Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 136 Qualifying List

The qualifiers were very intense.

Before the game, several teams had qualified in the Internet cafe competition, and their results were quite impressive. The teams that were favored by the majority of netizens only narrowly qualified, including the world's most powerful team with smiles and a sport with promises.

These two teams were almost overturned, and finally advanced by one point.

After fifteen days of fierce battle, the final list of fourteen frontline teams has been determined.

First place - Emperor Star.

Second place - royal family.

Third place – CCM.

Fourth place – numbers.

5th place – OMG.

Sixth place - EHOME.

Seventh place – VICI GAME.

Eighth place - Death Knight.

Ninth place – M3.

Tenth place - peak.

Number 11 - Super God.

Twelfth place - the heroes compete.

Thirteenth - The most powerful person in the world.

No. 14 – Sports.

Many of the old faces have met the players during the Internet cafe games, and there are only a few new teams.

These fourteen teams plus the two unofficial teams of Friends and LGD, a total of sixteen teams, will arrive in Jingzhou before October 18th to prepare for the game, and draw lots on October 19th to determine the grouping. Finally, at 9 a.m. on October 20, the group stage journey started at the Geili Headquarters.

The entire Jingzhou Cup schedule is divided into group stages, quarter-finals knockout rounds, top four semi-finals, third and fourth place positioning matches, and finals.

Starting from October 20th, the group stage BO1 will determine the top two in each group every day until October 24th, then take a two-day break and draw lots again. The top eight knockout rounds will begin on October 27th, with a total of four games. The BO3 matchup lasted two days.

After the quarterfinals, the competition venue was moved to the Jingzhou Sports Center on November 1st.

The opening ceremony was held that day.

The semi-finals will be held on November 2nd and 3rd.

There will be a positioning match for third and fourth place on November 4th.

The finals will be held on November 5th.

The schedule lasts for sixteen days in total.

The short time and intensive games are a great test for the players’ pre-game tactical preparations.

In the company.

"There is no way. The main reason is that the activities in the Central Stadium area are relatively dense. In order to maintain continuity, we can only arrange it this way." Yang Qiu sighed: "There will be fourteen concerts in the Central Stadium in November alone, and there are many others. For sports events, it’s great that strict regulations can help us get to this point, but the time is too short, and the effect of the stage layout can only be simplified.”

"There is no way!" Mo Yu also said helplessly: "Now we only hold a cup from time to time. In the future, there will be leagues and even more games. By then, it will be too troublesome to rent venues like this. It is best to It’s better to have a venue of our own!”

"Speaking of venues, Mr. Mo, I would like to ask how the venue in Jingzhou Construction Engineering is doing." Yang Qiu heard this and asked, "Did Mr. Zhang want to use the one that his family is building in Jiangdong District?" A venue investment company is cooperating with us? Why has there been no news?”

"The news is there, Zhang Zhaoyang agrees with it, and I agree with it. The main problem now is in Zhang Hongwen's hands." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "Although the development of e-sports events was booming, the Internet cafe competition was running at a loss at that time. , the actual income is very small, and coupled with the reputation of the gaming industry, veteran real estate businessmen like Zhang Hongwen have never been exposed to this industry, and they are still undecided after all."

"What? Can't he see how popular "Gods and Gods" is now?" Yang Qiu said in confusion: "This game alone has brought hundreds of millions in revenue to our company. Zhang Hongwen shouldn't be able to Can’t you understand?”

"I'm afraid he really didn't understand." Mo Yu said with a smile: "He is several decades old and has been engaged in the real estate industry. To put it nicely, he is an old director, but in the final analysis, people who have come from his era are My thinking is also behind the times. Even though I have learned a lot as I get older, I still act like a contractor at heart."

"Relying on the connections, management, and circles in the early years, these things are integrated together, so that Jingzhou Construction Engineering can stand firm and dominate. But when it comes to online games, he probably doesn't know as much as Zhang Zhaoyang."

"In addition, the Jiangdong land cost Jingzhou Construction Engineering a lot of money and efforts, and it is the most important project of the group. Once the venue is given to us, the surrounding supporting shopping malls and office buildings will have to go to gaming, electronic technology Depend on these aspects.”

"It's normal for him to be undecided."

“But he still wanted to see it again, so he sponsored the Jingzhou Cup, and I also want to make the Jingzhou Cup bigger and stronger, so that I can get the benefits I want from both the Jingzhou official level and Jingzhou Construction Engineering. "

"And besides them, I'm afraid there are many people secretly staring at the Jingzhou Cup and staring at us!"

"That's it." Yang Qiu suddenly realized: "No wonder Mr. Mo, you even invite an international superstar like Jay Chou to an opening ceremony. It turns out that so many things have been taken into consideration and all aspects of the issue are involved. Everything is to build momentum. !”

