Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 28 - What Goes Around....Comes Around

Shiva appeared on then the first floor and as soon as he entered he started to move, there was a massive debt to repay after all,

He went strolling around the first floor, He was heading towards the base of Brahma Lok on the first floor, after all, he can't possibly waste his precious time on finding and killing all the members individually,

After some strolling around, he finally reached the stronghold,

It was a massive building, no, a massive castle,

"I wonder how much I can loot? hehehe"

He summoned his cute calf as he said,

"Use Twilight roar, and let them know that their daddy is here to pay back some debt, ah...! and also warn anyone who doesn't belong here to get lost as they will not get the time to do it later"

"Aye, Master"

"""Roar!!!! Listen, folks, your daddy is here to pay back some debt, whoever doesn't belong here get lost right now, or it might be too late so fuck off now, After 10 seconds if you are still inside, then don't blame me for not warning"""



"What was that last part?"

"I improvised it, Master"

He said as he was proud of himself, Shiva didn't know it now but this cute calf right here will play a major role in his Title in the future. let's leave it for the Future,

The loud roar was heard like a thunders impact in the surrounding surprising everyone, Two guards standing guard near the castle came towards him as they tried to attack him,

"Fuck off, do you know where you are you bast***d"

Shiva looked at them with a smirk as he said to Bhima,

"what are you waiting for start counting"

"Aye, master"


A loud roar echoed,

"Shut up you bi***" Guard 2



"This crazy bastard" guard 1



Some men from the inside came out, some people just left seeing there is going to be a fight, and some people stood there watching as they found him Crazy to declare that he will fight Brahmalok, they thought he would be dead before sunset today,



Amidst all chatter, the countdown continued as the guards were now running towards him,




""time up, kekek, , Let there be a Carnage, kekekekek"""

The guard finally reached Shiva swinging his sword up, But be stopped there abruptly,




The whole body of the guard slid apart into two halves as a Knight in full armor was now standing in front of Shiva,

An old man was now standing beside him with a slightly bent body like a perfect butler,

"Come out, Ugram"

A massive bone dragon came out flying above him, all the onlooker's faces went pale as they witnessed the dragon because they know, no matter how weak the dragon was. they were not his match, some completely froze and some started running for their life.

Shiva looked at the Dragon as he said,

"Aren't you pretty frustrated that all your scales and muscles were gone, go and blow off some stress"


a loud Dragon roar was heard as simultaneously he used dragon fear, whoever looked at him completely froze,

Shiva took out his scythe as he moved forward slowly,

"Summon Skeleton"

30 skeletons came out of the darkness as they each wielded different weapons and charged forward,

from above him came a Huge beam of black fire aiming towards all the Castel doors,


a huge explosion followed by a thunderous sound, everything in its path destroyed, Dragon breath was indeed scary,

[Your summon, Ugram, has killed a person associated with Brahmalok]

[Vengeance target dead]

[absorbing 5% of its stats]

[+1 Strength, +2 constitution]

[Your summon, Ugram, has killed a person associated with Brahmalok]

[Vengeance target dead]

[absorbing 5% of its stats]

[+1 Strength, +2 constitution....




a series of messages rang by the system

Shiva looked at the scene and said,

"System, alot all the experience to Virupa, Bhima and Ugram and also turn off all notifications, you are annoying me"

[ Affirmative ]

"Then shall we head inside now"

He moved inside while using his scythe to kill the men approached him, with his stats at 50 it was quite easy to deal with them, not to mention Kapali in front of him massacring his way inside and Virupa, who beheaded everyone who approached him, he was even competing with his summons to kill them, not to mention his cute black calf stomping any survivors to death as he sang,

"Let there be a carnage.....I will be the harbinger...

No one will be left out...I will be the last to stand..."

Shiva's eyes and mouth were twitching hearing the song as the image he was trying to create was crumbling down bit by bit...

They finally entered the insides where a group of people was standing in a defensive position,

"who the hell are you? why are you attacking us? do you even know what you are doing?"

"Oh seems like I forgot to remove my hood"

Shiva removed his hood as he stood straight towards a blurry man,

"here, do you recognize me now"

Apparently, he was the same man who beheaded Virupa in the valley,

"..!!!...You...You! how are you here, I am sure I killed you there"

He said in shock visible all over his face,

"Oh! You remember me, that's good, it would be a pain in the ass if you forgot after all that you did to me, I would have to waste the time remembering you"

The man in front of him was completely frozen on the ground and his legs were shaking seeing the dragon outside and the strange knight still killing people like a mad killing machine,

Shiva moved toward the nearby seat as he talked,

"You know, there was a popular saying back in our planet"

He sat there as he glared at him and said in a deep tone,

"What goes around...."

He placed his scythe down on the ground,

"...will also come's around"

His image now was that of God of Death seeing at his target with cold eyes,


Absolutely terrifying.


Hii guys,

Do you want to know the good news,

Congratulate me first,

We have Won Silver in WPC #238

As there was no Gold winner I will be Shameless and call myself a Winner, Hahahha

Look forward to new Chapters.....

once again thank you for the support guys,


From next week, the top three supporters in comments or power stones or reviews will be mentioned at the end of the week's last chapter,

Special mention:-




Thank you so much, guys...


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