Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 137 Eighteen princes challenge Dong

As Joker mentioned it, several people started chatting one after another.

Top laner Xiaofan recalled: "I have also watched a few games of Emperor Star, and found that when the teams competed against God Star, the technical level of the players on both sides was actually not much different, but when they actually fought on the field, it was completely different. , technology is only one aspect, the troop line, operations, vision, support, etc. are completely suppressed, and when fighting against the opponent, you will find that you have been operated to a disadvantage. There are obviously no kills, but you feel that you can't beat it, and you don't dare to do so. Push the line, fearing that you may not know when you will be surrounded by GANK.”

AD Ye Jintianming in the bottom lane duo also said: "The same feeling, the skills are almost the same, but as I fight, I find that I am getting more and more invincible, and I lag behind in the last hits. Then my vision and resources are slowly lost, and finally I am defeated. Stay on the high ground and wait for slow death!"

Jungler Joker narrowed his eyes: "This is the power of professional teams!"

"I have studied several games of Emperor Star, and finally came to the conclusion that they rely on teamwork, gain resources and grab vision through operations, and cannibalize them little by little. In the end, their opponents are unable to fight back. Many teams are even defeated at the beginning. They designed it so that in just a few minutes, the three routes would be optimal, and there would be no need to play later.”

"But this is just a general idea. I have no idea how to operate it specifically, and I haven't found a way to deal with it. I really don't know how they train? Is this the difference between professional teams and individual teams like us? It's hard to imagine!"

"I have a feeling that the biggest opponents in this Jingzhou Cup are Emperor Star and LGD. Only by studying them thoroughly and overcoming this difficulty can we continue to win the championship!"

His words made several people nod their heads, because he was not the only one, everyone felt this way, and the same thing happened to Big Nose.

In the Emperor Star games he watched, the mid laners of many teams were old rivals.

These people are obviously not bad at skills, but they are always constrained when fighting. They can see the jungler coming at every turn. From God's perspective, Big Nose can clearly see that the jungle route of Emperor Star's jungler always revolves around the middle lane. Most of the time he is not far from the mid laner.

As soon as the opponent has the idea of ​​​​taking action, the jungler will appear soon, and then the Imperial Star midfielder will push the line and disappear immediately. As soon as the opponent's middle lane clicks an eye, the backhand will be blocked, and they will not dare to roam at all. In the end, the more I fought, the more uncomfortable I became. I was completely crushed and lost the game.

This kind of game pressure, Big Nose once entered, felt so stressed that he couldn't think of a solution at all.

He sighed: "When I met LGD at CJ, I had a feeling. That is, the entire team has changed since LGD established the club. If we meet again, we may not be our opponents at all, and we will be beaten 3-0 by others. It’s not impossible!”

"Although LGD did not participate in the qualifiers, I felt scared when I saw the performance of Emperor Star, who is also a professional team. I really don't know if I can win the championship. After all, there is a bonus of 800,000!"

Although there is no champion skin share in the Jingzhou Cup, the prize money is as high as 800,000. Who doesn’t want it?

Everyone wants it!

It's just that there are two roadblocks standing in front of us. If we don't break through, we can only despair.

"Oh~" Joker sighed, looked at Big Nose and asked: "You have been in contact with all the members of CJ and LGD, and you should have their numbers in your hand. I wonder if you can make a call and ask if you can come over and visit? If I could see their training methods with my own eyes, it might help a lot in defeating them.”

"I do have the phone numbers of several of them, but I'm afraid it won't make sense to visit now." Big Nose was a little embarrassed: "After all, the game is about to start, and I might be considered to be suspected of spying on the enemy!"

Joker thought for a while and agreed: "That's right, and even if we go, I'm afraid we won't get much useful information. As an opponent, they will definitely hide the real thing!"

"What should we do?" Xiaofan spread his hands: "Now that the two professional teams, Emperor Star and LGD, are so strong, if we want to win the championship, we must find a way. We can't just sit back and wait for death, right?"

"Of course it's impossible to sit still and wait for death!" Joker frowned: "It's just that we can't think of a countermeasure in a short time! I believe that Emperor Star and LGD pose the same threat to all teams. Not only us, other teams will also feel that they are The most difficult opponent to deal with.”

He suggested: "How about this, take advantage of the fact that everyone is gathered at night, find an opportunity, get everyone together, discuss and review each other, maybe we can come up with a countermeasure!"

"Will you agree?" Big Nose worried: "After all, we are also opponents!"

Joker waved his hand and said: "Some people will definitely agree that Emperor Star's performance in the qualifiers was too strong, and it actually achieved a terrifying record of winning all the matches. Anyone with a discerning eye can know that it and LGD are the biggest opponents on the way to the championship!"

"Faced with this situation, everyone has fears in their hearts. There must be smart people who have the same idea as us. Only by gathering everyone's strength can we come up with a solution to deal with them! Otherwise, we will wait for death. At most, we can grab a place. Three!”

His words simply spoke to the hearts of others.

Before I knew about professional teams, some people might have thought that setting up an e-sports club was just playing house, a game for the rich second generation.

Now after passing the qualifiers and seeing the outstanding performance of Emperor Star, the stereotype was instantly reversed, and even LGD, a team that did not participate in the competition, became wary.

That night.

All team players are gathered in the hotel.

