The older the existence, the more powerful the existence, at this time vaguely guessed something.

  The Thirty-third Heaven is where the Heavenly Court used to be.

  Now that Fuxi has appeared there and is in action, and the battle of avatars is about to start now, some things may not be difficult to understand or guess.

  Some people are just not sure yet.

  They are trying to get some information.

  But soon, he found something strange.

  Because of several mighty voices, the car appeared in the whole flood.

  "Chanjiao disciples, return to Kunlun from now on, there must be no neglect!"


  "My Western disciple, I will return to Xiniu Hezhou from now on, and there must be no neglect!"

  Interpretation of teaching, and the voice of Western teaching spread between heaven and earth almost at the same time.

  If the Western religion is not enough attention, then the interpretation of the religion will undoubtedly attract the attention of countless people in an instant. This is one of the three religions, and it is the sect of Yuanshi Tianzun.

  How not to make them solemn.

  And in this solemnity, a famous Chanjiao and Western disciples quickly left the world and returned to their own great religion.

  The only thing that didn't move was the interception.

  Jiang Chen, as the deputy leader, has no orders, and naturally there will be no movement, and the Human Religion, currently only a Grand Master of Xuandu, naturally has nothing to do.

  As for why Jiang Chen was not in a hurry.

  He is still in the Thirty-third Layer, so there is no time to convene.

  Today, he has a feeling again, although this time the feeling is not as deep as before, but the benefits are also great, even he has an understanding of time and space.

  Only at this moment, when he opened his eyes, Shennong's words immediately entered his ears.

  "Zichen, do you know what is Daluo and what is a saint?!"

  The words opened, Shen Nong's eyes seemed to be looking at the endless distance.

  Jiang Chen was also instantly attracted by this person's voice.

  "Daluo, saint!"

  He muttered to himself, and his expression became contemplative.

  As for these two terms, he naturally knew both in the past and in this life, but it was obvious that Shen Nong's words were not what he meant.

  But for the time being, Jiang Chen still didn't quite understand it.

  So he pondered for a while, or spoke according to his own understanding.

  "Daluo, is the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, immortal, immortal and immortal, and the bliss of the fairyland is free from worry. The mortals of the world live in the world, live and die, and reproduce endlessly. Dao, Da Luo is the one who masters the Dao.”

  "As for the saint, he is the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. He is a person with profound roots and cultivation. He has a body that will not be worn through thousands of kalpas.

  As soon as he spoke, Jiang Chen understood that these were probably not the answers Shennong wanted him to say.

  But he really doesn't know much, some of these are some understandings of his previous life.

  Of course, he had some guesses in Zixiao Palace before, but he didn't join in. After all, it was just a guess, and no one knew whether it was true or not. It's not good to say it rashly.

  As for whether Tongtian Sect Master had spoken to him, in fact, he did not.

  The practice of the prehistoric, in fact, is more about understanding a word.

  It's been like this since the first step in Wonderland.

  There are five immortals in the fairyland, heaven, earth, human beings, gods and ghosts. If systematic teaching, I am afraid that everyone will become immortals, but in fact they are not.

  Later, Taiyi stepped into Jinxian, and this step was also to understand the Dao by himself and find the Dao that he could obtain, and Jinxian to Daluo was not something that the teacher could help.

  In fact, there are not enough ways to practice from above Jinxian.

  It's not that it can't be created, it's that it's unnecessary.

  Because only what you realize is yours.

  If you can't figure it out, it's just that you're not talented enough.

  You must know that even if Hongjun taught the method of killing three corpses, this is only a method, not a cultivation method.

  This is also the reason why the six saints in heaven and earth each have their own way of sanctification.

  Even if they are the same Sanqing, there are actually some subtle differences, let alone a few other people compared.

  "You are right and wrong!"

  "I'm afraid you've guessed it. The most fundamental manifestation of Da Luo Jinxian or saint is time."

  Shen Nong slowly retracted his gaze, and spoke softly.

  And his voice made Jiang Chen's heart uncontrollable, and his mood also converged at this moment.

  He didn't choose to speak, but waited.

  He knew that Shennong would continue to speak.

