In the desolate dungeon, a group of skeletons and a young man was fighting a large golem, the first place you can see that the young man was exhausted but if you look at his rear you would realize why behind him was picked up pieces of golems, he was destroying golems from last 5 hours and this one was the last, he killed them all.

after the last golem fell once again the messages resounded as he checked his loot,

[ Mud golem core piece×90

Stone golem core piece×60 ]

From this, he can combine to get 3 mud golem and two stone golems.

as all, all the golems in the dungeon was destroyed another message rang.

[You have cleared 'The time of fallen legend']

[As a reward you can take any one thing from this room]

"What..., so the reward was this? tch if I had known u would have spared one or two golems"

As all the golems have been destroyed he looked towards the only two things left, some old books and a coffin.

he knew there would be some skill books mixed in those large amounts of books, he would have chosen them if he was not a necromancer that is, what is most important for a necromancer is a corpse, and just in front of him was the corpse of a being who killed the legend, even if he just got 50% of its power by summoning skeleton that was more than enough. so he without a hunch of hesitation said,

"I will take the body of that golem"

[Request granted, teleporting out of the dungeon in 10s]



after 10s he disappeared from the dungeon and reappeared where he had been before entering the dungeon.

as soon as he was out numerous messages poured in.

[You have cleared dungeon ' Tomb of Fallen Legend]

[You have slain lv.15 mud golem × 90]

[You have slain lv.15 stone golem × 60]

[You have obtained experience]

[You have levelled up]

[You have reached the maximum level for tutorial]

[your experience is overflowing]

[Tou have completed class-specific quest]

[You are rewarded with the skill ' Rise from the dead(s)]

[Rise from the dead(s):-(lv. 1)

You can summon the dead to rise once again and aid you, The summon will retain all its original consciousness and intelligence and will have the trait 'Growth', The summoned being will be absolutely loyal to you.

number of times that can be summoned- 03(the number of times increases as the skill level increases)

(This is a limited usage skill that can be only be used a restricted number of times in one's lifetime)

mana usage - depending upon the body of the target.

once destroyed the skeleton, it can't be summoned till a month

cooldown - six months]

"A freaking S-Class skill, I sure hit a jackpot, everything is excellent except the cooldown time, can't be helped it just shows how powerful this skill is"

He looked at the coffin laying beside him as an idea popped inside him,

"How about I try out this skill...hehe"

" Raise from the dead"

A bright light covered the coffin as the mana depleted from him, the mana was completely running out like water from the ruptured dam.

it stopped after only 0 of his mana was left.

From the coffin, the light subdued and raise a skeleton with blue light in its eyes as soon as it came out it knelt in front of him and said,

"I, The eternal golem greets my liege "

" can speak"

he was dumbfounded, none of his skeletons from before spoke like this.

" Of course, this is thanks to my lord for using such a powerful skill on my rotting body"

" it was that powerful huh"

"Anyway let's see your stats"

[ Eternal golem(no name)

level - 0

Class - Death knight(A powerful skeleton summoned from the body of the eternal golem, it retained its skills as a knight but due to the influence of death all its skills are lost except a few basic ones)

subclass - Golem maker(due to retaining its knowledge from its previous life, it is capable of making golems)


Strength - 10

Dexterity -10

Constitution - 10

Perception - 10

Intelligence - 10

Charism - 3


1. Growth(passive):-

it can gain level and skills like a challenger, it has limitless potential

2. Basic swordsmanship:-

Due to death, its mastery with the sword has decreased but not forgotten,

effect:- +5% damage when using a sword.

3. Death slash:

Deliver a strong slash containing the power of death in it.]

"what the heck, are you level 0, why are you so much powerful than me at lv.0"

"My liege, my previous owner searched the whole tower finding the bodies of epics and took each part from one other for my creation, I was his ultimate creation My liege my memories are somewhat blurred but I can remember that much"

"It's fine, you remember how to make golems right?"

"yes my liege, even if I can't produce what he was able to my skill is sufficient to create decent golems"


as he was listening to him, another message notification came,

[Your skill 'Crazy growth' is triggered]

[You have cleared the dungeon in a way that the normal people doesn't even think about]

[You are rewarded with strength +5]

"whoa..that's sweet"

"Let's see my status, there was even a new skill"

[Name: Shiva

Age: 20

Level: 10

Sex: Male

Title: Challenger, Crafty Vengeance

Class: Crazy Necromancer

Subclass: none

Mana - 143/6500


Strength - 25 + 5

Constitution - 25

Dexterity - 25

Intelligence - 65

Perception - 25

Charism - 25

free attribute point - 0


Active skills:-

1. Backstab(E)

2. Crazy Combine

3. Skeleton Summon:-(E)

(Proficiency - 12%)

4. Reanimate(C):- .

(Proficiency - 2.3%)

5. Blazing skull(C) :-

(Proficiency - 3.5%)

6. Ghostly embrace(B):-

(Proficiency - 4.5%)

7. Raise from the dead:- 1/3

*Death Knight, Kapali

Passive skills:-

1. Basic knife-manship (lv. 1)

2. Crazy growth

3. Undead Confederate


"My liege"


"If you are not offended, please bestow upon me a name, my liege"

"Ohh..right what was your previous name again?"

"I didn't have a name my liege, they just called me the Eternal Golem"

"hmm...Fine then, from today onwards your name is 'KAPALI'"

"I am honoured, my liege. I swear that I, Kapali will follow you everywhere be it to the hellfire or a dragon's den"

Shiva nodded his head with satisfaction at his new servant.

It was at this movement that, the first servant of Shiva, The Eternal golem, no...The Eternal Death Knight, Kapali was born...


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