Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 29 - Clash With Karna

Shiva was sitting on the chair looking down at the blurry man looking at him with a terrified expression,

"Please spare me, I was only following orders, Please just spare my life"

He begged for his life desperately,

"You just followed orders, So what? Do you think I would have come back to life after you killed me? I am just fighting back someone who tried to kill me so, I am innocent here you know, don't make it look like I am the Villain"

Shiva's gaze becomes even colder as he looked at him,

" You know what I had to suffer because of you fu***ng bastard"

He took out his scythe and raised it up,

"I can't just leave you after all that, right?"

He slashed his scythe down aiming at his neck,


a metal colliding sound echoed as from the shadow of the man, Karna lept out blocking the scythe with a dagger,

"Just leave it here, master. You have done enough already"

Shiva's eye widened seeing him,

"Karna, step aside you don't know what he did"

"Please stop everything here"

Shiva become enraged as he shouted,

"Step aside Karna, You know what this baster had done..."

"Yes, I know, He tried to kill you, but you are safe now right, there is no need to cause another death" Karna shouted back at Shiva,

Shiva shook by this answer,

"You know and you still say that to me"

"You are just causing a massacre for an act of petty revenge, learn to value human life more"

Karna shouted again at Shiva,

"Karna, step aside right now, I don't want to hurt you," Shiva said in an impatient tone,

"I will not step aside even if you kill me, and again you just saved me to use me as a toll, or are you lusting after my sister's bod..."

A massive energy slash filled with killing intent came out of his scythe completely dissipating everything beside Karna with an inch gap

"Say one more word and your head will be rolling on the ground"

Shiva said in a deep tone like a grim reaper waiting for the target to get closer to him,

Shiva turned around, as he commanded,

"Virupa kill that ba***d and follow me back, we are leaving"

"Yes, master"

Virupa bowed as he flicked his finger, the blurry man took his dagger lodging it into his heart,

Due to all the pressure, the man was already in a daze which made Virupa's mind control powers more effective.

"Master, are you ok?"

Kapali asked as he saw Shiva shaking with anger, and frustration, his eyes were teary as he left the place with his 'real' servants.

Karna was now standing there staring blankly in the front, Maybe due to his arrogance that developed in the last six months or due to his confusion, he said something he shouldn't have.

He stood there silently for an entire hour,

Radha came after an hour with the shadows as they asked,

"Brother, I heard that big bro is here, where is he? did you meet him"

Karna didn't know what to say and stood there silently,

A Shadow member from nearby explained to them what had transpired as Radha instantly became enraged at her brother,

"Brother, do you even know what you have done?"

"Tell me one thing, what will you do if someone hurts me?"

Radha asked looking straight into his eyes,

"I will chase them to the end of the world and bury them alive"

He answered instantly,

"oh....isn't that a petty reason to kill someone"

"Radha!! what are you...!!"

"So if you kill them, it is ok, but if he did it, it is for a petty reason right?"

Karna now understood his mistake, The 'genius' title he gained in recent times was getting in his head and made him arrogant to the extent that he even insulted the same person who saved his life,

"And what did you ask him, whether he lust after my body? You know what he told me, you know, He said 'Can I call you Ma, because you look just like my mother' and you....! che, I don't want to see your face anymore"

Radha left as she ran out crying,

Karna was still standing there in a daze as reminded how he said that to him, He was now regretting it, but it was too late,

The human tongue was sharper than any sword, and it has already left a huge mark on Shiva's heart.


Shiva was now enraged, his anger hit the roof as he made his way to the gateway of 1st floor,

"Kapali, I want to blow off some steam, remind me to stop if I go overboard"

He entered the 1st-floor corridor, he didn't even look at the messages that were appearing and just made his way inside, he threw his scythe aside as he started dancing,

Three thread like energies, one with golden yellow color, another with dark red color and another with light green color were coiling around him as he danced, He seemed extremely angry, his every step was leaving a mark on the ground and the pressure he was giving off was even hard for Ugram, a dragon to bear,

he didn't seem to have the awareness of surroundings as he danced, the Guardian of the 1stfloor was already collapsed not even able to bear the pressure of his dance,




He didn't know how long he had been dancing, but he finally stopped as he calmed down, his whole body was aching, his surrounding now seemed like ruins, a monster was now laying below his foot with its body completely crushed, all his summons were standing at a 20-foot distance looking at him with fearful eyes, as he asked,

"What happened?"



This is a bonus chapter for celebrating our win in the competition,

Thank you so much for the support guys...

I want a Name recommendation for the Sword saint character, I will choose the best among the comments, hurry up you have three days!! (Till 5/01/22)

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