Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 117 Quite boring

Grabbing his fist into the void, Mo Yu had no intention of showing any mercy.

The dark words are hidden deep in my heart and don’t need to be said out loud, but just do what needs to be done.

It's not that he didn't give Chen Rucheng a chance, but since he was reborn and had the advantage of foresight, he must succeed in e-sports, far exceeding the success in his previous life.

"I hope you can join."

Looking back at the lava booth where there were still few visitors, Mo Yu sighed, then turned around and continued shopping.

The latter small companies, which are not in a good position, are better off. They don’t have many MOBA games. Most of the people who follow the trend are the 2.5D online games with krypton gold recharge.

But as we move forward, there are more and more MOBA games.

Mo Yu walked all the way and made a rough calculation, and found that seven or eight families had them.

He has experienced them one by one. The gameplay of each game is similar, and the picture quality is similar. The shadow of "Gods and Gods" can also be seen in the design of hero skills, including background stories, passives, summoner skills, maps, and wild monsters. .etc. These elements are all the same, even the interface UI layout is similar.

The only difference is the game store.

There are only a dozen or so heroes that have just been launched. The number of skins is already three to four times that of the heroes. The price is also much higher than the price of "Gods and Gods", directly reaching the price in the later period of LOL. A set of skins costs 80 to 90 yuan. , and it doesn’t have any special effects, it’s just a different skin.

"It's so cruel. These manufacturers are used to the prop consumption method. It's too harsh to cut leeks. At least I still have some conscience."

The skins in "Gods and Gods" are all under 50, and even the champion skins are not priced high. At first, Mo Yu thought that the price should be reduced, so he launched a group buying discount event. Unexpectedly, these manufacturers were more ruthless than him. too much.

Shaking his head, Mo Yu put down the mouse and keyboard, stood up and left.

He was just playing a MOBA game.

After trying this game, I copied it more than other games.

The game name is similar, the hero skill effects are similar, the hero model is also similar, the wild monsters on the mini map, eye positions, three-way grass distribution, and rivers are almost the same as "Gods and Gods", just change the name and do a little bit A small modification is enough to avoid legal trouble.

This company is obviously copying, and then trying to steal players directly from "Gods and Gods". Anyway, the lawsuit will only pay some money and will not affect the operation of the game.

Little did they know it was useless.

The most attractive thing for players in MOBA games is always the new heroes. You even have the same skills. If others have experienced the genuine version, who will still play pirated versions?

As a ten-year-old player, Mo Yu said that he would definitely not know how to play!

"Keep looking."

As we walked further and further, the number of tourists gradually increased.

Passing the position of Moyu Company, Mo Yu saw that the entire booth was almost completely surrounded. Visitors from all over the country surrounded the entire booth tightly. Yang Qiu and the staff were maintaining order.

The array of beauties could no longer stand up any longer.

There were too many people, and the Showgirls had to help, otherwise even a small accident would be serious.

At this time, a SOLO competition is being held on the stage.

The voice of the commentator was echoing, and there was a large crowd watching the game under the big screen. Many people were discussing the situation of the game.

"At first, I thought they were just like that, just participating in the competition, but now I know that if they really want to fight, the people who compete in the competition must be strong. Previously, there was a member of the Electronic 1 King Group who came on stage to solo, and directly Killed by Gogoing at level 4!"

"There is no comparison, there is a gap between kings!"

"I wonder who among these people is more powerful? I want to see them solo!"

"Puppy, right? He feels very young, and his reaction and operation skills are better than others."


A group of people were talking about it.

The commentator explained that another diamond-level player was easily killed on the pity stage, and someone else immediately came on stage to continue the game. The entire SOLO game never stopped for a moment.

Many vendors were so envious of such a lively event that Jill was so jealous that they couldn't get anyone at all. The staff tried their best to attract people, and the person in charge was looking forward to it, but it was all to no avail.

Mo Yu ate meat and even the soup was taken away, so they could only eat the scraps.

Leaving booth No. 7, Mo Yu continued to move forward.

The top booths are all game manufacturers that are currently at the top of the popularity ranking list. The current popularity of "Gods and Gods" cannot be compared with them, so you know how strong it is.

Although the number of people at each booth is not as good as that of the Moyu Company with the blessing of the beauty array, the number of people is not too bad, and it is a hundred times stronger than the Lava Studio and others at the bottom.

Walking to the position closest to the entrance, Tianxing's booth appeared in front of him.

This is booth No. 1. It has the largest area in the entire venue, the largest flow of people, and the best location. It is not much different from the Moyu Company.

""Battlefield"? Is it another MOBA game?"

After looking at the continuously looping CGs for a few times, Mo Yu had to admit that at least in terms of CG production, Tianxing's level was really good, but he didn't know how the game was.

So he found the queue to experience the game and got in line.

At this time, Zhang Yiming and Cen Fucheng were talking on the stage.

