hurry up, put this on and shut your trap. Just stop speaking, alright?”

“So… it was you who swapped the prison guard’s phone?” Zhao Yu pressed on.

“Shut up, shut up, just stop speaking!” Zhu Sunfeng snarled. “If you speak anymore, I’ll force you to shut up!”

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