Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 153 Youth Training System

"There is nothing to pay attention to. Anyway, everything depends on the arrangement of the host and as arranged in advance." Mo Yu said: "To be honest, e-sports is different from other competitions. When it comes to the final awards ceremony, apart from the players, everyone really Not many people pay attention to it, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad.”

Deng Junhua loosened the collar of his suit: "Then I'll be relieved!"

A few people chatted in the box. After a few minutes, the equipment was debugged, the players were in place, and the game finally started.

The finals begin.

Players from the two teams LGD and Royal Family came on stage one by one.

In the audience.

Zhang Yiming's face was glowing red, and he was actually wearing a black T-shirt with the four characters "Royal Family Team" printed on it, making him look like a fanatical fan.

Although Zhao Xing beside him didn't wear similar team uniforms, he looked pretty good at all.

Holding a bottle of Lao Gan Daddy Spicy Black Bean Sauce in one hand, and a fluorescent plastic board with a circle of small lights in the other hand, with the words "Go LGD" written in big words on the board!

As soon as the two sat down, they immediately glared at each other.

The two people who had been getting along with each other a few days ago were now regarded as enemies.

"Haha, young man, you can't win the championship. Uzi is the strongest!" Zhang Yiming sneered again and again: "It's better to give up the dark side and join the light as soon as possible!"

Zhao Xing laughed loudly: "Old man, how dare you talk nonsense? I, LGD, uphold God's will and respond to the people's hearts. Our hard power is unrivaled in the world. We will definitely kill the royal family and win the championship with the trophy!"

"Little LGD, the pearl of rice also shines with brilliance?"

"A mere royal family, if I were to be banned from VN, how would you respond?"

The noise between the two conspicuous bags got louder and louder, and there happened to be fans of their respective teams nearby. For a moment, they actually gathered into a group and started shouting at each other.

One said that LGD is not worth mentioning and its strength is average. I have Admiral Jane to be proud of!

Another person said that for the rubbish royal family, they were lucky enough to be in the runner-up position, and it was a fantasy to want to win the championship!

The two sides started arguing with each other on the stage, forming a beautiful scenery.

at the same time.

The finals have officially begun.

First handful.

Adhering to the principle that if you don't know it, you can't take it. LGD was completely unyielding and banned VN at the first hand. Even in the face of boos from the audience, they remained calm.

In the game, he also targeted Uzi repeatedly, not giving him a chance to develop, and finally won the victory.

The second one.

LGD continued to copy, even more ruthlessly. In addition to removing VN, they also removed all the policewoman and EZ who played Uzi more brilliantly. They banned AD three times. With their backhand, they chose the popular version of Good Luck Sister first, giving them face.

The royal family was so angry that they cursed loudly, and Uzi's face turned black. Finally, he used his big mouth and resisted the GANK that came four times in ten minutes, but he still didn't collapse.

Unfortunately, the Royal Family still lost the game in the end.

The third one.

LGD may have wanted to see the strength of the royal family, or they may have relaxed their mentality and did not ban VN for the first time.

As a result, Uzi immediately picked up and scored three triple kills, giving LGD their first defeat in the finals.

The fourth one.

Having learned the lesson from the previous game, LGD never wavered again and continued to ban AD three times without giving any chance, and finally won the championship.

"After four fierce battles, let us congratulate LGD for winning this Jingzhou Cup championship!"

The commentator yelled.

At the end of the second, the five LGD people hugged each other, and then swarmed into the front of the stage, holding cups in ten hands, bathing in the golden rain, with smiles on their faces!

09 roared loudly: "We are the champions!"

In the barrage, the barrage of congratulations on winning the championship filled the entire screen. Someone on the Tieba forum immediately posted a famous painting of five people holding the cup.

After a short rest.

Emperor Star, Royal Family, and LGD, three teams took the stage together.

Deng Junhua first took the stage to present the medal to Emperor Star, along with a huge check for 200,000.

Then Zhang Hongwen and Yan Kaixian came on stage to award awards.

With the huge check of 800,000 yuan in their hands, everyone at LGD was smiling!

The next day.

News of LGD winning the championship began to spread on the Internet.

Jingzhou local people even vigorously promoted it.

The "Jingzhou News" column released a two-minute live video of the Jingzhou Cup in the program broadcast that night, accompanied by the host's detailed explanation. The word e-sports is well known in Jingzhou.

The front page headline of "Jingzhou Daily" even posted a photo of the five-man LGD winning the cup, with the title "Jingzhou Cup ended successfully, a rural boy born in the 1990s won the championship"!

The entire article describes the details of the competition, and then spends a paragraph introducing e-sports, the LGD club, and the living environment of the five LGD players. Finally, a lot of words are spent on the huge reward of 800,000 and the title of Jingzhou Gaming Youth. The contrast was huge and set off each other, causing a sensation for a while.

Many people talk about e-sports competitions in their daily chats, especially the high rewards that make people jealous.

The addresses of two clubs, Emperor Star and LGD, which exist in Jingzhou, were found out by some people. Some people came to visit and put forward investment suggestions. Some people came to discuss business and were willing to spend money in the hope that the club could help advertise.

