Originally, even saints seldom explained this to the disciples. If you understand it, you will understand it. If you don't understand it, there is no need to understand it. After all, you can only touch it when you reach that stage.

  As for his master, the sect master of Tongtian, it is estimated that his path is different from the path of everyone in the wild, so he didn't mention it at all.

  So much so that Jiang Chen has actually been a little buoyant these days.

  After all, I fooled Tongtian Kaitian, and I fooled Nuwa Kaitian. Now we set up the Human Race Heavenly Court to discuss Taoism with Zhenyuanzi. The real exchanges are no white people, and the conversations are all bosses.

  The only time he was stunned was the previous time at Zixiao Palace.

  Now it can be said that he is completely awake.

  He's still far from it.

  "No need to thank you, your path is different from ours after all. Although Daluo has the possibility of being sanctified, there are limits in the world, and it is destined that not many people can be sanctified, and you are different."

  Shen Nong spoke softly, with a sigh of relief.

  He was arguably one of the easiest people to be sanctified.

  But even so, only he knows what he has experienced.

  Jiang Chen's road is obviously much smoother, and the prospects are much broader.

  "Is it different?"

  The words opened, Jiang Chen's expression was thoughtful, he vaguely understood what Shennong's words meant, maybe it was his world.

  He also gradually felt this.

  His world seems to be somewhat different from the world opened up by Tongtian and the world opened up by Nuwa.

  But where is the difference, he doesn't know.

  His sky is the chaos combed by Tongtian, and what Kaitian uses is the world tree evolved by Fusang. All these seem to be no different, but in fact they are really different.

  This point, he can even feel more and more clearly.


  (The [-]-word chapter, please order the first one! The sixth update, [-] words, and more to come!).

Chapter 62

  Jiang Chen fell into deep thought.

  Shen Nong did not speak again.

  But at this moment, Xuanyuan was a little hesitant. He looked at Jiang Chen, who was in deep thought, and then at Shennong.

  After a moment of pause, the voice transmission came out.

  "Second brother, it may not be a good thing to tell him this now!"

  His words were cautious.

  As far as cultivation is concerned, the most fearful thing is to be lofty, especially in the realm of Daluo, which is more about your own understanding. If you say this in advance, I am afraid it will directly interfere with the promotion of Daluo level.

  "It doesn't matter, his path is different from ours!"

  Shen Nong shook his head and explained softly.

  "Is it different?"

  Xuanyuan was a little puzzled, obviously he didn't see anything.

  But since his second brother had said so, he did not continue to speak.

  Instead, he retracted his gaze and looked towards the sky.

  And at this moment the whole dimension is changing drastically at this moment.

  The sky was shaking violently, and layers of ripples spread.

  The Thirty-Three Heavens, under the great power of Hetu Luoshu and Holy Emperor Fuxi, quickly merged together.

  Thirty-three Heavens.

  This was created by the demon clan. Back then, Emperor Tiandijun and Donghuang Taiyi used the Chaos Bell and Jiahe Tuluoshu to open up this world of heaven.

  Now the Chaos Clock is hidden.

  I don't know if it's broken or completely disappeared.

  But now Hetu Luoshu is present in this world, and the strength of Holy Emperor Fuxi has reached an unimaginable level. Under this person's action, the [-]rd Heaven of Heaven is moving at a terrifying speed. Consolidate quickly.

  At the same time, the dimension and height of the heavenly realm also began to rise.

  Yes, not only height, but also dimension.

  This is an existence that transcends time and space indistinctly. Even the saints don't touch much. However, today's Holy Emperor Fuxi is making the entire thirty-three heavens begin to spread toward a higher dimension.

  However, no one noticed at this moment.

  The only one who found something different might be the one in Zixiao Palace.

  As the person in charge of the Heavenly Dao, and most likely the one who opened the sky, it is almost impossible to hide that person in the entire prehistoric wilderness. Of course, the Holy Emperor Fuxi obviously did not intend to hide that person.

  In Zixiao Palace.

  Hongjun opened his eyes, and at this moment, his eyes seemed to be projected here through endless time and space.