The five friends visited each team respectively, knocking on the door and inviting them to come over to discuss the plan. In the end, a total of eighteen people came to the room, covering several teams, just like the eighteen princes in the Three Kingdoms discussing the matter. Dong's grand occasion.

The leader is Friends, and Dong Zhuo is LGD and Emperor Star.

In the standard room, the bed was full of people.

As the conductor of Friends, Joker stood up and spoke first.

"Brothers, the reason why I called everyone here is because I believe you all understand that Emperor Star's super performance and dominance in the qualifiers are too strong. As the only professional team, LGD's strength is probably unpredictable! "

"If we want to defeat them, we must unite and work together to figure out a way to deal with it. Otherwise, all the teams present, one by one, will not even think about competing for the championship. There is no need to think about the runner-up. They only have the chance to take third place. , because it’s impossible to beat!”

"Let me start first. During this period, I collected all the game videos of Emperor Star during the qualifiers. Through analysis, I finally found that professional teams have five major advantages against individual teams like ours!"

"First, the field of view advantage. Professional teams have a very comprehensive understanding of the map. They have a thorough study of where to insert the wards, how wide the range is, and where the blind spots are. This allows their junglers to be able to sneak up on gank and capture routes. , difficult to detect.”

"Second, there is the advantage of coordination. The daily training hours of professional teams are much longer than ours. In such super training, the team's degree of integration is very high. They cooperate with each other tacitly and can fight wherever they are directed!"

"Third, the advantage of understanding the version. I heard that professional teams are equipped with data scientists, analysts and many other positions to help players understand the version. This also allows professional teams to understand the hero's skill values, attributes, wild monster refresh time, and eye position time. , equipment CD and other aspects, and also have a deeper understanding of which heroes in the current version are stronger and which heroes can provide unexpected coordination."

"Fourth, the decision-making advantage. Professional teams have a lot of training. They must have their own theory of what to do when and under what circumstances. There will be no ambiguity about what kind of decisions should be implemented. Everyone can follow the rules and prohibitions and do whatever they say. What are you doing? If you miss something, you will withdraw. If you blow a loss, you will run away. You are very sensitive and will not get fooled easily. There will be no delay and there will be very few flaws!"

"Fifth, operational advantages. After such arduous training and mature team analysis and discussion, players in professional teams cannot only practice one hero, nor can they only have one lineup, one play style, and their play tactics. It’s extremely changeable, and there are many routines and techniques that are difficult to deal with if you don’t pay attention, and mistakes will immediately cause a disadvantage.”

"If you want to defeat them, you must try to close the gap in these five aspects, and then you can find a way to deal with it!"

Joker sums it up.

Qijiang, who has been staying in Jingzhou to work, answered: "You are right. One of the games in this sports is to fight against the Emperor Star. At first, there was going back and forth, but in the end, for some reason, the opponent was playing against each other. After several waves of operations, we suddenly had an advantage, and then we were knocked unconscious. We didn’t know how to deal with it and could only wait to die! It’s really scary to think about it!”

820, who was sitting at the end of the bed, said: "In terms of the hard power of the players in each lane, I think the gap is not big. The most terrifying thing about professional teams is their operational decisions. They can't cope with it at all. After several waves of team battle resource exchanges, , the economic gap will soon be widened!"

The PIS on the bedside also said: "It is indeed very strong. The mid-lane player from Emperor Star is very powerful and difficult to suppress, and the jungler is always next to him, inseparable. He will come whenever he takes action, and he will come whenever he takes action!"

Another Gogoing said: "And they have studied us very thoroughly, and they can often ban the best heroes! But we don't understand them, and we can't ban all three positions!"

Smile frowned and said: "They are also very stable in the line. They don't see the chance and they don't attack at all. If they can't beat it, they huddle under the tower and wait for the support of their teammates. They don't attack at all!"

ZSMJ, PDD, UZI, Zhou, Strawberry, Burning, and 55-50 cover the five lanes. Everyone in the room was talking to each other, and they all jumped out to tell how difficult it was to beat Emperor Star.

At the end of the analysis, the entire room seemed to have entered a low-pressure space, and all eighteen people fell silent.

Because at the end of the day, the final conclusion is that professional teams are strong everywhere and cannot be beaten at all. Unless they also become professional teams and use the most professional methods and a lot of training to deal with it, otherwise they will just wait to die.

The air became heavy.

a long time.

Joker spread his hands and frowned: "How can we fight this? Everyone knows the difficulty. What is before us now is that if we want to win the championship, Emperor Star and LGD must find a way to win, otherwise we will wait for death. Shouldn't we There is no other way but to complain?"

The youngest and most grumpy UZI couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and said angrily: "Then what do you think you can do? In the battle with Emperor Star, I was pinned under the tower in the bottom lane on the opposite side, and I hit dozens of last hits. As a result, We lost in the end!”

"Who says it's not?"

"We are the same!"

"Emperor Star's mid lane is the strongest, but the other lanes are not too powerful. The main thing is good coordination."

Discussion started again in the room.

Joker looked ugly, stood up suddenly and said, "Okay, stop talking! Everyone is gathered here today, that is, they are willing to cooperate. I know that you must have studied countermeasures, but now you are guarding against each other and unwilling to share!"

"Well, let me take the lead, give some ideas, and tell you my own thoughts first!"

"If you think it's useful, tell me your method. If you think it's useless, you should hide it, then go back to your own homes, find your own mother, and wait for death!"

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