Crazy Necromancer in the Ruined Tower

Chapter 8 - Tomb Of The Fallen Legend

[Tomb of Fallen Legend(Dungeon) :-

A Legend once known for his creation of golems, he was once respected - - - - - - of the Ruined Tower, but due to his excessive greed of research, he used his comrades for his research and created an ultimate limitless living golem. But the experiment didn't go as he intended and the golem itself become the reason for his end. It is said that It took two legends together to subdue this golem and kill it. Its body was then stored in this Dungeon making a restriction for anyone above lv. 10 to not enter for the fear of misusing the golem body.

Entry restrictions:- below level 10]

As he was reading the Dungeon info a message came up in his blue window.

[Class quest | :

You have found the Dungeon Of Fallen Legend, Explore the Dungeon and clear it to complete the quest.

Difficulty:- A

Rewards:- A Class-Specific skill.]

"Well now that there is a reward, there is no reason to not enter even the difficulty is at A, so it can be done I guess"

He moved towards the gate and entered through it.

[Entering the Dungeon]

On another side of the Dungeon what greeted him was a dimly lit large room, there were many different things there and what was peculiar was the stone statues standing on either side of the door and above them was written,

[Stone golem lv. 15]

and there was not one or two the whole room was covered by them but they were not attacking him just standing there and looking at him,

[Dungeon of Fallen Legend:-

Clear condition - Answer the questions left by the Previous two legends.

Fail condition - Giving a wrong answer

Rewards - Unknown]

"So I just have to answer, it doesn't seem difficult"

He inspected the whole room for anything dangerous, There were golems of different types, a stone golem, a mud golem, a steel golem and so on... , but on one side of the huge hall was a glass box with a person inside, he seemed to be dead. He instantly got that it was the ultimate golem of the Fallen Legend. On the other side was a huge bookshelf with many books and papers.

As he was seeing all around a golem moved and came upfront, he immediately raised his defence and took out his dagger.

But it did not do anything, it just stood there and asked a question,

[please answer the question of golem]

[Every time you answer correctly, you will be given a reward based on your answer]

{What is the most important thing for a person }

Asked the golem,

He stared at it for a moment and answered,

"For the person, the most important thing is he himself"


The golem didn't say anything and got back,

[you have failed to give the correct answer, moving to next question]

"what....? Why is my answer wrong, give me an explanation"

But the system doesn't seem to mind him the golem moved again and other golem took its place,

[what do you think first came to existence, an egg or a chicken ]


"[you have failed to give the correct answer, moving to next question]

[What is the answer for the question," (2+3-5/4÷56+23)*5/56"

You have one minute to answer]

"2 plus... S 3 mini... S3 nooo... It's plus....."

[you have failed to answer, moving to next question]

"you fucker..... are you playing with me now"

[What do you think will...]

It was asking a question when he suddenly summoned a skull and through it to its face,


[Warning, you have attacked the golem Lv. 15

The golem will now start to attack you]

The light in the eyes of the golem which was originally blue turned to green and it started attacking him,

"Shit, what the hell"

He backed off and summoned all his skeletons as well, now each skeleton orc had a different kind of weapon on them some were carrying a metal pipe, some were holding a baseball bat and many other things.

He told all of them to attack, each of lv. 8 orc skeletons were as powerful as a common lv.5

Monster, now that he was level 9 and due to putting all his stats in intelligence, he could now summon 12 such skeletons but he summoned 10 leaving remaining mana to cast spells,

As the golem started to move he cast a ghostly embrace but may be due to the level difference between them, it broke free after a few struggles but that was enough for the surrounding orc skeletons they rushed towards the golem and what followed was the one-sided beating of the golem by the Skeletons.

Surprisingly another golem in the room didn't move and just stood there,

The poor golem who was moving its hand slowly was one-sidedly being beaten by the group.

After a little struggle, it collapsed on the ground with the system notification signing its end.

[you have killed lv. 15 golem]

But that was not the end.

[All experience gained will be given after the Dungeon clear]

[you have acquired 'Stone golem core piece ×1]


[Stone Golem core piece:-

A piece of stone golem core.

You can combine 30× golem core piece into a single golem core, a golem core can be used to infuse life to a golem]

A slight smile rose on his lips,

What if the Dungeon doesn't give a reward for the wrong answer.

"Fuck those rewards, it's time to capture golem..... Haha"

He now as a way to earn his rewards, it was normally considered impossible for a challenger below lv. 10 to fight against an lv. 15 golems but it was not the case for him, since gad his army to fight.

And like that one-sided beating of golems in the desolate Dungeon began.


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[special thanks to Tenzing_cheoying_1002 for donating power stones]

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