  His gaze paused for a moment, then turned back.

  "Human race, heaven!"

  "Spread the world?"

  With a soft murmur, Hongjun's eyes gradually closed, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

  At this time, in the whole world, no one noticed the strangeness, even the saints.

  in the void space.

  Sage Emperor Fuxi paused inadvertently, and then his face couldn't help but burst into layers of smiles. As the smile spread, his movements suddenly accelerated.

  next moment.

  More spaces quickly overlapped.

  The Thirty-Three Layers of Heaven is the space of the Great Desolate relative to the earth that divides the space of the sky into thirty-three layers, and there is a heaven outside the sky above.These thirty-three days include six heavens in the realm of desire, eighteen heavens in the realm of form, four heavens in the formless heaven, and four Brahma heavens.

  The first to merge is the six heavens of the desire world, then the eighteen heavens of the form world, and the four heavens of the colorless world.

  In the end, the four Brahma Heavens, which are also the most completely preserved spaces, came together in a roaring roar.

  "Boom, boom!"

  "Boom, boom!"

  The huge roar echoed in the entire prehistoric world, and it shook in all time and space.

  And Fuxi's voice came up at this moment.

  "The prehistoric world is running, and there will be a heaven between heaven and earth. I am Fuxi, and I will rebuild the heaven under the order of Daozu Hongjun. Today, there will be thirty-three heavens. From now on, there will be no thirty-three heavens, only heaven."

  A mighty voice rang out.

  And along with his words, the outline of the heavenly realm appeared vaguely in everyone in the whole world, even those who didn't understand it, at this moment, understood what the heavenly realm was and what the heavenly court was.

  "Follow the orders of His Majesty the Emperor!"

  "Follow the orders of His Majesty the Emperor!"


  The human race was the first to kneel on one knee. At this moment, whether it was the major states, the major vassal states, or even Chaoge, all the figures were kneeling on one knee, and they came out with a fanatical voice.

  The human race knelt down on one knee.

  Immediately, all the creatures in the whole world, as long as they did not reach Daluo, were guided by this invisible breath at this moment, and they also shouted loudly.

  "Follow the orders of His Majesty the Emperor!"

  "Follow the orders of His Majesty the Emperor!"


  The entire prehistoric moment was like a tsunami, and at the same time, the majestic luck began to sweep through the entire heaven.

  Air fortune gathers.

  Fuxi waved his hand again.

  The entire heaven began to change rapidly.

  Road rhyme spread.

  A copy of the rules are realized.

  And with the spread of Dao rhyme and rules, above the heavens, the most important thing, buildings everywhere are almost rising from the ground, as if they were born out of thin air.

  Yes, they just came out of nowhere.

  Because of the traction of rules and rhyme, they exist in accordance with the rules.

  Every building represents at least one rule, and even has a supreme Dao rhyme that spreads throughout the good walk.

  As for Jiang Chen's seriousness, the heavenly space that was just formed in front of him was completely changed at this moment, and it even made him feel like stepping into the heavenly court mentioned in the novel in an instant.

  Thousands of golden lights are rolled with red neon, thousands of auspicious qi are sprayed with purple mist, Nantianmen is created by dark and deep colored glaze, and it is made up of bright and precious jade.There are several large pillars on the inner wall, with golden scales shining red bearded dragons wrapped around them;The bright rosy sky reflects the sky, and the blue mist covers the mouth of the bucket.There are thirty-three celestial palaces in the sky, including the Cloud Palace, the Bisha Palace, the Wuming Palace, the Sun Palace, and the Huale Palace.

  At this moment, even he has a sense of unreality.

  He didn't even notice that Fuxi's figure slowly fell.

  "The rhythm and rules have just spread. This is just a mere appearance. Next, the gods need to return to their places to completely improve this side of the heaven."

  He spoke softly, and Fuxi explained it.

  With this person's words, Jiang Chen suddenly woke up, and his eyes were taken back from the heaven.

  "The gods return to their places, I understand!"

  Jiang Chen nodded, expressing his understanding.

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