  In fact it is.

  "Da Luo, immortal, immortal, immortal, immortal bliss without worry. The mortals of the world live in the world, live and die, multiply, gain and lose, bitter and happy, you are right, but the most important thing is time, Daluo spreads his past with the Dao as a carrier, and traces his existence back even further, just as you can hear that Daluo was born today."

  "And saints, when they spread themselves into chaos, chaos will not collapse, saints will not die, and saints are not only like this, they also occupy part of the future, the past is the only present, the future is ethereal, countless branch lines, countless futures The saints occupy the future, the past, the present, and the future. The so-called saints are immortal, because every time period belongs to them."

  A soft voice spoke.

  And listening to this one's words, Jiang Chen's heart shook again.

  Even if he vaguely guessed something before, but now, he really understands.

  And this understanding is undoubtedly amazing.

  The saint, Daluo, is far more powerful than he imagined, and far more incredible than he imagined.

  To be honest, before that, he felt that the whole flood was actually like that.

  Although he showed respect for the existence and strength of the saints, but he was bombarded by countless novels in his previous life, and it would be false to say how much he was in awe of these saints.

  From his point of view, supporting the way of heaven is just under the way of heaven.

  As a traveler, who doesn't want to go beyond the heaven, especially in the prehistoric world.

  Wonderland didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, and he was naturally confident that his way of being an immortal could completely crush other immortals.

  It wasn't until that moment in Zixiao Palace that he suddenly woke up. Maybe he really thought it was too simple.

  It is not that simple for a saint to say that he is immortal and immortal.

  Everything is just what he thinks, and what he thinks does not mean everything.

  Just like this moment, Shennong's words finally made him understand.

  Occupy the past, future, present.

  No matter how arrogant he was, he knew what was going on in the accident. In front of the saint, he couldn't have an advantage in many things at all, and even if it was Daluo, it was not something he could match at present.

  Even he completely understood the deeper meaning of the open and secret struggle in the Zixiao Palace.

  What those saints are fighting for is the future, and it is to turn the branch of the future they know into the real future.

  Maybe whoever succeeds will be able to lead it all.

  As for the choice of agreeing with the human race, because this future is not in anyone's control, even the three emperors of Fuxi are like this. Although Fuxi has reached some, it is only a little.

  Better than a future completely occupied by people.

  Of course, this is just his perception, and perhaps the situation is more complicated than he imagined.

  After all, he is only Taiyi, and the level of Taiyi is too high to peep at Daluo, and even above Daluo is too ambitious.

  Especially Da Luo, obviously opened a big dimension with Wonderland.

  In this wild world.

  Maybe there shouldn't be only fairyland and mortal world.

  Above the fairyland, there is Daluo, and above Daluo.

  This is no longer the same concept.

  Wonderland, even if it is Jinxian, it is only the difference between the strength of mana and the strength of Dao perception.

  But Daluo is no longer a level.

  Daluo spread over, Jiang Chen even thought of a lot, such as fighting Daluo, even if the mana can be matched, can you match the past, Daluo spreads over, can completely cross the past to kill you, how to stop it.

  How to fight.

  And this is just what he thought of, and it's just Daluo.

  There are still quasi-sages and saints above Daluo.

  The gaps are only bigger than these.

  He took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.

  "Your Majesty Shennong, as for the so-called quasi-sage, is it because the existence cannot spread to before the opening of the sky, whether it cannot be occupied in the future, or the occupation is too small!"

  "Yes and no!"

  "The quasi-sage really cannot spread to before the opening of the sky, and in the future, their future has been extended, but they cannot be completely integrated into their own time and space."

  Shen Nong nodded, shook his head again, and answered slowly.

  And this time, Jiang Chen obviously didn't understand much, but it didn't matter. At this time, he really had a general understanding, and this was undoubtedly enough.

  His eyes focused on Shennong again, and Jiang Chen immediately bowed.

  "Your Majesty Shennong, I understand!"

  "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your guidance!"

  He spoke softly, and at this moment he had a clear understanding and understood what Shennong meant.

  Obviously, Shennong should see his reaction in Zixiao Palace, and he explained it to him at this moment.

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