Soon, the two returned to the village one after the other.

Yao Shuiying took out two peaches and said, "Er Gou, I'm sorry to trouble you today. Take these two peaches and eat them!"

"No, I don't like that!"

In fact, er Gou is bullshit. He knows that Yao's family is in trouble. There is an old woman who needs to take care of on her couch. She has no other income, so she relies on a few acres of peaches on the mountain, so Er Gou didn't pick her up.

"I'll go back first. Thank you another day!"

"You're welcome, aunt Yao. I didn't often play in your house when I was a child. I ate a lot of good things from you. Don't always mention this little thing!"

Yao Shuiying smiles and says nothing more. She turns and walks towards her home.

What the two dogs said just now reminds Yao Shuiying of their childhood when they went to their home every day without trousers in summer.

She is a widowed girl without a man. She faces such a little man without pants every day. Besides, this little man is different from other children. He grows up earlier and often looks at herself blankly. Yao Shuiying, who was only in her 20s at that time, is often red in the face.

Two dogs see Yao Shuiying left, and went to the village shop.

"Boss, buy a bag of peanuts!" I can't cook when I go back so late. Er Gou plans to eat peanuts. In fact, it's the most common food for ER Gou. He usually eats two pieces of peanuts for several days.

Hearing the cry, Wang Cuifeng twisted her waist and came out“ If you don't call me aunt, I'll call you boss. I'll call you Bai Naida! "

Wang Cuifeng deliberately propped up a very large thing, which means to remind Er Gou that it used to be the place where he ate. Without her to feed him, he might not have grown so big.

"How hot it is

As Wang Cuifeng spoke, she pulled the already big flowered shirt and deliberately shook it to and fro, fanning in the cool wind. The two big groups flashed and sometimes appeared, sometimes covered.

Two dogs didn't want to stare at her at first, but they were calmed down by Wang Cuifeng's action. They half opened their mouths and forgot the purpose of their coming for a moment.

"Er Gou, is my aunt big?" Wang Cuifeng starts talking nonsense with ER Gou again.

At this time, in Wang Cuifeng's heart, he thought of the situation when Er Gou was a child, eating in her mouth.

See Wang Cuifeng some strange eyes, two dogs suddenly a spirit, wake up.

"Auntie, take a bag of peanuts!" Two dogs took out two dollars and put them on the counter.

"What kind of peanuts do you want to eat? Come inside. My aunt has half a bowl of chicken on the stove. I'll heat you up and drink some wine!"

Wang Cuifeng took two dogs by the arm and pulled straight into the room.

"Auntie, thank you. I have to go back to eat. I have to work tomorrow!" Two dogs quickly broke away Wang Cuifeng's big arm.

"You see, you treat your aunt as an outsider!"

"Auntie, I've got a bag!"

Two dogs did not answer her, but do it yourself, in the counter took a packet of peanut wrapped with oil paper, and then turned to escape.

The mood is more excited to his broken house trot away, into the room, two dogs mood or did not calm down. Half old woman, it's really amazing when it's burning. She almost fell into it.

Back home, two dogs quickly start hot food, the stomach has been hungry to the front of the chest close to the back.

Sitting at the back of the small stove, er Gou was thinking while he was burning a fire. After dinner, he had to go to Xiang Mei anyway. I'm a little angry today. Since that time, er Gou hasn't touched Xiang Mei. She really wants to be a woman.

Man, I haven't touched a woman. It doesn't matter if I don't know the taste. Once I eat meat, I feel flustered if I don't touch it for a few days.

After burning a few fires, er Gou put the hot rice into a bowl, poured some peanuts in, and sat down on the small bench in the kitchen to eat. Although this kind of life is very hard, but for the two dogs, it is already very contented, because every day you can eat enough, you don't have to go to other people's home to eat hungry.

"How do you feel?"

Two dogs are eating, the man's voice appeared again.

Two dogs were startled by the sudden sound. They were quiet for half a minute. Then they boldly asked.

"You, you, who are you?"

"Ha ha, you don't have to be afraid. Look at the coin hanging in front of you. I'm in it!"

Hearing this, the two dogs were in a cold sweat.

It's no wonder that strange sounds have been heard since the coin was dug. It turned out that the ancient money was the culprit. Have you met a monster?

Two dogs tore off the neck and threw it on the ground“ You, you, you go... "

"Don't be nervous. We won't hurt you. It will be good for you. You see, if it wasn't for me today, you would have been able to beat those rascals?"

"You helped me?"

"Of course, do you think you can fight so hard?"

The second dog thought about it, then shook his head“ No, I won't fight. "

"That's it. Take up the coin and hang it. We are your amulet. We can help you at any time and will not harm you. Please rest assured!"

Er Gou hesitated a little, but after thinking about it, the voice really helped him all the time, from repairing tractors to saving people in the river, to that escape and this fight.

Er Gou squatted down and picked up the coin, but instead of hanging it around his neck, he took it and looked at it. Then he asked, "what are you and why do you talk?"

"You can call me brother long and my sister. You can also call her sister Feng. I can give you strength, and Sister Feng can give you wisdom to help you solve problems."

"Is it really that good?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I'll put them on, but you'll help me fight tomorrow!"

It took a long time for the sound to come from the coin“ Oh, but we don't have much time to contact with you. We should be more careful. The longer we wear it on your body, the closer we will be with you. In this way, we can help you better. Besides, you can't tell anyone about our affairs! "

"Oh, I'll wear it every day. It's absolutely confidential!" Er Gou finally believed brother Long's words. It's strange, but it happened. Maybe it's because I'm too good, so I'm favored by the gods. So I want to help myself, right?

Er Gou put the coin back on his neck.

"Is that all right?"

"Yes! Our hearts and minds are not connected enough now. We can't talk for a long time. Let's call it a day! "

With that, there was no more voice in the coin. How could Ren Er Gou ask? Brother long in it no longer answered.

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