Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 119 Exhibition Match Begins Peninsula Manufacturers

The reason why Mo Yu came to CJ was that all other awards and exhibitions were fake. The biggest purpose was to get to know a few overseas manufacturers to launch "Gods and Gods".

He originally wanted to do it himself, but the current size of Moyu Company is not enough, and as a foreign company, it may be difficult to get benefits locally. It would be more suitable to find several agents, and there is no requirement for different concepts, as long as Let them make money and they will naturally cooperate.

Tianxing has cooperated with many overseas manufacturers. If I could help introduce a few reliable ones, Mo Yu would be very happy.

Zhang Yiming's attitude towards e-sports happened to be too enthusiastic, so Mo Yu tentatively made such a request.

"Mr. Zhang, Tianxing has a wide network of contacts in the industry. A few manufacturers won't be a problem, right?"

Zhang Yiming heard this and asked: "Now you want to release "Gods and Gods" globally? According to my analysis, the number of domestic users is still rising. It has not even been fully understood in the country. Mr. Mo wants to enter overseas?"

Although it is not yet the heyday of the previous life, thanks to the development of computer hardware technology, there are not a few people playing games in this world. According to official platform statistics, at least tens of millions of people across the country play for more than half an hour every day.

In the face of such a huge base, "Gods and Gods" still has great potential for development.

Zhang Yiming didn't understand very much.

Mo Yu smiled and said: "Tianxing Zhuyu is ahead, and there are so many companies eyeing MOBA. I'm afraid that if I don't find a way out, I will be dead in a few years."

"Mr. Mo are you kidding me?"

Zhang Yiming didn't believe what he said at all.

Just now I was saying that gaming and e-sports are even more powerful, but now it will be dead for a few years without even thinking about it. It must be an excuse.

Mo Yu laughed and said with a smile: "Just think of it as a joke. What does Mr. Zhang think about the transaction? Tianxing shouldn't be stingy with this, right?"

"Of course Tianxing will not be stingy." Zhang Yiming nodded, but then changed the topic: "But these are also the connections accumulated over the years. Is Mr. Mo just thinking of leaving like this? Isn't it appropriate?"

Mo Yu said: "Didn't I say that I would exchange it for e-sports information? Mr. Zhang doesn't want it?"

"Of course I want it." Zhang Yiming tentatively said: "However, I don't know if the value of the things Mr. Mo gave me is consistent. Why not tell Mr. Mo first?"

Mo Yu said helplessly: "I really can't speak to you, so I'll speak first."

Zhang Yiming was stunned when he heard this.

He just wanted to find out, but Mo Yu actually agreed to talk first.

Isn’t e-sports information important to him?

But is this inconsistent with the previous judgment?

what happened?

For a moment, he was confused.

And Mo Yu had already spoken directly.

"Mr. Zhang, in your opinion, e-sports is a novel way of promoting "Gods and Gods" that I came up with, right?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yiming put away his thoughts and replied: "According to the survey, due to its unique confrontational gameplay, holding competitions is indeed a very effective way to promote MOBA games."

"The current domestic situation is that in addition to professional-related media and Internet advertising, online games are not allowed to advertise in traditional channels such as TV and newspapers. Everyone has to compete on the official platform with real swords and guns. Mo Zong can win on the platform. Besides, I admire you for coming up with such an off-beat move."

In a previous life, Fantasy Westward Journey's advertisements appeared on TV stations, and Jay Chou was invited to be the spokesperson. It was a hit at the time.

But in this world, this situation is simply impossible.

Not to mention TV, newspapers are not allowed to directly advertise a certain game.

Except for some niche publications with small circulations such as computer newspapers, computer newspapers, and game weekly newspapers, there are only publicity channels such as the Internet and official platforms.

The only promotion method for many small companies is the official platform. The games they finally produce need to compete with hundreds of new games before they can enter the players' field of vision.

Zhang Yiming admires that he can come up with a new way for games in addition to the channels that major manufacturers are accustomed to.

"Everyone is grabbing for every method they can think of, but Mr. Mo can create a brand new path, which is amazing!"

he praised.

Facing his praise, Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "E-sports is a promotion method, but it is not its most important role. Mr. Zhang thought it was just playing games. In that case, why should I do it?" Define the concept separately and call it e-sports?"

"In my opinion, no matter how popular a game is, it is just like that. No matter how good a game has been in operation for 20 years, it will disappear and be replaced by new games. However, e-sports can continue forever."

"Just like traditional sports events, many sports have their own special competitions with players from all over the world, and the same is true for e-sports! It has a promotional role, but it is not just a promotion of a game. Instead, you can incorporate many games into it, and it will last forever!”