There are also some parents who were tempted by the high bonuses. They originally thought that their children playing games every day was extremely annoying, but now they feel that their children have the potential to play professionally. They actually brought people to visit them in person. They hope that the two families will not be ignorant of good and evil and make boastful remarks about their children. The child is an e-sports genius and hopes to join the club.

This made Zhang Zhaoyang and Deng Junhua very anxious and busy dealing with all kinds of weird things every day.

In the company.

Zhang Zhaoyang and Deng Junhua came to visit, firstly to avoid the parents who came to the door, and secondly, in the hope that Mo Yu could give some advice. After all, when it came to the e-sports club, they both agreed that Mo Yu should know better.

After closing the door, Mo Yu served tea to the two of them and answered their questions in detail.

"There are so many prizes, it is inevitable that people will be excited. There are many parents who cannot understand the reality. Moreover, as a profession of e-sports players, we all know that talent is very important. Without talent, it is impossible to become a player, and it is impossible to become a player. The age requirements for players are very high. Teenagers are the best age to go to school, but this age happens to be a critical period for children to go to school, so professional e-sports players are destined to be a profession that only a few people can pursue!"

"The reason why people come to your door to sell their children now is simply because some parents who cannot understand the reality are blindly confident after seeing the high bonuses in the news. Parents who can really understand the reality will never come to their door. .”

Mo Yu analyzed in detail.

Zhang Zhaoyang immediately agreed.

"That's right! In the past few days, some parents have actually come to our door and directly boasted that their children are e-sports prodigies, how great they are at playing games, and how high their ranks are. But in fact, they have completely failed the actual trial training."

"What can I say? I can only say no, and then they say I don't understand at all. Before leaving, they scolded the children and me. I was so angry that I had a headache!"

Deng Junhua also said helplessly: "Same!"

"LGD also has this kind of parents, and even relatives from my hometown come to ask, hoping that I can train their children to become professional players!"

"If I have this ability, why don't I just take off?"

"E-sports is something people are born with. Some people are born with fast reactions and quick hands, and they have potential. Training can only train players' operational skills, coordination ability, and tactical ability."

"Mr. Mo, you initiated e-sports. You should know more about the club than us. Is there any way?"

The two complained.

Mo Yu smiled and said: "There are actually ways, but it can only solve some people who are rational and listen to advice. I can't help those who are irrational and want to cheat money and are blindly confident."

"It's enough to solve a batch." Zhang Zhaoyang asked quickly: "What can we do?"

Mo Yu took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Youth training!"

"Youth training?"

The two looked at each other, and Deng Junhua hesitated and said: "I understand youth training, but can e-sports also engage in youth training?"

"Why not?" Mo Yu shrugged and relaxed his posture: "They are both clubs. What is the difference between an e-sports club and a football club?"

Deng Junhua asked: "But football's youth training camps are open to the world, have specialized scouts, and can search for talents from everywhere for training. Most e-sports players are found from games. How can they be compared?"

Mo Yu said: "Of course they can be compared."

"Judging from the current situation, there is no shortage of players in e-sports clubs for the time being, but in the long run, professional players must be scarce, because the prime time for players is only a few years, and they must be replaced. Although those parents come to visit them because they value them. bonus, but in fact you also need a certain talent reserve yourself, and the establishment of the youth training system is actually to cultivate your own player reserve base."

Deng Junhua pondered for a while, clapped his hands and said, "That's true, but how should the youth training system be established?"

"It's easy, just copy it!"

Mo Yu snapped his fingers: "E-sports competitions are also competitions, e-sports clubs are also clubs, and e-sports youth training is of course also youth training. However, e-sports youth training does not mean that the world must search for talents. That is not realistic. You You can’t find them either, what you are looking for are those talents who are good at playing games!”

"How do football clubs recruit people? They search for suitable players from all over the world. The same goes for e-sports clubs. They search for players from games!"

"For example, Mr. Deng, if you want to recruit a few players now, you can set a rule in advance. You will not recruit players with a certain age or a certain score. Then according to this rule, you will go to various regions to look for talents. Once you find them, , you can arrange for active players to undergo trial training. If they pass the trial training, they will play. If they fail to pass the trial training, they will be dismissed. Isn't it very simple?"

"At the same time, you can also set up a youth training camp affiliated with LGD, search for players who meet your requirements in the entire game, and ask professional training talents to train them and cultivate their ability to read and understand the game. This is not equivalent to that in football. Youth training?”

"As long as you have a youth training system that belongs to the club, you can cultivate your own talents and continuously create new blood for the club, and others will not be able to affect you."

"Because everything depends on the results. There are regulations there. If you pass, I will take it. If you don't pass, I won't. Those parents can't be so shameless and insist on joining, right?"

Mo Yu's explanation was easy to understand, and the two of them were not stupid, and they suddenly understood.

Zhang Zhaoyang thought for a while and asked: "One of the most important abilities for e-sports players is definitely reaction speed. Reaction is something that is innate and is very difficult to improve. If I want to engage in youth training, how should I identify it? "

"It's easy!"

Mo Yu turned on the computer, searched for some information, and then called the two of them over.

"Look, equipment for testing reaction speed has long been used in various sports events!"

Thanks for the reward, which made me feel ashamed and dreamy when facing the nightingale.

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