Crazy Detective

Chapter 993: The Unexpected Final Destination

Zhu Sunfeng covered Zhao Yu’s face with a mask. Zhao Yu was no longer able to see anything, as the mask came with an attached blindfold. Zhao Yu knew they didn’t want him to know the route they were taking to the mystery man’s hideout. He also figured they weren’t far out from the destination. If they were still far, Zhu Sunfeng wouldn’t have taken such immediate action. The hideout was probably near the outskirts of Jin.

To be honest, Zhao Yu was relieved to wear the mask. It had been some time since he last used the face changer and there was a limit to its use. He’d be in a terrible position if the face changer couldn’t last until the meeting with the mystery man. Since he had the mask on, he could use his own face and save the face changer for later.

It wasn’t just the face changer though, Zhao Yu had at most two more charges of the Invisible Voice-changer left as well. Although his and Jiang Ke’s voices were similar, he was hoping to use the tool during his meeting with the mystery man to avoid arousing any suspicions. So, after the mask was on, he took the opportunity to stop talking as well.

It was only natural that Zhao Yu didn’t feel safe after being plunged into sudden darkness. He opened his Invisible Fluoroscopic Device and began keeping track of movement inside the car so Goatee wouldn’t be able to hurt him. However, Zhu Sunfeng showed no intention of harming him and calmly sat opposite Zhao Yu, watching him as if he were the villain.

Buzzcut, who was driving, seemed to be mute, as he hadn’t uttered a single word from the beginning. Instead of using the highway, he kept north on the route. After the car began to cruise, Zhao Yu yawned and laid down on the back seat, readying himself for a nap.

“Yes, that’s exactly what you should do…” Zhu Sunfeng said, satisfied with Zhao Yu’s decision. He let out a yawn before continuing, “The night is long, you should get a good night’s rest, Mr. Jiang! By the time you wake up, we should almost be there…” How was Zhao Yu supposed to be in the mood for sleep? He was more excited than ever thinking about meeting the mystery man.

Ah, the mystery man.

I can finally see your face this time! I want to take a good look and see exactly who you are. I also want to see your reaction when you see Jiang Ke become Zhao Yu. Oh, what will you think then? Zhao Yu thought.

He had other doubts, of course. Firstly, he still couldn’t understand why the mystery man would send Zhu Sunfeng out to catch Jiang Ke. Did he want to collaborate with Jiang Ke, or was there something else? He was becoming more confused by the minute about the mystery man’s attitude towards Jiang Ke. During the explosion at the seafood market, the mystery man had used Cao Sifen to deal with Jiang Ke, which meant he was obviously after his life! But if that was the case, then why didn’t he ask Zhu Sunfeng to just shoot him? Why did he want to meet Jiang Ke personally? Wasn’t this all contradictory?

Secondly, Zhao Yu felt being kidnapped by Zhu Sunfeng was really questionable. After all, he had been surrounded by the investors’ bodyguards and the plainclothes police officers, how would the mystery man have known he would be able to escape the building? What would the mystery man have done if the real Jiang Ke had been taken away by the police? Would he abort his mission, or plan a second prison break? Zhao Yu doubted he was that daring.

Zhao Yu thought about this seriously and suddenly realized, maybe the mystery man didn’t want to kidnap Jiang Ke. Perhaps he just wanted Zhu Sunfeng to see what information he could get, maybe find out Jiang Ke’s real motives. In the end, he found out Jiang Ke had escaped the building and took the risk to kidnap him.

Tsk, I really don’t understand this mystery man’s intentions! he thought. Zhao Yu took a look at his toolkit. Since he was going to meet the mystery man alone, he would need some backup just in case there were too many opponents.

Of course, how was he to resolve the Ma Laodan issue? Who knew what the real Jiang Ke was doing at this moment? If he was already caught by the police, would it affect the upcoming meeting?

Fortunately, when Zhao Yu had assigned the tasks to Li Luoyun, he had already informed him that whatever happened during this mission was top-secret. Even if the police had caught Jiang Ke, they should be doing everything secretly. After thinking everything over, it was already evening and the number of vehicles on the street had dwindled. The car began to pick up speed.

The usage time for the Invisible Fluoroscopic Device was limited, so Zhao Yu couldn’t leave it on forever. Still, he had the Invisible Detector in his mind and could still see Zhu Sunfeng’s gun. If Zhu Sunfeng were to make any movements Zhao Yu would know.

Besides the Fluoroscopic Device, Zhao Yu had another tool that allowed him to see where he was. That was the GPS he hadn’t used in some time. After using this device, he would be able to know exactly where he was. He had accumulated over thirty uses of it, and it would be a waste to let it sit idly!

He found out his current location was Leping City. Leping was a well-known country city located on the northwestern outskirts of Jin. The Headless Female Corpses Case had taken place here. Zhao Yu had been investigating it, although he had stayed around Jin and never ventured as far as Leping. Of course, Leping was also famous for one other thing – being Jiang Ke’s hometown.

Jiang Ke was from Leping and he had many relatives there. But because of what he did, he wasn’t close to them. If the mystery man was in Leping, could he be an old friend? A childhood friend perhaps? Or a classmate? It turned out his thoughts were for naught as the car didn’t stop in Leping and continued heading northwest. Zhao Yu knew that further north of Leping City was Jin’an and then Meng Xiang.

Whoa… When he thought about Meng Xiang, the first thing to come to Zhao Yu’s mind was Gao Lanqi! Could it be? Gao Lanqi was the southernmost city in the Meng Xiang province. A small desert of no more than 120km separated Gao Lanqi and Le Ping City.

The Ziliu Town Rural Cooperatives Homicide Case had happened here. Was the place the mystery man wanted to meet really in Gao Lanqi?

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