"I plan to develop e-sports into a mature, harmonious and self-consistent competition system. "Gods and Gods" is only the earliest and largest game among them, and it is far from the whole of e-sports."

He said a few words casually, and Mo Yu didn't go into details, but Zhang Yiming was shocked.

He couldn't help but question: "I have a little doubt. Since it is called e-sports, it must be inseparable from electronic games, that is, online games. Among the current game methods in the world, except for MOBA games, there seems to be no related gameplay. Alright?"

"Furthermore, many sports events have developed to the scale they are today. In addition to the commercial capital behind them, the country's promotion power is also an extremely important part. In addition, coupled with the audience base that has been passed down for hundreds of years, it has finally developed into what it is today. In terms of scale, let’s not talk about whether e-sports can be compared, but if we want to develop to that scale, can Mr. Mo and your family do it alone?”

"Of course my family is not enough." Mo Yu shook his head, but smiled: "However, I have my own way to develop it, so Mr. Zhang doesn't need to worry about these."

He said and stood up: "The time and place are wrong. All I can say is a general outline. It is not convenient to go into more details. Mr. Zhang wants to know more about it. If we have the opportunity, we will take time to talk in detail. "

"I would like Mr. Zhang to help me with the overseas manufacturers' matter~"

Mo Yu took out a business card and handed it over, saying goodbye with a smile, leaving Zhang Yiming alone to sit there and think.

A few minutes later.

Cen Fucheng came over and saw Zhang Yiming sitting there blankly. He quickly came over to ask what happened.

Zhang Yiming told him everything Mo Yu told him.

After hearing this, Cen Fucheng couldn't help laughing: "One cry, one cry, are you worried about this matter?"

Zhang Yiming puzzled: "Isn't it worth worrying about? Under the future he described, apart from integrating the game "Battlefield" into it, I can't see any hope of rising. Even in the future, if the development of e-sports is really like this Mo Yu said that most of the online game users owned by Tianxing and even other existing companies will be attracted away. By then, all game companies will be suppressed by him, and there will be no hope of turning around in their lifetime. "

The future described by Mo Yu made him feel scared.

If e-sports is really as popular as football and basketball now, and there are fans in every country, then this thing will be too scary. It is impossible for any game to be as popular as it, and can only be If you stay below, no matter how good you are, you have no chance of overturning the mountain.

"It's nonsense, something completely impossible to happen!"

"You also said that it is impossible for Tianxing to develop to that scale. How can a small fishing company do it?"

"Taking a step back, there is a real chance to make it happen. Now that Mo Yu has told you the general framework, can't we do it ourselves? He has all the stars in the sky, so what do you have to be afraid of?"

"Yi Ming, he is just trying to scare you, scaremongering, and just wants to take away the connections and resources from you. But this is a small matter. Since he agreed, there is no problem in helping him introduce a few reliable agents. Anyway, it will be fine. It’s a game played by the same country, it’s about bringing glory to the country!”

Cen Fucheng didn't care and was extremely relaxed.

Zhang Yiming is still worried.

“It’s easy to say, but hard to do!”

"The general framework he mentioned is that of traditional sports events. If you study those things for a while, who doesn't know? But we don't have a game that is used to develop events. "Battlefield" is completely incomparable now. When "Battlefield" is promoted Get up, maybe people have already started to do it, and by then everything will be too late!"

Cen Fucheng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, that is simply impossible. It's enough for us to be ourselves. Yiming, relax!"

He didn't take Zhang Yiming's worries to heart at all.

Zhang Yiming thought about it, and felt that what Mo Yu said made sense, and that what Cen Fucheng said was also right. Under the tangle, he couldn't help but sigh: "Today's young people are really amazing. No matter whether they can do it or not, at least they can do this." My vision for the future really surprised me. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

"Forget it, since I can't figure it out, I won't think about it anymore. Mo Yu's plan is too huge and cannot be solved in an instant. Let's wait and see the consequences!"

"But now that I have agreed to the deal, I have to think of something. The company also knows several partners in South Korea, Europe, and the United States. I will contact them to see if they are interested."

"Exactly." Cen Fucheng said: "Since you agreed, don't break your promise. The game "Gods and Gods" is still very good. Do me a favor and make a good relationship. If it turns out to be what he said in the future, Tianxing will be better There is a way out.”

CJ third day.

After the previous two days of publicity, "Gods and Gods" has become completely popular. Many tourists who didn't know about it at first now know that it is a very interesting game. There are also experts holding competitions at the booth. So far, there has not been a single tourist. Can win.

This situation aroused the desire to win in many people.