"Yiming, how do you think we should deal with it in the future? Judging from CJ's performance today, "Battlefield" may still be missing something if it wants to surpass "Gods and Gods"." Cen Fucheng was extremely worried. He has always been worried about the fish company's booth.

Tianxing spent a huge amount of money to develop "Battlefield". He was originally full of confidence, but now it has been severely hit. He cannot accept the loss, not only in terms of money, but also in face.

Zhang Yiming sighed: "I have been thinking about it since I came back. After thinking about it, I feel that there is something that we have ignored."

Cen Fucheng asked: "What?"


Zhang Yiming did not hesitate.

"At first, I thought e-sports was a promotional tool for games, which would be very helpful to MOBA games. If you want to promote "Battlefield", you can join it."

"But now I don't think so!"

"Although there is only one competition held so far, I have a feeling that compared to games, e-sports is something that Mo Yu values ​​​​more. He values ​​this thing too highly! It's just something more specific, something I don’t know much about future plans, goals, reasons, etc. It would be best to chat with Mo Yu in person, maybe I can get a glimpse of his thoughts.”

"It's just that we are not familiar with him, so we have to find an opportunity to build a relationship."

He sighed, feeling less and less confident about the "Battlefield" project.

Cen Fucheng thought for a while: "I have a friend in Jingzhou. I don't know if he knows Mo Yu. If he does, I can ask him to call him to help. It's better than us visiting him directly."

As he was talking, Zhang Yiming's eyes suddenly froze.

"No need to bother, he came by himself!"

"Huh? Where?"


Zhang Yiming pointed to the audience.

Cen Fucheng looked along and saw Mo Yu in the crowd. He was dressed cleanly and simply, but he was handsome enough that he could be noticed at a glance. He was very eye-catching.

Both of them knew Mo Yu's appearance and age and recognized him immediately.

Cen Fucheng frowned and said, "What is he here for?"

Zhang Yiming waved his hand: "We can go to his side. It's normal for him to come. They are all competitors!"

Cen Fucheng asked: "How about going to talk to him directly now?"

"There's no rush." ​​Zhang Yiming stared at Mo Yu's figure, shook his head and said, "Since he wants to play, let him play. I will go and receive him personally. Mr. Cen, please make arrangements so that everyone doesn't expose my identity first."

After personally playing "Battlefield", Mo Yu felt that Tianxing was worthy of being the largest gaming company in the country.

Although the gameplay of the entire game is similar to that of "Gods and Gods" and the core is the same, it is at least much stronger than other games.

First of all, the picture quality is very good, and the control feels good. Details such as turning, moving A, raising hands, and soldier lines are all very particular. The hero models in the game have their own characteristics, integrating many ancient oriental elements and some modern technological styles. The heroes of "Gods and Gods" are both ancient and modern elements. The hero's skill design also has a set of logic. It is not copied blindly. Overall, it can be considered that a lot of new things have been made under the framework of "Gods and Gods", which can be considered completely different. Two games.

Although there are many similarities, such as maps, big and small dragons, wild monsters, grass, woods, etc., they are also very innovative.

If we really let it develop like this, maybe we can find a new path in the future!

"Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise I might have been stabbed in the back! It seems that the pace has to be accelerated to launch the league as soon as possible. By then, all the attention of MOBA games will be focused on it, and new heroes will be added. With the continuous launch of products, Tianxing should have no chance to grow."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Mo Yu was glad that he found out early.

After putting down the equipment and stretching, Mo Yu just stood up and wanted to leave when he saw a staff member in his forties coming over. He handed over a bottle of water and asked with a polite smile: "Hello, sir, what's the matter?" Like? Is the game "Battlefield" fun?"

Mo Yu glanced at him curiously, then looked around, took the water and said with a smile, "Not bad, it's quite interesting!"

The man continued to ask: "The most popular MOBA game currently on the market is "Gods and Gods". Have you ever played it?"

"I've played before." Mo Yu was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his lips became much deeper.

"Can you tell me what you think of the two games?"

"Of course." Mo Yu was not polite at all and spoke freely.

“The picture quality of both games is good, and the gameplay is also very interesting, but in comparison, I prefer "Gods and Gods". There are many heroes and masters, and there are many skills in the game. There are many things that I have never learned before. I’ve experienced it, it’s very fun.”

""Battlefield" is different. The whole game can clearly be seen to have a strong plagiarism style. For example, the hero I just used is somewhat similar to the skills of one of the heroes in "Gods and Gods". Although the quality of the game is It’s okay, but I still feel it’s not as good as Gods and Gods.”

"Furthermore, the atmosphere of the two games is far from comparable."

"There are many players in "Gods and Gods", and the official organizes competitions. The atmosphere of the game is very strong. "Battlefield" has not even been launched yet, which is quite boring!"

(Since Q Reader cannot see the author’s words, I will post them here. Thanks to Q Reader Shuyue MU and Chen Feng for the reward.)

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