Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 118 Transaction

Zhang Yiming looked very unhappy when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Mo Yu would actually view "Battlefield", a game that their company had spent huge sums of money to develop, this way.

The development of "Battlefield" had already started not long after "Gods and Gods" was launched. At that time, "Gods and Gods" completed consecutive jumps to multiple recommended positions on the official platform in one go, showing great performance early on. Big potential, the number of users has been soaring.

It was precisely because of seeing this situation that Zhang Yiming opposed all opinions and strongly demanded to mount the horse.

At that time, many people in Tianxing's senior management disagreed. They felt that it was simply ridiculous to follow Tianxing's size and industry status in a game developed by a small company like Feng Moyu. Moreover, although "Gods and Gods" had gone through many rounds of recommendations, But many games under Tianxing have gone through it, so it is really not necessary.

But in the end, Cen Fucheng stepped forward to support and provided money and people, and then "Battlefield" appeared.

In order to keep up with the progress, the entire game cost a lot of manpower and financial resources, and was finally completed before CJ. Everyone at Tianxing Company, including those who had previously disagreed, praised it after trying it. The exquisite picture quality is exactly the same. The gameplay and various elements are perfectly reproduced and many new things are added. Even Zhang Yiming, who has been in the industry for decades, feels that "Battlefield" is a very good game and will definitely take the market by storm once it is launched.

The result is such a game, and the evaluation from Mo Yu's mouth is actually quite boring?

Did he recognize me? Or do you really think so?

Zhang Yiming is not sure.

"Sir, are you being a bit serious with what you said? The game "Battlefield" is the hard work of our company and we have invested a lot of money in it. How can it not be fun?"

Mo Yu spread his hands and said innocently: "You asked me, I just said what was in my heart."

Zhang Yiming's face turned even uglier.

"Then what is the biggest gap between the two games in your mind?"

"The biggest gap?" Mo Yu scratched his chin and smiled sheepishly: "No matter what aspect it is, there is a gap! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that "Battlefield" is a plagiarism of "Gods and Gods". There is no difference between the pirated version and the original version. It’s all a gap.”

Zhang Yiming argued: "Plagiarism? This is absolutely not the case. At most, it is just a little reference."

"You can learn from it." Mo Yu took a sip of water and said nonchalantly: "I'm just an ordinary gamer anyway. If you ask me, "Gods and Gods" is fun!"

Zhang Yiming's face turned completely dark.

He, who has always been very well-educated, almost wanted to draw his sword.

This guy dares to speak like this. Does he know whose territory this is? ah? !

He said angrily: "How can "Gods and Gods" be fun? From a professional's point of view, "Battlefield" is even better in terms of picture quality and controls. If you can say such a thing, I can only I think you are not a player who understands the game."

When Mo Yu saw this, he laughed, knowing that he couldn't play any more. If he played with Zhang Yiming again, he might be the one to lift the quilt tonight.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, relax, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

"No? What Mr. Zhang? We are talking about games!"

He comforted her repeatedly, but Zhang Yiming still wanted to quibble. Mo Yu pointed to a small sign in the corner of the booth: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, stop pretending, let's show your cards, it's all written on it."

Zhang Yiming was stunned and looked along.

I saw his personal information written on the small sign, and a photo was thoughtfully attached to it.

Zhang Yiming: Deputy General Manager of Tianxing Company, chief planner of "Battlefield".


Zhang Yiming was instantly embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Mo Yu almost laughed out loud when he saw it, but managed to suppress it.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, don't mind the joke. Come and sit." He pulled out a stool from the side.

Zhang Yiming stood there in embarrassment, still embarrassed to speak.

Seeing this, Mo Yu joked: "The dignified Tianxing executive, you can't just say a few jokes and hold a grudge against me, and you won't even sit down, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Mo, please stop making fun of me." Zhang Yiming sat down and said with a sullen face, "It's such a big joke. It's really embarrassing."

"How can it be considered embarrassing to inquire about information for the game you developed?" Mo Yu said with a smile.

Zhang Yiming waved his hand: "Oh, forget it." He straightened his sitting posture and said seriously: "Is what Mr. Mo just said true?"

Mo Yu stopped teasing when he saw this: "False! As said, "Battlefield" is actually a very good game. This is definitely not a lie! But there is a premise for everything, that is, there is no "Gods and Gods". "

"How do you say that?" Zhang Yiming looked stunned and quickly asked: "Both games are very fun. "Gods and Gods" has created a new game type. In this type, can "Gods and Gods" kill everyone? Are you going to leave a little way for others to survive?"

Mo Yu shook his head and said: "It's impossible to kill everyone in the game alone, but with e-sports, it's possible!"

"Huh?" Zhang Yiming was confused.

Mo Yu continued: "Presumably when Tianxing launched "Battlefield", they must have full confidence in it. Thinking that Tianxing can make a hit with its reputation and resources in the industry?"

"That's right." Zhang Yiming nodded. He didn't hide it and admitted directly: "Tianxing has always been the leader in the domestic game industry. It has cooperated with many companies. It has rich experience and rich resources. As long as it is willing to invest, it can operate "Battlefield" There was no pressure at all, and I even said it modestly.”

The sky star is the cow, the sky star is the big one, and the sky star is the hanging.

At present, Tianxing is equivalent to Shanda in its previous life and even more powerful, beating all game companies in the country.

"Tianxing's strength is indeed very strong, and Moyu Company is nothing to mention in front of it." Mo Yu affirmed at first, and then changed the topic: "But MOBA games cannot be viewed from a traditional perspective, and they can be taken out alone He is a tiger, and with the addition of e-sports, he becomes even more powerful."

"E-sports?" Zhang Yiming was full of questions: "Mr. Mo, you have said this word many times, what exactly is it?"

"In my opinion, it is just a promotional method tailored for the game. It is innovative and very effective. But to say it is the wings on a tiger? Is it a bit exaggerated?"

"Exaggeration?" Mo Yu laughed: "That's not an exaggeration at all!"

Zhang Yiming's eyes lit up: "I'd like to hear the details!"

His attitude made Mo Yu's heart move. He thought about it and said, "This is a secret that is not told, but it's not impossible to tell. Let's make a deal."

Zhang Yiming was startled when he heard this, and asked hesitantly: "Deal? What kind of deal?"

Mo Yu said bluntly: "I want to open up overseas markets and promote "Gods and Gods" to all over the world, but I don't have the resources in this area, and I don't know the quality of overseas game manufacturers. If Tianxing is willing to matchmaking, then I will I believe that by elaborating the importance of e-sports in detail, it will be a great inspiration to Mr. Zhang.”

"How's it going? What do you think of this deal, Mr. Zhang?"

Went to have dinner with friends ~ I will update the rest depending on the situation

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