It's okay for the players of "Gods and Gods" to say that they all know their level and they just go on stage to experience the feeling of being abused. However, those tourists who have never played but only watched it feel that it is nothing more than that. They find a place to practice a few games and then go on stage to challenge. The outcome can be imagined.

However, the torture will be torture, and the discomfort will be uncomfortable. At least I got into the game, and from now on, there is another funny friend in the world!

By the afternoon.

Mo Yu found Deng Junhua.

"An official event, there will be an exhibition match this afternoon. LGD and other players will be divided into two teams to compete. You tell the players in the club that it is best to make the game more lively, with more heads and fierce competition. a little."

"Although I haven't shown it yet, I know that the views of professional organizations like LGD on the game are definitely very different from the views of players. Sometimes the pursuit of victory will make the game boring and without passion!"

"But it's different today. For the sake of publicity, I have to trouble everyone to find out the outcome and let's fight boldly!"

Football has offensive football, and of course there are also tactics such as iron barrel formation, defensive counterattack, etc. On the field, no matter how ugly it is for the sake of victory, the performance must be the most attractive duel between the two sides!

The same goes for esports.

Although I don't know what tactics LGD has implemented since its establishment, just looking at the increasingly formalized style of the entire team, Mo Yu knew that there must be something.

Deng Junhua patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I understand. We have already made arrangements. I promise to present a gorgeous battle! The kind of head-to-head battle with hundreds of heads!"

As the official host announced the next program, the Moyu Team and the King Team, composed of participating contestants, took the stage to compete.

As soon as the ten contestants came on stage, the "Gods and Gods" players in the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers, which shocked other tourists and had no idea what was going on.

The players didn't care, they were immersed in their own world and cheered for their favorite players!

"Uzi, Uzi! God forever!"

"Come on LGD! Come on LGD!"

"Vietnamese crocodile, come on!"

Wawa and Miller on the stage were on CJ for the first time. Although they had already experienced Internet cafe competitions, the tourists in CJ were of another level. The two newcomers finally stabilized their mentality and began to introduce the players from both sides.

"The list of players has been introduced. Miller, what do you think of today's exhibition match? Which side will win?"

"It's hard to say. If LGD's young players were still together, LGD would definitely have a greater chance of winning. But now everyone is messed up and there is no running-in, so it's difficult to determine the result!"

"Yeah. But everyone is the high-scoring king of Dianyi. I must have been there before. I believe there will be some cooperation!"

"There are so many players here today, and I look forward to the ten players bringing everyone a wonderful event!"

"Okay! The game has entered the move selection interface!"

"Both sides banned each other very casually. Everyone chose their best hero. It seems that the fight will be fierce today!"

"The moving selection process is over and the competition has officially begun!"

Off stage.

Zhang Yiming fulfilled his promise and took a friend to find a place to watch.

"President Jin, this is the game of my friend's company." Zhang Yiming introduced: "With its unique gameplay, it has risen rapidly in the country. The number of players has exceeded several million. If your company can act as an agent, the income will definitely not be bad. !”

Chairman Jin, a native of Peninsula, whose full name is Kim Tae-ho, is the general manager of the gaming business branch of the conglomerate LG. He is an agent for many games and has a certain cooperative relationship with Tianxing.

Although he is not Tianxing's best partner in the peninsula, he can still be regarded as the second echelon. Zhang Yiming brought him here in the hope of reaching cooperation with Moyu Company and completing the transaction.

"Mr. Zhang, although you have lavished praises on this company called Moyu, in terms of online games, the Republic of Korea ranks first in the world. I understand your idea of ​​​​connecting people with compatriots, but the game is too poor. , I’m afraid our company won’t accept it.”

Kim Tae-ho speaks Chinese very well, with only a slight accent, which is almost indistinguishable if you don't listen carefully.

Zhang Yiming curled his lips when he heard this, feeling amused by the Universe Kingdom's tendency to deliberately emphasize their inferiority complex no matter where they are. However, he remained calm and continued talking about business: "President Jin, I understand your concerns very well. So isn’t this bringing you over to watch the game in person?”

"This game is an event organized by Moyu Company. They are all the top players in the game. I believe that the wonderful performance of the game between them should allow you to clearly and intuitively feel the charm of this game!"

Jin Taihao shrugged and smiled slightly: "Mr. Zhang seems to be very optimistic about it? Then I am looking forward to it very much!"

You may not believe me and think I'm talking nonsense, but I still have to quibble.

I ate seafood last night. The food in that restaurant didn’t feel fresh. It made my stomach feel bad. I ran to the toilet 7.8 times today~

That’s why there are even fewer!

In addition, once the house loan procedures are completed, the 8,000 yuan will be restored immediately!

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