"That's right." Mo Yu said with a smile: "The more lively the Jingzhou Cup is, the more confidence they have in us!"

Yang Qiu agreed, and then worried: "However, although that venue is valuable, our company is also the leading game manufacturer in the country. Do we really agree to buy shares? How many shares should we give if we buy shares?"

"Of course, the less the better." Mo Yu waved his hand: "Calculate all the things in the company and put them on the table together. I believe Zhang Zhaoyang will not be embarrassed to ask for more. Even if we ask for more, we can be reasonable. Refute with evidence, the most important thing is that this matter must be done as early as possible, time is tight!"

The higher he stood, the more things he could see clearly. Coupled with the memory of his previous life, Mo Yu found that the current development of the world had reached a situation that was very similar to that of his previous life.

The subprime mortgage crisis in America is about to break out, and then the domestic manufacturing crisis will also begin to occur. Housing prices will plummet. What will happen next is completely predictable. The authorities will add a lot of money to rescue the market, and real estate will skyrocket for decades from now on.

Jingzhou Construction Engineering's land and property in Jiangdong may be worth several hundred million now. By that time, the value will double in an instant, directly to more than one billion, and then it will be several billion in a few years!

Mo Yu didn't know the details, but he knew that if he wanted to win that venue, now was the second best time, if not the best time.

During the period when housing prices fell across the board, he would use the money to buy land and buildings, build multiple small venues, and turn Jingzhou into a base for e-sports development in one fell swoop.

"There are still many details that are difficult to explain." Mo Yu waved his hand without further explanation, and then asked: "Teams participating in the group stage will arrive one after another in the past few days, and the reception and accommodation have been arranged. Yet?"

The Jingzhou Cup is the same as the Internet Cafe Tournament.

Moyu Company is also responsible for the accommodation, transportation, food and other aspects of all participating teams. The standards are that it is close enough to the competition venue, the food is safe enough, and the accommodation is clean enough.

Players can choose not to accept it, but the resulting accidents will not be under the control of Moyu Company.

For example, a bowl of fragrant beef noodles and a cage of delicious Yang Shengjian.

As for the safety issue, it goes without saying that the country is no better than abroad. The society is stable, life is harmonious, and heroes who are good at using American-style residences are not accessible to ordinary people.

"Well, we have booked two hotels. The price is moderate and the rooms are very clean. One is close to the main store of Geili and the other is close to the central stadium. The training places for the players have also been arranged. They are in another branch of Geili."

"We have hired a dedicated team of chefs to take care of the food and accommodation. A large amount of food will be prepared every day for the players to enjoy in a buffet style."

"There are also several buses arranged for transportation, so everyone can travel together."

"However, LGD and Emperor Star said that they will solve the problem on their own and do not need us to be responsible."

Yang Qiu reported one by one.

When Mo Yu heard the last part, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's normal for them not to come. They are all second generation rich, and they are all in Jingzhou, and they all have their own player dormitories. Wouldn't it be more secure to have everything by yourself? It's okay. Don't worry about them, everything is free, we just do our job."

"Let's arrange it this way. You should be busy during this period and do a good job in logistics support. These players are all teenagers. As long as you follow our arrangements, your health and safety must be guaranteed!"

"Safety is no small matter. The Jingzhou Cup cannot allow any stain. You must keep an eye on it."

"Okay!" Yang Qiu solemnly stated: "There will definitely be no problem. Then, Mr. Mo, I'm going to get busy."

"Go ahead."

Mo Yu waved his hand.

The qualifying list of qualifying groups has set off a wave of discussion among players.

Many people have expressed their opinions one after another, explaining which team they are more optimistic about, and the players have become a hot pot of porridge.

In this lively atmosphere.

Fourteen teams have arrived in Jingzhou to check into hotels.

In the hotel lobby.

Friends five people gathered together.

Big Nose smiled and said: "Brothers," after the Internet cafe game, everyone went their separate ways. Unexpectedly, they would meet again today. "

"Yeah! Long time no see!"

"How are you guys doing lately?"

Several teenagers from all over the world have only been together for a month during the Internet cafe competition. Now they get along like old friends who have been together for many years. There is no barrier at all and they quickly chatted together.

Everyone talked about interesting things, how much benefits the championship skin can bring to them, and thought about the future. After a long chat, they finally talked about the two professional teams LGD and Emperor Star.

Joker asked: "Ruofeng, I heard that you were invited to participate in CJ. Does that mean you have seen LGD with your own eyes? How did they play? Are they good? In this Jingzhou Cup qualifiers, Emperor Star will This team actually won all the games and qualified without losing a single game. I couldn’t believe it. When I watched the game, I found that their grasp of the game was beyond imagination. It’s unbelievable!”

"Even the mid laner from Emperor Star didn't even make it to the group stage before, but this time he won the first place. I really don't know how such a professional team trains! I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

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